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Care stands for Community Aquarists Respect Each Other.

  • First and foremost, be kind and helpful to one another on the forum.
  • Use language that is suitable for a young hobbyist.
  • Profanity is prohibited.
  • We don't discuss Race, Religion, or Politics.
  • We don't discuss other aquarium related companies both positively or negatively. 
  • Don't self promote your Social media sites, brand or business.
  • Links to competitors are prohibited. Dansfish.com, Amazon.com, Ebay.com, and Aquabid.com are approved.
  • No selling or giving away aquarium related supplies or animals.
  • Don't "bump" a post to the top of the forum.
  • Write meaningful replies, instead of writing "cool" or "lol" write something that contributes to the thread. You can always thank someone by giving them reputation.
  • If you have a problem with an order from Aquarium Co-Op, contact customer service. The forum isn't the avenue for order help.
  • Moderators will be forced to make judgement calls. Prior actions on the forum will be taken into account. This will allow someone to slip up and use profanity, without getting banned. However a pattern of slipping up while advertising, more than once is a track record that would result in a Ban.
  • Avoid posting threads that encourage hobby negativity.


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