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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Heres what I would do: -Because a a 40 breeder is the same foot print as a 50 gallon, you could buy a 50 gallan and put it on the same stand that the 40 is on. This is a way cheaper route then buying a whole new tank and stand. This way you can get your rainbowfish some buddies and have it in an appropiate size tank.
  2. Are you ready for the outdoor tubbing season? If so what fish do you plan on getting? This year will hopefully be my first year with an outdoor tub. I had never heard of it until I subscribed to cory (July 2020) and it hasn't been till very recently that I have thought about doing an outdoor tub. I am SUPER excited. Because I live Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada) where it gets super cold in the winters (-50C, -58F, its the second coldest major city in the world) I will be setting mine up from April-Early September. In the summer months it get to an average 20ishC (73F) but can easily get to 30C (86F). So because of the weather I need colder water fish such as goldfish, whitecloud minnows, cherry shrimp, rainbow shiners, etc. I plant to do whitecloud minnows but I haven't decided if I want regulars or golden whiteclouds. Its going to be a challenge to get floating plants for the pond because most are ilgeal where I live. Stuff like Water Lettuce isn't necesarilly ilegal its just hard to find. Where as stuff like duckweed, red root floaters, amazon frogbit, etc. are ilegal. I plan to do some hornwort, water sprite, dwarf aquarium lilly and if I can find some water lettuce. Perhaps some java moss too.
  3. Amazon.ca may ship to Australlia but if they did they would defentley charge lots for shipping https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07YCTXQ6L/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_1?smid=A32R1L92Q5LXJ&psc=1
  4. The first one is defetnley a bristlenose pleco the other one not sure, looks like maybe a golden wonder killi fish.
  5. Most root tabs have an outer shell that will go away very quickly after putting them in the water. Now this leaves the minerals and other nutrients, after time the minerals/ nutrients will all be used up by your plants therefore no you do not need to dig around for them because yes they will be consumed by the plant. I suggest using aquarium co-ops easy root tabs or tropicas root tabs
  6. Grab some tacos and get ready for a auqarium co-op live stream in 2hours!!!
  7. I am not a huge fan of guppies either, especially the leapord tales. My favorite are Panada Guppies and Koi Tuxedo, those are really the only guppies that I have seen and really liked.
  8. The Hikari betta bio gold is really small and my betta loves it, that and the north fin betta pellet. His favorite food is fluval bug bites and I have heard of many other bettas having there favorite be bug bites also.
  9. I am wanting to setup a high tech 5 gallon planted tank for a future pea puffer. I have never used a Fluval 3.0 but was wondering you all thought about putting the fluval 3.0 nano on a 5 gallon?
  10. My angelfish go CRAZY for the New Life Spectrum Community Pellet. Fluval Bug Bites is a MUST for any betta, they love it. I also feed NorthFin Pellets, Hikari Pellets and Frozen Blood Worms. I have never used Xtreme but I have heard great things about there foods and it may be a better choice for you guppies if they decide to create some babies. I don't have any fridge space for my foods so they just stay beside each aquarium.
  11. @Daniel probably will reach 10k
  12. My thought would be to add a bunch of snails to the pea puffer tank on weekends/ days that you are gone that way he has a continous food supply that he would eat to prevent him from fasting every week.
  13. Honestly I don't touch the temp when treating ich. 86 degrees, yikes thats hot. Did you turn it up all at once? If I were you I would slowly adjust the temp over the next few days to around the 78-82 degree mark. Remember it is not Mandatory to adjust the temp when dealing with ich. The angelfish will thrive n the lower 80s (82-84) I see you have an airstone. The warmer the water the less oxygen it holds therefore I would reccemoend when treating for ich if you do decide to adjust the temp add another airstone. It was probably the temp that killed your fish not the meds, especially if you adjusted it all at once. I have used API Super Ick Cure with awesome results and would reccmeoned that or ich x.
  14. Your Missing... -Valued Contributor -_______Veteraen (Its something veteraen I cant seem to make it out in the Tiny picture cory uploaded. It looks like "bored veteraen)
  15. Wild caught discus are defentley one of my favorites I also really Pigeon Blood Discus, but thats about it.
  16. To get a better look at there fins can you get a side angle? A lot of the time with minor fin rot cases medicine isn't necessary and just fixing the cause of the finrot will do it (Thats what I am doing with my betta). Where as other times the finrot case is so extreme where you need medicine to fight off the bacteria infection and encourage the new growth of fins. Salt works really well for bacterial infections and I often reccemoend it. One thing to look out for when treating with salt is to don't treat for more then 8 days straight. This is it can cause other internal issues like liver problems. I have treated with salt for 8 days straight and my guppies were slowly recovering from their finrot, then a few days later they started not doing well and died 😞. Another medicine that will probably take a shorter time period that salt would is Maracyn.
  17. It looks awesome! The plants have really been growing in and the rummy nose are looking so nice! I will never understand how one can take that good of a picture with rummynose tetras who are ALWAYS moving. Some platinum Angelfish would look really nice. I have often thought about doing a 180 gallon amazon biotope with altum angels, uaru, sevrums, rummy nose tetra, etc. The Lights shimmer looks so awesome! Well Done!
  18. Do you like male plakats because they have the shorter fins?
  19. oh also forgot, almost any long fin varients of fish (Only ones that I have liked were angels and kind of neon tetras)
  20. Okay I have space on my racking system for one more 5 gallon. I was thinking of doing a high-tech planted tank with a fluval 3.0 nano, co2, etc. And I was thinking of doing a rimless tank. Anyways the tank I was looking at is exactly 6 gallons, but I will refer to it as a 5 gallon. I am needing stocking suggestions, I was thinking either -Pea Puffer snail colony for him to hunt -Sparkiling Gourami x2, Celestiral Pearl Danios x4 OR Chilli Rasboras x5 (I relize this is a tad bit overstocked but if I go this route I will defentley keep up on my waterchanges) Let me know what you think, or if you have any other stocking suggestions (I already have a betta so, not another betta)
  21. Simply take the plant out of the pot and gently making sure you don't tear any roots take the rock wool off. Then you can gently tear the roots into smaller peices of plants if you want. Heres a tip Irene has on removing rock wool, it may help:
  22. Lets be honest, we all have that one fish in our minds that you have never understood why one may keep one. It doesn't necesarilly mean that you are against keeping that fish but that you just couldn't see your self keeping that fish and being enjoyed. Not every fish is for every aquarist. I would say Rice Fish for me are a fish that I just don't get
  23. Day 1 one finrot treatment for Hugo. I moved him in a 10 gallon hospital tank. I added live plants for cover. I will be treating with aquarium salt 1T every two gallons.
  24. Nemo or finding dory is a great movie! All though its about nemo trying to escape the depressing life of living in a aquarium, when nemo is out in the ocean its actually somehwat realistic.
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