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Everything posted by Maggie

  1. I think she is and has been mating all morning. I left my phone in this corner where they stuck away several times and intertwined (didn't see actual mating as I dared not move). Here they are cuddling in a gif but you can't see much. She's noticeably slimmer now and all the males are totally riled up today. Look at his bright red coloring - hot 🔥
  2. Caught my Otocats in "flight show formation" this morning!
  3. I am a fish newby but this looks like a gravid female being chased by the dominant male. Any opinions? Wow I'd be thrilled to have baby danios and these guys aren't even full adults yet!
  4. I hope not since I'm cleaning the bottom with an old turkey baster 3x/day and doing 20% wc 2x/day (uncycled tank) - it's exhausting! The 6 Otocats in there (tank-bred per my Cory-approved LFS) eat a lot and put out a lot of waste.
  5. @DanielI tested ammonia in the Q tank at 8pm last night, checked it 4 minutes later and it was yellow; then got a call and completely forgot about it. At 6am it still read yellow!
  6. Personally I wouldn't risk it. You might be able to kill all biologics in there but you never know what toxic minerals might remain.
  7. Hi Will, your tap water sounds alot like mine! One problem you might have with your soft water is the pH consistently drops as it ages. I use tap water, conditioned to remove chlorine, etc., and add wonder shells to the tank to help keep the pH from falling too much. Mine is a 45 gal and right now the pH is holding at about 6.6 (it had previously dropped to 6.4 without shells), with 2x week 10% water change, which I do partly to help keep the pH steady, but mostly because I keep my water stored in gallon buckets due to a back problem and it's easier to do it more often with less lifting. If you do add wonder shells, you might see them fizz for a few minutes when dropped in, because your water is immediately taking up the minerals. Good luck!
  8. Hi @lefty oand @James Black, you both mentioned a school of CPDs and I'm curious about them as I have a "teenaged" school of their close cousins, danio erythromicron (aka/fka dwarf emerald rasbora), and mine stay in hiding most of the time. I have them in a heavily-planted 10 gal right now with a few yellow neocardinia shrimp, while procuring and setting up a 20L and supplies. Once they're moved, I want to get some honey gouramis and cory cats, and am wondering if they'll help my danios come out of their shells, so to speak. Right now I have to sit perfectly still in front of the tank for several minutes to see even one, and they slowly come out but any slight movement on my part sends them running back to hiding. A few of them are getting their gorgeous bluish stripes but I can hardly see the progress! Counting them and checking their basic health is impossible except for a fleeting glimpse. Are CPDs similarly shy and do you havd any suggestions to bring them into view? Thanks!!
  9. Almost every time i see a species of corycat that I havent seen before, it's my new favorite 😁. I think whatever the LFS has when I'm ready for them will be what I bring home because they're all so adorable!!
  10. I spotted these at the LFS a few days ago. I'd never heard of them and now they're my new favorite corycat.
  11. Another funny thing is that Cory questioned whether he used the term "algal" correctly. Yes, that was correct!
  12. Update: last night there was no sign of the injured fish and I went to bed assuming it perished (and hoping it didn't suffer for long). This am I had the would-be daunting task of locating the body. Had to move the driftwood and another decoration to find it but expected it to take longer and was glad it didn't!! Thankfully I didn't have to remove a bunch of water as I just did a WC on Thursday and didn't want to upset them again as they're still all weirded out. I think 8 was their minimum comfort point and 7 isn't enough of them.
  13. The seventh fish came out of hiding but now the injured fish is missing.
  14. One of my rasboras got stuck behind the heater and is now in the corner at the bottom of rhe tank. He's breathing and moving his fins, no obvious injury but I'm very worried. I'm hoping he's just shocked a bit and will recover. And now a second rasbora has been missing for almost a half hour and the six I can see are pretty freaked out and searching around the tank. I don't want to keep trying to find the missing one or getting to close to the tank to look at the injured one because every time I do they panic. Darn. My 20L came today and I was all excited about that and now seriously bummed out and worried about my fish.
  15. If it was my tank I'd bring it home just to be on the safe side. IMHO the reduced stress on you worrying about them will make it worth your time.
  16. Ordered the 20L today!! Yesterday I ordered a solid pine board 1x18x36 so the tank can sit on the heavy-duty storage shelving unit in my spare bedroom. Tomorrow I'll try to find the top and light - these seem to be in short supply, but the pine board won't come for a couple weeks and then I have to polyurethane it so hopefully I can find those things in the meantime. Have to make a list of other stuff needed! Once it's ready to fill, I'll order some plants and other items from the Coop. Fun project for early winter! My danio erythromicron will go in the 20L along to be joined by honey gourami and something for the bottom.
  17. This is the biggest limiting factor in the hobby for me - electrical outlets and number of circuit breakers in my small, old house.
  18. That originated from boomers' parents telling us to be happy we could take the bus to school, as they "had to walk 3 miles to school every day in the snow with no boots" which then morphed to include "...uphill both ways!"
  19. Happy to see some young aquarists respond! It's such a great hobby but it seems there will always be some limiting factor - budget, space, time, accessibility, roomates, parents, significant other... If you don't own your home, nearly all apartments have weight limits/restrictions on aquariums, and some don't allow them at all, or require insurance on them. I wish all young aquarists the best of success - take your time and let it be a lifelong journey.
  20. Sprite decided to grow out of the tank in a few spots.
  21. I do mine some time between 7am and noon. Plus I do a 2x daily small change on the uncycled quarantine tank. Later on in the day my back starts hurting too much.
  22. The repashy didn't come yesterday, so I went to my LFS and bought some. Someone found the rock I put it on, but most of the gel fell off and is in a big pile. What a mess! I didn't coat it properly (waited too long).
  23. Hi @Daniel, where do you get the catcher that you have pictured? I might need something like that in the future for my rasboras as it was very hard to move them out of the quarantine tank and I shudder to think how long it would take to catch them in the main tank!
  24. Hi Jessie, green hydra and some little wormy things (that turn out to be harmless but I don't know the name) came in with my snails, too. At the time there were no fish but when I put my rasboras in there, they (having quite the appetite despite being well-fed) went glass-skimmimg a few times and voila - they chowed down on the hydra from what I can see! I'm 99.9% positive they also found any worms. Everyone on here calmed me down when I freaked out about the hydra. I came pretty close to dosing with panacur (even ordered it online), but didn't want to upset the fishless cycle that I spent 2 months working on. I'm so glad I held back and didn't dose the tank.
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