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Everything posted by Maggie

  1. I've had recurrent nightmares about the HOB filters leaking.
  2. I have the same problem with my 6 otocats in a 45. They used to hang out in one corner but have cleared out all the algae from that end, and are now mostly behind the wood. Occasionally a couple make an appearance, and at night I can spot them on the glass if they're out. I think I also don't have enough, as people have said about yours, as all the clips show them out and about. A few more are on the quarantine tank wait list! Here's hoping more fish solve our shy guys' problem!
  3. That's a cute little baby platy you have there! I think the plant on the right is a water sprite. They look a lot like wisteria.
  4. About a week or so ago I got a little aggressive with gravel vacuuming in the quarantine tank, currently holding 12 harlequin rasboras, and stalled the cycle. So I've been battling trying to start that back up while also still in the middle of cycling the 20L and having a lot of back pain, yuck. It's been exhausting. The fish in quarantine are almost at the 3 week mark and I'm really anxious now to move them! Once moved I'm removing the substrate from the tank, doing a thorough cleaning, and moving it to another location. While that is happening, I'll sterilize the sponge filter and then install it in the 45 to repopulate before moving it back to the quarantine tank when it is re-set up for new fish. I don't know what to get next but am leaning towards either guppies for the 20L, or either a pearl gourami or angelfish for the 45. Any angelfish experts' advice welcome as to whether this would not be advisable with 19 rasboras that mostly hang out in the top 3rd of the water (and 6 otocats, but they live in the basement and don't come out much). The tank is 24" deep so height is not a problem. The thought of getting a little quarter or half dollar sized blue marble angelfish and watching it grow up gives me the warm fuzzies. Maybe just a dream...
  5. I love fish with blue coloration - there aren't a lot of blue choices, especially in smaller community fish. I saw a photo of a "blue variety" of harlequin rasboras online and they were beautiful in the (probably color-enhanced) photo, but in the store, not so much. The blue was more like muddy-orange-tinged-charcoal-gray, the color separation was muddled, and and their silvery shimmer was all but absent. It seems like breeding blue fish is not necessarily an easy undertaking, and I think you should be proud! I'm looking more and more at guppies to be dither fish in my 20L and I hope to find some like yours if I get them. Dad and son are gorgeous, and mom (?) is quite lovely as well. Congratulations and good luck!
  6. I was going to suggest otocinclus catfish, but I see you were referring to a different type of algae scraper 😃
  7. Not a lot at the moment as all my stuff is disorganized right now.
  8. Hi Cory, is there any way to make a collapsible one, like the way a folding travel cane is made? There is an elastic infused fabric rope on the inside that holds the whole thing as one piece, and you pull apart sections to fold into a convenient size. That would solve your shipping size problem, and be convenient for storage, too. If you're so inclined and can make a profit from it. I'd buy one! My big tank is 24" deep!
  9. There are lots of people with angelfish on this forum - can't wait to pics of their gorgeous fish! Oh look, there's Hank and Mabel! ❤
  10. I vote for the living room, and get very lively fish that won't mind the chaos. I think your family will enjoy it more, and your kids might want to learn the hobby, if it's out in the open where everyone sees it many times a day. To expound on what @AnimalNerd98said about CPDs, I would add dwarf emerald danios (aka/fka dwarf emerald rasboras) to the extremely shy list. I have mine in a spare bedroom, as they totally freak out and hide with any movement at all. Plus they're so tiny and blend in with natural colors, it's hard to even see them until you're right next to the tank. It seems like guppies might work, as every guppy tank I see is filled with colorful, non-linear movement. But then you might need a plan for what to do with all the babies. Good luck!
  11. @Alesha has honey gouramis I think, and might know more about suitable tankmates. I would not mix a honey and a dwarf, or any two species of gourami in a 20 gallon, just based on what I've read. Honeys are known to be very peaceful, where dwarfs can be quite aggressive. But as we all know, each fish is an individual and may not follow the norm. Good luck in whatever you choose!
  12. Congrats on your baby otocats! I'm hoping for some babies some day. My rasboras (otos only tankmates, plus blue bolt shrimp) never venture to the bottom of their tank so my fingers are crossed!
