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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Setup a hospital tank for my betta who has finrot. Will start treatment tommorow. I use plastic plants in my hospital tanks because they are a cheap and easy method for providing cover, it just doesn't look good.
  2. I think a puffer in that tank would look great! In particular I was thinking of the Potato Puffer or if your willing to drop a few extra dollars the Shoutdeni Puffer would look great, or just a shoal of pea puffers. Just promise me one thing, if you get the Potato Puffer name it Ruffels, like the Potato chip company. @Fish Folk has some great ideas with the yelllow labs, they would look awesome in that tank as well.
  3. It looks to be just a christmas moss ball with fishing line tied to both the ball and the weight, you could probably just make your own.
  4. Irene has a video about packing fish/ shrimp. In this video she shares a tip of how she caught them:
  5. The only problem I have with this stocking is not enough sparkling gouramis. These gouramis are very shy and will do WAY better in groups with other sparkiling gouramis. So heres what I would do: 9 CPDs 7 Hasbrosus Corys 3 Sparkiling Gourami
  6. For my planted tanks all I do is let it cycle and then add fish. Depending on what I'm doing with my tanks sometimes it will only be a week or sometimes a month. I have also seen youtubers setup a heavily planted tank and add fish the very day. So I don't think it matters when you add fish in, just as long as it is cycled.
  7. I was gonna say, pea puffers! Until I relized you want snails. I have really been wanting a sparkiling gourami lately, maybe one or two of them. Some Celestrial Pearl Danios or Chilli Rasboras would also be pretty cool.
  8. I have thought about either getting some Chilli Rasboras, Neon Tetras or Celestrial Pearl Danios for a 5 gallon. Not sure which one yet... Here is one of my angelfish, The first picture isn't from him when he was in a store but when he was baby vs what he looks like now. He was mostly grey when I got him but now his lines are more bold and he has more blue. December 2020 Today: It makes me excited to see what he will look like when he is all mature.
  9. If only I good pick one... I would say my favorites are, -Java Fern, -Anubius, -Swords, -Valisenaria, -Crypts. Perhaps its because they are all simple plants to keep.
  10. I don't know if I would have done much differently. I started off with a 10 gallon with fake plastic plants. I am glad I went with plastic plants and not live plants because I KNOW i would have killed all the plants, and I probably wouldn't do live plants for a little while. If I started off with a 20, I probably wouldn't have a the 40 gallon I have now or the empty 10 gallon QT tank. I guess if I had to pick one, it would be not to put bettas in bowls.
  11. Hello my fellow canadians, I was wondering, how do you deworm fish? With the very limited stock of meds in Canada we cant just go out and get paraclense (we need a vets perscription for that). I know that enough salt can kill worms/ internal parasites. I have also read of Supertech 100% natural fish health remedy And how it treats for external parasites such as ich and also bacterial infections and fungus. But I have never read of people using it for internal parasites. So when QT'ing puffers and other wild caught fish do you guys even deworm?
  12. I am having the same problem with you. Your nitrates are high and could be why you have so much algae (because of excess nutrients). You can try to add floating plants such as hornwort, amazon frogbit to absorb the nitrates. I know that has helped with me. Also more frequent waterchanges has helped me too.
  13. A big school of celestrial pearl danios, some sparkiling gourami, Dwarf Pencil Fish, Some little shrimpies is what I would do!
  14. I mean I'm not a flowerhorn expert, but... The store employee is probably exaggerating a bit to make the sale. I would trust it more if it was coming from a breeder.
  15. I say let your students decide the name, the one with the biggest nerdiest name gets 100% for the rest of the year (I know I could have benefited from that) lol. Because you betta is in water you could name him something like Dihydrate (I bet i spelled it wrong, not a chemist more of a bioligist) or H2O. Perhaps that not nerdy enough 🤣🤓
  16. Most fish will eat there fry the first few times they breed, they will learn to be good parents (well, most do.) All though if you want maximum survival rate pull the eggs. If you need some tips on breeding rams @Fish Folk can help youu out more then i. Heres a thread that may help as well:
  17. When getting a flowerhorn, I care about the personality not the looks. The flowerhorn could have the smallest Kok, not have the nicest colors and not much of a line, But if he has the BEST personality, I will get it. With that being said, what are your plans with this flowerhorn? Will you breeding to make some extra money? are you looking for a water dog? or are you looking for the colors? As @Keeg said, the line is solid and the kok is small (all though that can be fixed), If this flowerhorn has a great personality, and thats what your looking for get it! If your looking for the biggest kok on planet earth, this may not be the best fish for you. I am not sure if you watch the King Of Diy (joey mullen) on youtube (or perhaps you have never heard this name before) but he bought a flowerhorn many years back. The flowerhorn was named Frank. Frank did not have the best "flowers" or the best colors, he was quite ugly infact. But it didn't matter to Joey, it was the personality that made him fall in love with frank. If your plans are on breeding flowerhorns, what traits are you desiring in your fry? Here is a picture of Frank the Flowerhorn: As you can see, not the best colors or line (flowers) he's got a decent size kok, but I've seen better. F.Y.I I am not shaming frank, I love frank. His visual appearnce just simply wasn't the best.
  18. If your looking for the easiest nirite snail to breed: The theodoxus fluviatilis snail is part of the nritie snail family, but breeds in freshwater. I think its pretty rare though, the thread I linked will have more information.
  19. I have left my fish alone for a week at the most with no food. Yes, they were hungry when I came back but they were all still doing well even the small tetras. You shouldn't worry about 2 days with no food they will be just fine. Keep in mind fish don't just eat the food you give them but other micro organisms like algae.
  20. It seems completly normal and nothing to worry about. Looks like just the regular markings. Your betta could be swittiching color, which bettas do often. Search up "bettas before and after" to see what I mean. There are some drastic changes. Heres an example:
  21. I have a scehdule printed out by each one of my tanks. My betta is the most spoiled with the most variety of foods (northfin betta pellet, hikari betta bio gold, frozen blood worms, fluval bug bites) Monday: Bug Bites Tuesday: NorthFin Pellet Wednesday: Hikari Pellet Thursday: No food Firday: frozen foods Saturday To keep it simple most of my aquariums get the sameish foods. On Friday of everyone gets Frozen Foods, on Monday everyone gets either bug bites or repashy, then throughout the week everyone gets the selected pellets food. On Thursday I don't feed anyone
  22. As long as you have a nutrient based substrate (which looks like you have) or some root tabs, or both. The stem plants should do fine after the melting back stage. I have some monte carlo in my betta tank with a nutrient riched substrate, I have never dosed any ferts in that tank. Probably one of my easiest planted tanks.
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