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Everything posted by Maggie

  1. Organized a bunch of household stuff and packed up a bunch of work clothes no longer needed since I'm now retired, as part of preparation for my 20L (wrings hands together). I don't have much storage space, and haven't organized anything since 2017, so its been an uphill battle to make room for my new hobby in the right locations (dictated by a limited number of electrical outlets).
  2. I think a 29 is the same width as a 20L, but deeper.
  3. Hi @kcsquare, my guess on "model" vs "actual" gallons is "model" is just water in the empty tank from the bottom to the very tippy-top; and "actual" includes substrate, decor, an inch or two of space at the top (especially if a lid is used), plants, etc.
  4. I would feed mine live brine shrimp every day, but there's a lag time between batches so it turns out to be only about 5 out of 7 days, until I get another hatchery (but first really should use up some of the other food I bought). I base this on what highly successful aquarists on this forum have said. I also feed them flake/pellets at other meals for variety.
  5. I am partial to harlequin rasboras. They are fascinating to watch and never stop moving except for sleeping, where they hover in a tight group, as individuals occasionally take turns scouting for danger. They zip back and forth across the tank either as one school (I only have 8 so far), solo or in any combo of groups. Then they split up and casually swim solo all around the upper 2/3 of the tank (45-gal aqueon). They have fun repeatedly swimming under/around the HOB waterfall and the heater. They eat with extreme gusto and took exactly one day to learn which side is the feeding side. Males chase each other and females. Their silver and orange colors change in intensity as light hits their bodies from different angles as they swim. When they raise their dorsal fins, the orange color pops up (really deeply colored in the males), then disappears when lowered for fast swimming. I can't wait for my next purchase of 8 more!!
  6. I've ordered several items from the Coop and am very happy with it all. The plants are phenomenal compared to others I've ordered. I am also extremely happy to support a small business!! To me, the sharing of knowledge in a friendly way by Cory and his staff on their YouTube channels, and by the people on this forum (plus the comradierie here), are worth far more than the slightly higher prices of certain items. I am all for a small business owner creating wealth from almost nothing and paying employees appropriately.
  7. Day four and all six are doing well! I named them Josie and the Otocats. They tried the green beans but apparently didn't really love them. Not sure about the kale. However they are seriously chowing down on the spirulina powder. Thankfully it sort of sticks to the acrylic sides and bottom of the tank, and to the sprite (which of course is growing like mad in there).
  8. My 8 harlequin rasboras have only been in their main tank for less than 2 weeks and are also very frisky! Nobody else is in there right now, and they hardly ever venture even close to the bottom, so I think fry might have a chance. The teenaged danio erythromicron in the other tank are also starting to go at it, though they do hunt around on the bottom. It's kind of scary as I am new and don't have a long term relationship with the LFS, nor do I personally know anyone in the hobby. But I sure would like to have some baby rasboras!
  9. I use a tiny little hatchery that is basically a shallow plastic dish, a plastic insert piece that guides the shrimp to the center, a little screened tab to hold the shrimp once they swim in, and a top. It does not use air or electricity, and you can set it up anywhere. But this setup is only enough to feed two small groups of fish (11 dwarf danios and 8 rasboras) one "good" meal and one "snack sized" meal. It would not work well if you have a lot of fish. I wish the Coop would sell these small hatcheries because I will need a second one and do not have space (or fish!) for the one like what Daniel has.
  10. Cory mentioned in a video how discus are difficult fish to profit from, as they aren't high-selling fish due to their size and tank requirements.
  11. I am in the planning stage for a 20 long right now too! I am looking at where to put it (limited due to space and location/number of electrical outlets) and what to put it on. Aquarium stands are nice but I like extra shelving so am looking at heavy duty freestanding garage shelving and 1" pine tabletop material. I want to move my danio erythromicron and shrimp into that, and add some honey gouramis. When does that $1/gallon sale end? 😉
  12. I have three and they have yet to stop working, but after reading these comments I am glad I have two extra regular plug-in air pumps!
  13. Filmed this one having fun repeatedly swimming back and forth across the tank and under the heater.
  14. One has found the zucchini and has been using the kale as cover!
  15. My dog, Zodiac. I adopted him from a rescue group at 8 months old back in 2010. He had two cat siblings, Ginnie and Hiei, until 2018 and 2019 when they passed away. I adopted them back in 2003 and 2004.
  16. For some reason my grocery store has been out of zucchini since October or what is there is old. They always stock on Saturday night so keeping fingers crossed there is some today!
  17. Good news this morning! All six are now hanging together and it looks like they've eaten! I replaced their green beans and wafers with new in this am's water change, and added more spirulina. Hurry up rapashy! My order was sent out yesterday by the lightning-speed Aquarium Coop. Today I'm going to see if my grocery store has kale or zucchini (they were out yesterday). Here they are this morning.
  18. @Hobbitthey're gorgeous! Gouramis (honey and especially pearl) are my second-favorite fish after harlequin rasboras.
  19. I also have soft water. I add a wonder shell about every 2 weeks. When I set up the quarantine tank and put one in, you can immediately see it start to fizzle. They hold my pH from falling below about 6.6. My ramshorn snails all died but the rasboras love it. In my other tank I have shrimp which I provide with mineral junkie bites.
  20. @JaredL @ChefConfit a bit of positive news...I finally saw one on the green bean so put a few more in there. Also cleaned the bottom (using an old turkey baster) and found they must have been eating the spirulina or a little bit of the wafer. A couple of them have perked up a bit. Boy they poop a lot. I am doing a 15-20% water change daily (1/2+ gal am and 1/2+ gal pm) since it's only a 5-gallon minibow and not cycled.
  21. Thanks @JaredL. I specifically asked my My LFS if they were tank bred and they said yes (it's a Cory-approved LFS - House of Tropicals in Baltimore MD - and I hope they were honest). I will go get some zucchini!
  22. I got six otos yesterday and they're in quarantine where there's no algae. The LFS guy said to put in wafers and to try canned green beans, but they haven't eaten or hardly moved, and it's been almost 24 hours. I sprinkled in a bit of powdered spirulina that came with the brine shrimp hatcher, and that has made sort of a green mess. Any advice? Should I run out and get something? Put them in the main tank where there's plenty of algae and plants and risk it?
  23. Today I am enjoying watching my rasboras enjoy themselves. First they zoom back and forth and make a point of going under the "HOB Filter Waterfall Challenge". They appear to relish swimming through the moving water, as they do it repeatedly whenever they get the zoomies! Then they meander around in groups, duos or solo for a while, searching for bits of food. I havent seen them explore the lower third of the tank much - they really love the big middle section of open swimming area. One took a nap alone in a bottom corner and that had me worried for a while!
  24. I went to my LFS to get the next group of harlequin rasboras, but they didn't have any. So, I was looking at choices for algae eaters, and the guy showed me these cute tank bred otocinclus catfish so I got six! They are now in the mini-bow in quarantine.
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