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Everything posted by Maggie

  1. If you go with this plan of lugging 90 pounds of water in jugs, please be very careful with your back!! One slip up and you could be seriously injured. Even a minor injury requiring PT could end up costing more than the RO system being discussed.
  2. I had worms (I believe detritus) brought in on plants. I read that they're harmless, and have not seen any since introducing rasboras to the tank! 😀
  3. I dosed my tank daily to 2ppm until nitrites also fell to zero, then daily again (and water changes) until the day before fish went in. It can take a while. I have never had a single positive reading of ammonia or nitrite since then.
  4. Filled the 20L to make sure there are no issues with anything. I should have plants from Ccop on Thursday- sure hope so as I want to move my danios asap! Did a serious trim on the water sprite, and I separated a bucket of about 15 good sized "spritelets", about half of what I had in two tanks. I'm going to see if my LFS wants to give me some store credit for them when I go to pick up my next group of rasboras. I also separated some smaller "spritelets" so they can grow bigger for my next trip there.
  5. My round hatchery instructions are 25 grams fine or medium grain salt per liter of water. But Cory had a video indicating there is latitude on the salt concentration.
  6. @Fish Folk, that's an excellent video journal!
  7. Please post pics of your discus when they're in the new home. They're so beautiful and if I had the knowledge, ability, and tank size, they would be my fish of choice!
  8. This is begging for a meme.
  9. Aloha! I'm not sure if it will work, but there is an adjustment on the ziss airstone (I am assuming you have one) that you can turn to make the bubbles smaller or bigger. Maybe it was set differently than before, and that's why the bubbles are accumulating?
  10. Hi Marc, I have dwarf emerald rasboras (danio erythromicron) also! They are skittish - I'm moving mine into a 20-long and trying to figure out tankmates that'll help bring them out. Some are finally coming out and letting me snap a pic real quick.
  11. Mine ate spirulina powder in quarantine. Good luck!
  12. I think they love the chase. Also, it allows you to observe shy or fast fish while they eat because they tend to ignore everything else, and they don't stop looking for them for quite a while!
  13. My ex husband was a very talented woodworker. He had every tool and saw you could imagine, amassed over the 15 yrs we were together and for 10 years after that. I used to help him occasionally. Good luck!
  14. Today I did more setup in the 20L - cut and attached the lid, unboxed and hooked up light, got sponge filter w/airstone all ready. Got email that my coop order of plants is processed for shipping and awaiting USPS pickup. Watched a video on attaching plants to wood. Watched fish for a long time and my back hurts - need to order a comfortable ottoman or something as the step-stool isn't cutting it anymore (someone here mentioned having an ottoman and how convenient it is). Ordered a second brine shrimp hatchery dish (the round kind). I don't have enough electrical plugs to make a setup with the Ziss brand work in a practical location, but need more BBS than one round hatchery can produce. They aren't super practical (no doubt more unhatched eggs and longer hatch time), but still worth it to watch the fish absolutely relish their dinner and get all colored up and flair their dorsal fins (especially the rasboras) with excitement! How I am loving this hobby, and my fish. 💚
  15. This is fascinating though I don't understand it all! I wonder how much the difference is in a 24" deep tank? I felt mine could have a "dead spot" on one side (HOB on other side) due to the depth. I feel better having a sponge filter there now, especially for the bacteria.
  16. My LFS also double-bags, and they only do walk-in sales. I was very happy to see that!
  17. I have these two pieces of spider wood, and ordered (from Coop) 1 each java fern, dwarf saggitaria, anubias gold coin, red dwarf lily bulb, and crypto wendtii. I assume they'll ship tomorrow and should (hope to) have by Wednesday or Thursday! I'll be moving over some water sprite to float, and java moss for the corner from the other tank as well. I also have two easy planters, and got some crushed coral yesterday for pH stability. What are the best plants to attach to the wood using super glue gel? Do I hold in place for like 30 seconds? How long do I wait before putting it back in the tank, and is it immediately fish safe at that point? Which of the above will I have the best luck with in the easy planters, and should I use crushed coral around the plants or will they be able to grab my relatively large-sized gravel? Thanks!
  18. They are positively adorable!! I've never seen such a clear closeup of a newly hatched fish. Congratulations!
  19. You have to make a you tube channel first. I wish they'd change that to direct video upload if shorter than say 30 seconds.
  20. Hi Mr. Ed, I watch "Northwest Law" on Animal Planet, a show highlighting the daily work done by Washington state game wardens (there's also a show done in Texas and one in New Hampshire/Maine). I bet they would have just given you a warning - they seem to be very fair and are mainly out to stop/catch poachers and illegal fishing, catch drunk boaters, rescue injured hikers, and chase off errant bears. You'd have been okay, just had a "visit" with the lawman, and maybe would've had a "cameo" on tv!!
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