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  1. Thanks for your reply @Cory Here is a photo of my cory. I snapped a photo of his left side which is way worse than his right. Unfortunately my little guy didn't make it. I'm medicating the other fish now with Maracyn and the remaining trio will be arriving today or tomorrow. Question: I did have him quarantined when I saw these symptoms. Do I need to disinfect the sponge filter that was used in the quarantine tank? I'd like to use it in my smaller aquarium. Thanks so for all that you do!
  2. Yes! That did the trick. Bubbles are popping once it hits the surface. When I received the sponge filters I went straight to Cory's video and paused it during each step of set up! Must have missed the part about the airstone being adjustable. Thank you so much!😃 @ZoeyFish @Maggie
  3. Aloha from Hawai'i! New to the hobby and really enjoying it. Been lurking on the Forum and shopping a lot on the website! Just converted to AquariumCoop sponge filters. They are terrific! Have (2) Small filters in my 20gallon long and (1) nano in my 10gallon betta tank. All working fine, however a few days ago the filter in my betta tank has gone crazy. Bubbles were accumulating in the corner of the tank and slowly popping but now the bubbles are on overload. Checked water parameters and all is normal PH: 7.4 / Ammonia: 0 / Nitrates + Nitrites: 0. The only change is that I took out the sponge filter to clean it in tank water. Has airstone. Has anyone experienced this? Any suggestions? Really appreciate any feedback. Mahalo.
  4. Hello- This morning my panda cory was very listless and I noticed his gills are really inflamed and puffy. My daughter says it looks like there is a small pom-pom in his gills (my eyesight is not the greatest). I have him quarantined and did a dose of Maracyn. The other fish in my 20g long tank (another cory, guppy, place) look fine but should I dose them just in case? Sorry, trying to figure out a way to post an image of him. Thanks for any input, greatly needed!
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