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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. After watching this FANTASTIC stream on PH by Prime Time Aquatics (totally reccomend) I want to make sure I am understanding this properly... Higher PH = More Basic Water Lower PH = More Acidic Water To raise PH you can add woods/ catapa leaves. But only will this work if you have low KH Generally the lower the PH the lower the KH and vise versa KH helps to stabilize the PH. The higer the KH the more stable the PH.
  2. I can't tell you what it is, but what I can tell you is that its not ich. So the ich x won't do much if anything.
  3. The amano shrimp and snails should do fine in room temperature. You will want to reduce the temperture over time, maybe a degree or two every day instead of all at once. Snails are very tollerent for temperature for the most part. The species Sphincterochila boissieri has been found in egypt at temperatures of 120 degrees farenheit. Of course this genus is land breathing snails so they don't necesarily relate to aquatic snails. All though malaysian trumpet snails are very simmilar where they have been found in the 60 degrees - 80 degrees.
  4. I love my angelfish, defentley my favorite fish. I also really like schooling tetras and danios.
  5. Live beares are super easy because of how easy they are. You may start off with 3 guppie s(1male, 2 female) and then by the end of the season have like 100. Shrimp are also super easy to breed.
  6. Alright, I have been considering becoming a member of aquarium co-ops channel for quite some time now. But what sticker should I do? -The Shrimp -The Snail -Murphy -The Taco
  7. I don't think there is ever a time where its too early to thing about the outdoor tubbing season and the warmth that comes with it. lol.
  8. I am planing to start beginning of april - mid april. Outdoor tubs are very easy, its pretty much exactly what you said. Just remember to cycle the pond.
  9. Honestly shrimp come is so many different colors that to make them "glow" would ruin theres no point. But I guess bettas are very colorful too, and they have glowing varients. I deffentley agree with @Streetwise when I first heard of glolight tetras, i thought it was another manmade fish like the glofish. If they were the redline tetra, would make WAY more sense. But I beleive red light tetra already exists they are under the scientific name of hyphessobrycon amapaensis. I have kept glofish before and found that they are very fin nippy. They wouldn't stop chasing my fish around the tank. They were also very boring as they would just sit in the corner or wherever doing nothing. Most of my fish greet me with "I'm hungry" face in the morning, but they would have nothing to do with me.
  10. We really need a heart faced emoji for posts like these 😍
  11. I am not sure where to find what cory uses either. But I do know that many people use stock tanks. Heres a link to a 110 gallon: https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/tuff-stuff-products-heavy-duty-oval-stock-tank-110-gal# it is $75. It is fairly tall. I have gotten nets from amazon, just make sure that the holes aren't big enough for a cats paw to go through. So something like this would work very well: https://www.amazon.com/Jade-Active-Pond-Netting-Feet/dp/B07KJ8VFVJ/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=pond+net&qid=1613514890&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyUzQ3OFExM1JWUEcmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA0NjgyNjUxUzc2NEhMUlNZTDBOJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA1OTA3NDUxS0dMUzRHSUY1REdZJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==
  12. Very interesting article, thanks for sharing! I made a thread comparing the New Life Spectrum foods vs Xtreme Foods. Your article is way more in depthy though. I found that the New Life Spectrum food was cheaper and more easily accessible outside of the US. The newlife spectrum food also had more "natural foods". I like how you mentioned that not all fish meal is healthy for our fish, I guess I always assumed it was.
  13. Putting orange peels around the pond may help. I do this with my cats when I don't want them somewhere. We did that with our christmas tree this year and it worked, until it started stinking up the house. But because its outside there shouldn't be an issue with a stink. You can also keep bigger fish that the cat can't physically eat or pick up. Or faster fish such as danios that the cat will have harder time to grab. You could do a deeper pond so that the fish have a place to go where the cat can't get them. Or you could get a net to drape over the pond.
