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Found 9 results

  1. Omega One “Veggie Rounds” are really good. Lots of fish like them. From Plecos to Discus (!), I’m using these as a staple in my tanks. Here’s a look at my Scheeli (Emerald Killifish) going bonkers over one I just dropped in… It’s like Catnip for fish!
  2. Watched my snail remove the wafer and leave the bowl with it then hunker down over it and ate it so no one else could
  3. Curious what it is about algae wafers that attracts almost all my fish? I drop one in a couple of times a week for bottom dwellers. But tetras, platies, etc. flock to it as fast as corydoras, snails, shrimp, etc. The only fish that doesn’t are some rasboras. Some Von Rios have literally tried to pick it up and swim away. I definitely don’t underfeed regular floating foods. Just curious why the fish seem to go crazy for these?
  4. Hello Fellow Fish Fans! Being. Goldfish fan (plebeian. I know) I have an established relatively new frameless tank. I don’t know how many gallons it is. (Horrors) I “rescued” four feeder fish from a giant chain store tank and they are beautiful and healthy. I recently added two algae eaters. The nice salesperson told me I needed a tabs to feed them. So I feed my fish with a pinch of tetra food and One pellet. Guy and Giacomo are now BIGGER snd I notice they peck at the pellet! No wonder they’ve grown! Ugg! Hrlp! Do I stop the pellet a day ? Will the algae eaters be ok vacuuming my tank? geez! Thank you for any suggestions Fancy Nancy
  5. Has anyone had any luck with the Tetra Pleco Wafers? In my experiance it only clouds up the water, my pleco won't even touch but will instead eat my beutifal driftwood. I'm wanting to switch to the NLS Algae Max Wafers, does anyone have any experiance with this food? do your plecos like this food?
  6. About once a month I lose a group of Neocardina shrimp and have not been able to pinpoint the source down. At first I thought it was planaria and treated my tank which is now free of those worms but the deaths are still happening. KH, GH, nitrate, nitrate, ammonia etc. are all exactly where they are supposed to be. Temperature is high 70s. Weekly water changes of 20% I know that copper is super poisonous to shrimp and wondered if the copper in these wafers I feed the Pleco in that tank, which they always feast on, could be the cause. It’s pretty far down the ingredient list but I have to figure out the cause. Thoughts?
  7. I give my fish this treat, from time to time. It is made by using your favorite Repashy food with a *surprise* algae wafer center. I have many extra, eye contact lens cases that are only used for this application. They are about the right size for me and clean up easily. The final product easily pops out of the mold (when cooled) for simple tank distribution. A lot of fun to make, too. 🐟 Usually make a bunch at a time and off to the refrigerator or freezer they go, for proper storage.
  8. My 75g tank has a number of juvenile Mbuna. As you can see below I have algae growing on a number of the rocks. Mostly on the ones that are on top. I have read that Mbuna will typically eat algae off of rocks. Apparently mine have yet to get that memo. Should I leave the tank as is? Or should I add something to remove the algae?
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