  13. Here is mine. It doubles as a step stool, lol. I can see my main tank from the couch, but use this for up close viewing and for my other tanks. I need something else for sure!!
  14. I have one of these storage racks that I bought 3 years ago to store household stuff and extra food. When planning my 20L I thought it would make a great stand, but then when I put it in there, the clearance is what stopped me from using it. I like access to the entire top with no restrictions I guess. So I went and bought a regular aqueon stand and now have my brine shrimp hatchery set up on that shelf. There is nothing at all wrong with the rack itself - it's super sturdy!!
  15. When searching for a tank I flipped through the negative reviews and thought that the ratio of tanks they must have sold compared to the number of negative reviews in a certain time period translated to a really low fail rate. Probably nearly every person whose tank failed left a negative review, where only a small percentage of those whose tanks did not fail left a positive review. I have three Aqueon tanks and am happy with them. Do you have a LFS in your area? They can give you personal service in picking out something you like if you're not sure.
  16. @DarthRevanI have them in a 45 gallon tank and I think there aren't enough of them to cool the two bullies' young-adult aggression a bit. I can't wait to move the 12 new "teens" out of quarantine and hopefully chill out the vibe in the main tank some. (Wishful thinking?) I already had two with fin damage a few weeks back, due to fighting, and a subsequent infection which I successfully treated (and all fins have grown back), but that was a nightmare as the quarantine tank was in use so I had to treat the main tank. My male dwarf danios (in another thank, a 20-long), which are smaller than dwarf shrimp, also go after each other, as well as any unwanted females that get in their way, when they're chasing the gravid female of their affection. It looks positively vicious sometimes! But they are also very shy and hide every time I get close. I'm looking at options for a few dither fish for that tank to help them be less shy and maybe less aggressive with each other (as in, the guppies or whatever would get in the way of the chase and break things up). Such is life in "peaceful community tanks".
  17. Harlequin rasboras sound perfect as part of your crew. I think they're perfect for a 20L as they love horizontal space a lot more than vertical! I have 7 (lost one to injury) and 12 more in quarantine. I suggest at least 10, as my 7 seem to get into a lot of spats. This goes on all day.
  18. Welcome! I also have yellow shrimp, but housed with your CPDs' cousins, dwarf emerald danios. 💛 yellow shrimp!
  19. On the other hand MTS halts very quickly when one asks "Do we REALLY need the coffee pot and toaster?" when determining if one has enough electrical outlets to squeeze in another tank. Then you have Unresolved MTS (UMTS). 😃
  20. Congratulations on selling your fish to the LFS!! I am thinking they also appreciate your purchases and make at least as much profit from non-live-fish items. My LFS would only accept a "donation" of about 15 good-sized water sprites, even though I spent a whole lot of money there buying my first tank, stand, equipment, plants, many miscellaneous items, and 26 small fish (so far) - I bought 12 rasboras on the day I brought the sprite and was hoping maybe they'd put Lucky 13 in the bag at least, but, no. They are only $2.99 for goodness sake! If the day ever comes that I have excess baby fish (not likely), I would probably have to donate them as well. This is what scares me about guppies - too many babies and no place for them. More tanks are out of the question.
  21. @Ricky DI have a medium in my 45-gal and just got a 20L up and running and have a size small in that, but since the 20-long tank is shallower than a 20-tall (not sure which one you have), I don't use the uplift tube. I do use it in the 45 though.
  22. I got a good sized sample of dried brine shrimp with an order of something a while back, and yesterday I decided to put away the BBS hatcheries until that sample is gone. I also have a few cubes of frozen to use up before 6 months from purchase goes by. It's a good day to have a break from the smell of brine shrimp hatching! I also have several other foods I don't use much as I'm constantly hatching BBS. So my goal over the next six months or so is an extra non-BBS day a week to get down to a more manageable number of different foods.
  23. Yes, all the time! "Boys, please quit bickering; please come out, where are you? [to the otocats]; come and eat; don't be afraid; the big hose won't hurt you; water change time; mmmm, your favorite, live baby brine shrimp!; you're so beautiful; I love your fins; I love your tail (lol); night night, good morning", etc., etc. Also I have whole conversations with my doggie, and cats when I had them. 😃
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