  14. The lid it sits on has 0 holes so I don't think I will be dropping it in the water (at least I never did with the nicrew light) but I get what your saying. Its for a 40 breeder.
  15. So when first setting up my tank I bought a nicrew RGB 24/7 automated aquarium light. Unfortauntely I have not had the best of experiance with this light. The only thing I kind of like about it is that there is a timer so that I don't have to manually turn it off and on. But the light is either constanlty on sunrise or sunset or night mode making it the color look orange, or blue. Only from 12am-4pm will the light be on white. Because it turns on at 6am at low itensity and then 2pm being the highest intesity and then turns off at 12am being the lowest intensity. The ligh is on for 18hours a day (If i did my math right 😉 ) because of this green water is on the next level, I have already had two outbreaks. But I can't change the intesnity of the light, it is 0% customizable. so time to change the light The Fluval 3.0 is of interest to me but is to expensive for right now. So after the possitive reviews I have seen on corys channel I have decided to do make a buy on the Finnex Stingray Aquarium Light. I wanted to see peoples experiance with this light. Is there a timer or do I have to buy a smart plug? Is there a dimmer?
  16. The fish naming thread! The hardest thing in this hobby is naming your fish, especially for non-creative people like me. So I thought I would make a thread where us NERMS can put in what we think is the "best fish names" for people to scroll though and choose their new fishes name. Or perhaps they post a picture of there new oscar and ask for name suggestions. I really like Astro, Cosmo, or Marlin for fish names. Whats yours?
  17. I really like big school of small fish, and then one or two feature fish (perfebrly of the same kind). Because I love angelfish I would say angelfish are a great feature fish, but not everyone has a 30 gallon open. I love the colors on rams, there temps may not be the best suitable with other fish. Also Apistogramma especially the orange flash, or panda apistogramma (who have recetnly become my favorite apistogramma). Some nice cleaner fish such as cherry shrimp, amano shrimp, corydoras, etc. will always make a great addition to a community tank. The only problem with the cherrys is that lots of fish will make a snack out of them. My ideal community tank would be... 40-50 Gallons -Zebra Danios x8 -Rummynose Tetra x20 -Corydoras x6 -Panda Apistogramma or Two Angelfish -Also Bristlenose Plecos always give me a laugh (mine gets stuck in the sponge filter outake tube) -And of course, heavily planted.
  18. For me the fish that I put in the tub, the plan is to breed them. So If i am starting out with 12 whiteclouds the goal is to maybe have 30 whiteclouds at the end. Then I sell the fish off to my LFS/ Fish Club auctions as if I bred those fish. Some people who have the tub setup all year around doesn't do this.
  19. It doesn't look like anything to worry about. If the dot hasn't grown and the fish is acting fine, I wouldn't do any treatment. It could be a tumor starting at which the only treatment is surgery.
  20. As long as your water parameters goes as follows: -Amonia 0 -Nitrites 0 -Nitrates 10-20ppm The nitrates can be a little higher, but anything above the 0 amonia and nitrites do a waterchange. If you see that the numbers are contiously going higher, upgrade your filtration. What kind of filter media do you have in your tidal? I would reccomend this a watch: I have never kept goldfish so therefore I don't know what plants goldfish won't touch, but I would reccomend plants to remove some of the nitrates.
  21. It depends what fish you have? Is it cherry shrimp or crystal shrimp? Cherys can live a lot colder then crystals. Is it betta fish or angelfishz? Bettas can live in almost any temp (doesnt mean they will like it though) is it a goldfish or a corycat? Goldfish are coldwater fish meaning that they thrive much colder then most. You can wrap blankeys around the tanks to keep the heat in just make sure there is a hole or to for air exchange.
  22. My betta does that too, but then when I give him his hamock he refuses to touch it.
  23. My LFS sells a lot of new life spectrum therefore I feed lots of NLS. I feed mostly the tropical pellets every fish loves it.
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