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Everything posted by Maggie

  1. Just my opinion that its not the Fluval product since that would be made for aquarium use.
  2. I am using one in my 45-gal which is 24" deep. Works great and is quiet!
  3. I got my supplies straightened out - they were scattered around and in terrible disarray! (Note the GIANT container of flake food - I got the wrong size and not sure how many fish one has to have to make this a viable option, but maybe I can donate it to my LFS). My favorite set of supplies is the brine shrimp setup. It's so easy to make a batch every day and the fish go NUTS over them!
  4. Ken, I spent about 2 hours on this project and I see mine is very similar to yours!! I really tried to find peaceful schooling tetras that would work with angels, but the larger ones it seems cam tend to be fin nippers and the smaller ones dinner!
  5. Aqueon 55 gallon, hinged glass lid, opti-bright LED light, adjustable heater; Marineland biowheel filter, Coop sponge filter & pre-filter sponge; black aquarium gravel, cave, driftwood, rocks, java moss, vals, crypts, water sprite, banana plant, java ferns, cleaning supplies, miscellaneous (food, medications, nets, thermometer, buckets, etc,). Fish: 12 harlequin rasbora, 8 peppered cory cats, pair of marbled blue angelfish. Total cost: approximately $1200-1500.
  6. Here are better pics (I hope, sorry it is warped and blurry through the acrylic mini-bow). From the other direction there was a slight abdominal swelling. I've noticed today it's pretty much gone so maybe he(?) was constipated? Everyone is swimming and eating normally.
  7. Does anyone have an idea what this could be? I just got them yesterday and they're in quarantine. Ph around 6.8 (they came from LFS with similar water), temp 78. Everything else is zero as water is new (but aged a couple days and dechlorinated w/stress coat). He/she has eaten (i only fed them a tiny amount). Thank you!
  8. My eight new harlequins are settling into the quarantine tank. Does anyone have any idea what the brown splotch is on the one in the first pic? I'm hatching a new batch of brine shrimp eggs for them and the danios. I'm in love with my rasboras! From the first picture I saw when looking at what kind of fish i wanted, they were my #1 favorite. Seeing them just for a few hours has been pure joy. I adore their beautiful yellow-orange fins and their silvery bodies that glimmer in the light. It will be fun trying to figure out who is male and female. And I can't wait to put them in the bigger tank and go get 8 more friends for them! Having no experience with either danio erythromicron or harlequin rasboras or any other fish except long ago, I can see why they reclassified the danios. I'm not sure how gregarious other rasboras or danios are, but the difference in my two gangs is quite noticeable! The danios are very shy, tend to dart about a lot as well as hang in a group or go off alone, but they do not really swim synchronously so far (I imagine never, unless they were fleeing a predator, since they're shoaling rather than schooling - but here there won't be anything to run from!). Of course they're still pretty young juveniles (no blue-green yet, just staring to get the pinkish hues!), so time will tell. The rasboras, which appear to be not far from being adults, go off alone or in pairs/groups, but often come together and all swim together. They're not at all shy so far and are very graceful swimmers!
  9. I moved my juvenile danio erythromicron into their permanent home today. What a process! Poor things. They're now a bit on edge but they seem to be okay so far in their new home. There are 11 but they spend a lot of time separately so it's impossible to get more than a couple in a pic. Cleaned out the quarantine tank and it is looking mighty empty. Part 2: went to LFS "just to look" and came home with 8 harlequin rasboras.
  10. I moved my juvenile danio erythromicron into their permanent home today. What a process! Poor things. They're now a bit on edge but they seem to be okay so far in their new home. There are 11 but they spend a lot of time separately so it's impossible to get more than a couple in a pic. Cleaned out the quarantine tank and it is looking mighty empty.
  11. Water sprite is my favorite because it loves my water and grows very fast!
  12. This makes me think of the commercial where you tell Alexa to fill your cup, which just so happens to be conveniently placed under the faucet, with 8 oz cold water. If only she could do water changes.
  13. In a little while I'll be feeding these to my fishies!
  14. Since Monday afternoon. I've been putting spirulina powder in.
  15. I had a pregnant yellow shrimp but she's not pregnant any more and I can't find any babies. ☹
  16. I would suggest small, colorful schooling/shoaling fish, and cory cats for the bottom. No matter what you choose, I bet he will be very happy!
  17. Hi Ryan, I have shrimp in my 10 gallon and there's plenty of room! I'm adding my eleven juvenile dwarf emerald rasboras (danio erythromicron) next week after they're done with quarantine. If things get crowded ill just have to make room for another 10 gallon, or 20-L maybe...
  18. Will pearl gouramis eat them too? Also, I've read that pond snails will eat them if they come across while grazing. Their biology is fascinating but I am not particularly thrilled with them being in my tank, and hoping my future pearl will snack on them!
  19. I cycled my 45 with ammonia and wish I had found this forum before then. I am now cycling a 10 gal with shrimp and it will also contain my fish soon (currently in quarantine) without being pre-cycled. Ammonia cycling took six solid weeks of painstaking daily tests (used almost a whole kit in 2 months) to keep everything at a certain level. Add differing opinions, water hardness/salinity/quality out of the tap, being anxious for fish-and with a five year old(!!!), and not having done it before, seems almost impossible!
  20. I have an aqueon preset that keeps it at 78 and also 2 aqueon pros to set lower (in my case) or higher. Working ok so far!
  21. And here's how you'll know babies are on the way!
  22. I had snails come in on plants in the middle of fishless cycling when the ammonia and NO2 were both around 4ppm and weeks later I now have dozens of them.
  23. If I ever get another tank, it will be a 20 long. I have a perfect spot for it in my small dining room, but it would first require some major rearrangement of furniture and organization of a bunch of stuff/junk. Telling self "be happy with the 10 for now and breed some shrimp."
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