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Everything posted by Maggie

  1. I hope your plants arrive healthy! The biggest problem is time in transit. The Coop prepares their plants very well for shipment (mine took 8 days and were all fine), but a prior order with another vendor died because of a similar delay. When I trimmed my water sprite, I left it in a bucket of dechlorinated water for over a week by an east-facing patio door and it was fine, even on a cold floor and in cool water. Unfortunately, the USPS has a delay warning on their website.
  2. I don't know about guppies, but my harlequin rasboras enjoy swimming repeatedly and deliberately through the filter waterfall. It doesn't cause a lot of force, as my water level is just below where it comes out, but there is still a fairly good current right there. Even though everything I've read says they come from calm, low flow streams and rivers and don't like flowing water, they seem to have a lot of fun. I hope that's the case with your guppies!
  3. Did WC in the 45 and took out most of the water sprite, in favor of the salvinia minima, as they made a tangled mess. I'll use some in the other tanks and keep the rest in a bucket until I figure out what to do with it. I also removed a large amount of the minima due to its growth and taking over too much of the top. Moved the brine shrimp hatchery from my dining room table to the "fish room" (a tiny 10x11 spare bedroom, which has the 20L and q-tank in there plus is dog's "bedroom" as well as storage for entire house). Salvinia minima looks stunning from the root side!
  4. I've always read that the rhizome is what gets glued.
  5. My first tank (45-gal) was my retirement gift to myself. The 2nd tank was a 5-gal acrylic mini-bow for quarantine, which turns out to be too small. My third tank was a 10-gal for my danios, but then I bought the 20L for them so I could use the 10 as a quarantine tank. I'm not sure I should splurge on anything else for myself right now. But, for my fish...
  6. I normally do a 10% WC 2x/week due to lugging gallons around. I don't mind it too much, except if I miss one (because of other fishy activities) and have to do a 20% WC. Then I have to deal with refilling all these jugs the same day, too.
  7. @DanielI am curious. Do you set the lights on-off according to the number of daylight hours in your area, or do you set them according to the daylight hours of the fishes' native habitat? I am curious because in Guam, for example, there is only about an hour difference in daylight hours over the course of a year, where here in the mid-Atlantic we have a whole lot more daylight hours in the summer.
  8. I like the book idea! The internet is great and all, but an authoritative book, such as one of the above suggestions, is priceless, and something she'll probably have her whole life! (I inherited my brother's Audubon books from the early-mid 70s).
  9. I have hydra too! I don't like it at all, but the chemical alternative is drastic, and they aren't as dangerous as the web seems to indicate. My rasboras have kept it in check in the top half of the tank (they don't really utilize the lower half much, except when playing "sprint races" with the Otocats at night, and during water changes). My next fish will be pearl gouramis and hopefully they will also find them tasty. Because of the way hydra reproduces (a single cell soon becomes an entire organism and can reproduce asexually), I feel like its almost impossible not to have it in an aquarium, especially if you have live plants and/or feed live food.
  10. You have to decide if the time and expense to repair, coupled with the risk of tank failure, is worth the $29 that a new tank would cost (assuming the dollar per gallon sale is still ongoing). If you can fix it and it works, that's fantastic! But if it doesn't work, yikes...
  11. Hello! I lived in upstate NY for 25 years (Schenectady and Saratoga Counties, and worked in Albany for 8 years) and though I didn't have fish then, just knowing that area I am thinking there must be a few local fish stores around. Troy is small but you also have Albany and Schenectady right next door. I have no opinion on ordering fish online, but from my experience in perusing the sites, the LFS seems about the same price, but you don't have to worry about shipping cost, losing fish in transit and dealing with refunds, and the very different water they will be in. And even Aqua Huna tells people to buy from their LFS.
  12. I love discus fish and they're the most beautiful fish in the world to me, but IMHO I don't have a tank big enough (45 gallon), plus I have a good-sized group of harlequin rasboras (19), which are my favorite fish overall. A bigger point is I think you are a fantastic filmmaker, writer, and speaker. You remind me of my older brother (8 years older than me) when we were kids. He was very articulate, knew his science and could explain it in plain language. He ended up being a veterinarian, with his bachelor's in animal science. Had we grown up in the YouTube era, he'd have probably had a channel just as interesting and informative as yours! I think you have a successful future ahead of you - follow those dreams and you will be happy!!
  13. You could try adding spirulina powder or finely ground flakes for your catfish. If they are otocats, they will eat it once it settles on the surfaces.
  14. @braidsmy home heat is normally set at 66-68 at night and 68-70 in the day.
  15. I have that one for my 45-gal. It keeps it at about 76-77, about 8 degrees above room temp. I also have spares as I've heard they're not the most reliable. I bought a Fluval adjustable heater for my new tank, as the danios prefer it 70-75.
  16. My rasboras seem to really love the horizontal swimming space. I vote for the 20L!
  17. What do people do with the stickers? Since almost every fishy thing we do involves water, it's hard to think of a good place that will stay dry!
  18. Today I brought water sprites to the LFS - no discount, but they took the donation. Maybe if I keep bringing them every couple months they'll give me an extra fish or two. I left with 12 adorable juvenile harlequin rasboras, who are now settling into quarantine. They seemed hungry so I fed them a little and they all ate. The danios got baby brine shrimp this morning, are settling into their new tank, and starting to get their color back. I'm worried about two who are hanging back a little and still very pale. The dominant male is reminding the others that he's still boss. I'm so happy to have them in the bigger tank! Refilled all the water jugs. I already regret my lighting purchase for the 20L. I will be saving up for that more pricey light (Finnex? Fluval? The programmable one - could be the same kind that @Danielfound dropped in his tank). Now time for coffee and to watch the season's first snowfall for a while!
  19. I don't rinse mine, but most water is filtered out through the sieve.
  20. I have limited fish to feed also. I have two of this little hatchery. They love the live food!
  21. Hi Mac, I was just perusing the brine shrimp topic, and someone mentioned adding baking soda to raise pH. I'm not sure what its supposed to be but am going to do that with my next batch to raise it to 7.5, just to see if more will hatch. I only have the ring-dish setup, no air or heat except from a light.
  22. You all have such awesome setups! I don't have space for a Ziss and also have a problem with electrical outlets (not enough). So I have two of these dishes, which have inner rings that keep the unhatched eggs in one area. It requires only a light for warmth and to attract them to the center. But the hatch rate is not great, and after about 20% not hatching, each one barely makes enough for two meals for 7 rasboras or 9 dwarf danios, one at 24 hours and one at 36. The second pic is after 12 hours, only a few hatched so far. I've already made room for 3 tanks, and now I guess I'll have to find space for a better hatchery since I'm picking up 12 more rasboras today! (Assuming they have them - fingers crossed!) Since I can see the utter joy they get in hunting and eating live food, I want to give it to them every day!
  23. That's what mine are getting! Well, it'll be a little late as they'll be in quarantine for a while, but tomorrow I am going to get 12 more rasboras and hoping for a discount by bringing in a bunch of water sprite! I only have 7 now, and they seem a bit nervous without more compadres in there!
  24. I finally got my plants for the 20L. Not set up exactly right bc the wood still wants to float. I put the poor danios and shrimp in and the danios are traumatized - they lost all their fabulous color! I also had two missing and no sign of them at all. So down to 9 danios. But I did find an extra baby shrimp.
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