My betta (Hue) has what I believe are clamped fins. I’ve tried various medications, including the med trio. I had salt in the water at a low amount (less than a teaspoon per gallon) for awhile but there was no real measurable improvement, no surprise. I did notice, if I didn’t add salt his fins would begin to clamp to the point of tearing. It’s most noticeable in his dorsal fin and the top of his tail. I found the co op’s article about salt and have tried both levels 1 and 2. I’m a little scared to try level 3, a tablespoon per gallon sounds like a lot. I’m new to the hobby, Hue is my first betta and the first fish I’ve been the sole keeper of. I want to do right by him but I’m concerned I may be completely off the mark with his health, but since I’ve had him his dorsal fin has never opened fully and often looks like a sad tattered flag when he lifts it. I guess my questions for the more experienced minds out there are, can bettas really handle 1 Tbs per gallon of salt? Thoughts on his fins? Can I keep live plants with him if I’m not concerned about losing them to salt? I would prefer he has some enrichment while being treated. Last one is how often do you change water when treating with salt? Thank you to anyone who read this.