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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. I had a blue gravel in my first aquarium, and had 0 problems. I think why people may think that it leaches toxins is because sometimes when you remove the gravel you will see what looks like "blue water" at the bottom. I saw it on a youtube video, but I can't remeber what video. All though there doesn't seem to be much eveidence supporting this claim as MANY aquarists./ fish keepers (maybe even most) use the fruity tooty gravel or just a colored gravel with no problems.
  2. Whats your favorite aquarium plant? Its hard for me to only pick one, so I will 5! I really like swords, anubius, rotala bonsai, valisenaria, Crypts.
  3. It will make things a lot easier when you are reccemedning a product like Ich X and instead of going to the aquarium co-op website and searching it up their, perhaps there might be a shortcut at the bottom of the post. @Daniel I loved that meme, defentley one of my favorites on the thread.
  4. My cats are the same! We went skiing for the day and came back to zero usable paper towel, cardboard or toilet paper.
  5. I feed frozen blood worms to all my fish, most fish will eat it in my experiance. @MJV Aquatics may have a blog about this. Daphina/ Cyclops are more popular in the saltwater hobby then the freshwater, but none the less freshwater fish will still eat this.
  6. When I first started off in the hobby, guppies weren't my favorite fish. I never really saw one where I said "I NEED that" or even a "thats nice". But after a year or two I have started to like guppies, not enough to setup a tank for them selves just enough for me to enjoy them in someone elses tank. I saw a Albino Guppy, where you could see its spinal corde, that was the first guppy where I said "If I had a tank, you would be coming home with me". I have also really come fond of Tuxedo Koi Guppies and Panda Guppies. I searched up the purple dragon guppy, they look really nice.
  7. What are your most active times on the forum. Keep in mind that the poll can have multiple answers per person. I am most active after work/ school time. I am on a little in the mornings and before I go to bed.
  8. Jimmycle I reccemend that you post your very funny memes in this thread: The thread hs 33 people following it, so more people will see it.
  9. I had the same problem but with the Fluval Spec light. I simply got a peice of paper and put it over the lid. Eventually I want to add floating plants to help, but until then the paper has been working just fine. I did a post a bout it in my betta tank thread:
  10. If you ask your question here: Then Store Manager, Robert can answer it.
  11. No I wouldn't do dwarf gouramis, they are also bullies. You could do 3 honey gouramis and it would be fine. I agree, the more the angelfish the better. I would get like 2 or 3 angels. The rams like warmer water (at least 80F) so make sure you keep 'ehm warm.
  12. make sure the little guy is getting enough food
  13. It could be a male because of the pointed dorsal fin, not sure. Maybe someone with more experiance with bolivian rams will corecct me.
  14. The fish may be trying to pass everything out of his system. I wouldn't worry too much, if he is still showning signs of internal parasites in 5 days I would go for another general cure or paraclense treatment.
  15. I love that King of Diy sticker in the top right! It really suites this project! Here was a diy tank stand that I have. I did not make it but I bought it off kijijji (canadian version of craigslist). It came with a 36ft 40 breeder, and has space for a 20 long underneath or one 10 gallon and a 5 gallon. I currently have my 10 gallon QT tank and all of my fish foods/ other dry goods. The lights are out because I am dealing with a green water problem. Usually there is a towel over it to kill the green water, but I took it off for the picture. The water level is low on purpose, I have an angelfish that loves to jump and there is a place for him to jump out of the tank on the lid. So until I fix the lid to better acomadate the angel the water level will remain low.
  16. Here is what Cory said in the topic: What are you feeding the corycats? Is it only one corydora with a missing barbel? It could be that perhaps that one corycat doesn't have enough food. Do you have substrate in your hospital tank, if not it could explain why is barbels grow back because he isn't digging through all the substrate. Maybe just feed the corycats more, see if that helps. What kind of substrate do you have in your display tank? gravel? sand?
  17. its not a real live stream without corys "cat and dog" anology.
  18. OMG SAME!! It wasn't MILES, it was more 15 minutes. And in when there was snow on the ground I would go for that 30 minute walk just to see all the fish. It was tough not having a drivers liscense. I took my backpack with me and filled up with fish, my family was always surpirsed that I brought home a fish all the way from the fish store!
  19. I would always suggest a quarintine tank. It would be stressing for the fish if you moved the fish to the display the very day you got them into quarintine. Usually you would wanna quarintine for 1-3 weeks with the med trio, so no it wouldn't be THAT stressful. I don't quarintine with meds, I just wait 4-6 weeks and see if the fish have any symptoms of parasites, bacterial infections, etc. I will then treat for that specfic disease. I don't know if I would suggest the med trio because I feel like waiting the 6 weeks is probably more efective, and cheaper.
  20. uh-oh, we better not show cory this.
  21. If they seem happy and healthy they are probably fine.
  22. My betta does that lots, I wouldn't worry.
  23. I would suggest a float acclimation next time or just a plop 'n drop like @Daniel said. A lengthy accliamtion period can be stressing for fish. Cory sated in one of his previous videos that he lets the water in the bag get to room temp, and then poors him into the tank. So techinically no acclimation. PH won't usually play a big effect in fish, unless they are wild caught. So I don't think the ph was the problem.
  24. The best bet would be to order some maracyn. Here is a link: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/mardel-maracyn I have had very minor finrot, where all you had to do was to fix the problem of why it was happpening. But in this case you will need a medicine. Maracyn is plants and invertibrates safe I beleive. All though you could move him to a smaller tank, to treat him. Just make sure the water parameters are fine in that small tank. You should leave him in the smalll tank the ENTRIE treatment. To keep the cycle alive in the display tank, just keep feeding it. Because you have snails you can drop in a cucumber. The benficial bacteria will feed on the amonia (fish poop, left over fish food, etc.)
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