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Everything posted by Maggie

  1. My new otos ate spirulina powder but would not eat wafers not any veggie. The repashy gel made a huge mess no matter how I prepared it and they wouldn't eat it while it was in "block" status, only after it fell apart (and not much of it then either). The spirulina turns the whole tank green but eventually settles on the glass and plants. Maybe you could try spirulina flakes instead of powder.
  2. I bought the Tetra brand too, when I got shrimp, with no luck on my new otocats - they refused to eat any even though there was no algae in the q tank (I had to use spirulina powder as emergency until repashy arrived, and they did eat both of those). The shrimp eat the Tetra wafers so I can at least use a few of them until the expiration date (I set open food at six months).
  3. Thanks @Daniel! My ammonia and NO2 have been at zero since the initial .25 ammonia "spike" (NO2 barely moved to a purple tinge, not even .25) and WC. It's heavily planted like my other tank, keeping nitrates low as well, and I have not used any plant fertilizer. I want to move as much of this water as possible (and the filter material) over to the 20L when that's set up since it is for the danios and their (haven't fully decided yet) dither fish.
  4. Picked up the wood I ordered for my 20L to sit on - it's a sweet piece of 1" pine butcher block. I spent a little more bc 1) I don't have any woodworking tools and 2) it was easier than buying a whole sheet of plywood, having it cut, and then dealing with the splinters, unevenness, etc. I was going to stain it today but it's pouring out. Did 15% WC in both the 45-gal and 10-gal (because I skipped Thursday's WC). Did a mock setup on the 20L with the spider wood, decorations, and easy planters - looks like 4 of them will be too many, but we'll see. Is it possible to have a tank cycle itself with max .25ppm ammonia and nitrites? I started my 10 gal with plants and shrimp and, and on Nov. 5 put 11 juvenile danio erythromicron in there. I just did the second water change and other than that, have done nothing but cleaning around where the shrimp dish is, which pulls about 2 cups out every couple days and is replaced. Nitrates haven't gone over 5ppm. I'm guessing it may have cycled itself without a spike due to the very light bioload. I did use the Fritz bacteria starter and the extra filter material is brownish.
  5. Snails really are fascinating. I watched a few get canabalized before enough algae grew.
  6. I've had to get creative with heating water. I use gallon milk jugs to change about 5 gallons twice a week in my two tanks. The aged water is about 66-70 depending on where it's stored (I need to get water storage worked out in my little house). What I do is heat 1 quart to about 100-120 in the microwave, then mix a small amount of that with the room temp water in a separate plastic container and add to tank using my hand to guage the temp. Repeat process a few times. It is not ideal at all which is why I do smaller changes more often. In the summer there will be the problem of cooling the water. I'm thinking aged water ice cubes which I'll probably have to add randomly throughout the day, at least in the danio tank. Does anyone have any better ideas about keeping them cool in the heat? I keep my ac at 78-80 during the day and in heat waves it can't even keep up with that.
  7. I don't know anything about under-gravel filters but it seems like it would be a huge task to possibly have to empty and completely disassemble your tank if you run into problems.
  8. Welcome! Your fish and tanks are lovely!
  9. Some of my adorable but still shy otocats.
  10. It raised my GH and KH (to a lesser extent) and stopped my pH from falling below about 6.6. But my water out of the tap is pH 7 and very low GH and KH.
  11. My yellow neocardinia shrimp hang out on and around the sponge filter and pretty much anywhere else. I also have a small shrimp-safe filter. They love plants and spend a lot of time on my floating water sprite as it has so much surface area for algae and bits of food to get stuck in. Good luck!!
  12. My hornwort has also become "leggy" due to losing needles. In one tank it grew to the top and is bent over, but at the bottom it is slim on needles. The only solution I found online is to trim it so it spreads out and not just up.
  13. Unboxed today - backup nano air pumps, airline and air stones, filter material (WOW - its gigantic!), some bacteria starter for the 20L, wonder shells, sponge filter and intake sponge for 20L, and misc other supplies. Oh and the Stingray sticker!!
  14. Same with mine! They have super active periods chasing and being mean, and then they all hang and school together.
  15. Picked up these two pretty pieces of spider wood for the 20L from my LFS.
  16. One of my rasboras has an injury from fighting or from a chase, and I'm hoping he makes it as he's not really swimming with the group nor eating. I had a group of 8 but already lost one female who got stuck (possibly being chased). Apparently even "community fish" can be quite aggressive, especially males when chasing females. My male danio erythromicron also get quite aggressive with one another, and sometimes relentlessly chase females.
  17. Hi Daniel, do you have any experience with the Aqueon Opti-bright light? I hope I don't regret buying them as they are not cheap, more like mid-price, but still...
  18. My harlequins like alot of horizontal swimming space.
  19. I saw a random tweet about how sea urchins like to use shells and rocks as "hats" for cover. Apparently an aquarist came up with a cute and totally Nermy idea...
  20. Do amano shrimp molt like neocardinia? If so you'll see a molt about every month.
  21. I can tell you one thing - they are packaged much better and in better condition than the other three places I've ordered from, and every plant's identification is clearly marked (great for a newby like me). But since I already had snails, I'm not sure if any were on them.
  22. Hi James, do all corys like pH over 7? I would like some for my main tank which is 6.6.
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