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  1. Hey everyone! in my betta tank I have a wonderful peice of dirftwood. This wonerful pecie of driftwood also has lots of crevises to shimmy different rhizome species into. I have moved all my anubias from different tank and added them to the driftwood. Currently that makes it 4 anubias species on this driftwood. But I want more plants that are not anubias for this peice of wood. I was thinking some bucephalandra green wavy and godzilla, but there so expensive. I'm also planning on getting some java moss but that wont be for the next little while. So what are your suggestions for more plants? Ideally these plants would have some redish to them like the buce.
  2. I have these plants I’ve picked up from a hobbyist who didn’t know much about them. what are they? I see that they have rhizomes; will the rhizome be okay beneath some crushed gravel? I just planted this today and realized what I’d done!!!
  3. I have two anubias plants in my 20 gallon. My anubias nana (kind of shown in upper right of picture) looks great. This anubias looks like the rhizome is dying. It's either an anubias congensis or frazeri anubias (I forget which one, I planted both but one died a week in). I've had this in my aquarium for about a month now. All other plants look great (java ferns, Amazon sword, hornwort, stem plants) but this one has begun going downhill. I dose two pumps of Easy Green every week. Am I doing something wrong? Should I pull it so it doesn't do something bad to my other plants? Thank you.
  4. Will my Java fern be ok like this? I didn’t know what else to do with it.
  5. So I’ve seen you should try to glue the rhizome from a plant onto hardscape and I’ve seen the opposite. Plants are finally coming in and I plan on attaching them to driftwood and rock. Plants are various anubias and Java ferns. Please help with my confusion! Thanks all!
  6. Is there such thing? I'd like the look of Val but can't seem to grow it.
  7. Anyone have any "anubias only" tanks? I say that in quotes because mine has duckweed as well. This 5 gallon has been anubias only for a few years now, and it's really grown in. I love the look of it. Thinking of getting some more of it for my 75, so I've got anubias on the brain!
  8. I have one of my Java Fern growing out of a knot of Mopani. I had no idea it would grow this much this fast. Anyway, the rhizome and roots are growing out of the wood. Should I cut the rhizome or would it hurt to just let it grow?
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