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  1. Hi everyone I have a stocking question for a 40gal breeder tank which will be heavily planted. I am looking for suggestions/comments regarding South American fish specifically. It's not a biotope tank but I still want to stick to S. American species. Sand substrate, some driftwood and river stones. It'll be a bit before the plants are well established and I'm happy with it. I'm patient. But when I am I want to be prepared for what fish I'll stock in it. There will be CO2 injection, an air stone if needed, and approximately 200 gallon per hour filtration from a modified Marineland HOB. However, I'm also going to play with a sponge filter and see whether I like that better - either way, I'll ensure adequate filtration. These are my possibilities currently. I've made a list. Obviously it would be some of these, not all of them. Fish list One type of Cory from this list: Peppered Corys (Hoplisoma paleatus) which I've learned was recently reclassified into Hoplisoma from Corydoras. These are my top choice I think. Sterbai Corys (Corydoras sterbai) True Eques Corys (C. eques) Pygmy Corys (C. pygmaeus) Adolfo's catfish (Corydoras adolfoi) - also another favorite. Violet Corys (C. similis) One group (or two?) of a Tetra spp. Von Rio Tetras (Hyphessobrycon flammeus) - a favorite. Cardinal Tetras (Paracheirodon axelrodi) Crystal Tetras (Protocheirodon pi) And then maybe/probably one or both of the following: Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) Dwarf Pencilfish (Nannostomus marginatus) What are some other possibilities I am missing that may do well with some of these based on my parameters? Would some of these possible options be a bad idea or not work for the pH/etc I have listed below? What combination of these might do well? I am pretty set on the Von Rio tetras and the Peppered Corys. The rest I am open to ideas on. Parameters that are important is the pH will probably hover around 7-7.5 - I'll have to wait and see what it settles at with the hardscape and plants once they're established. The water is hard well water. I can post the general hardness and kH later - I'm not home currently. I want to keep the temperature in a range that will be good for the corys and tetras specifically and then decide on other fish that will best match those criteria. Thanks for your thoughts!
  2. I'm having the darndest time trying to choose my next tank & stand for a heavily planted platy tank (& hopefully cherry barbs as well). I have a spare Imagitarium Brooklyn 40 breeder stand & I LOVE the footprint so I thought I'd finally decided to get another 40 breeder-however, I've read that the quality of Aqueon tanks has gone downhill & that they leak!! I'm terrified of that!! From what I can see, these are my options: 1) Buy another Aqueon 40B, assuming a tiny majority leak. (Definitely the cheapest & easiest option!) But I know some people have concerns about the Brooklyn stands only supporting the corners of tanks, so maybe I'd need to find a new stand, too 😞 2) Find a 40 breeder from a different manufacturer (maybe someone local sells Seapora?) The LFS today had Visio and the silicone was bad so that's out. 3) Splurge on a Landen/UNS 75P (30x17x17) or 90P (36x17x17) & UNS stand. Definitely high quality & beautiful but they're $$$ and heavy. I live on the 2nd floor & will be moving in a couple years most likely, & I worry about moving a big rimless tank!!! I adore these tanks & stands; I'm just worried that this isn't the right time for one. Or maybe moving it wouldn't be that bad! 3) Get a 20 long or 29 gallon (Aqueon or otherwise) & an undetermined stand-I worry the platys are going to outgrow it quickly though! I COULD go with the 22 gallon UNS 90L (36x12x12) which would give me a lot of surface area, just half the volume of the 40 breeder/90P. Water changes are definitely easier on the smaller tanks but I worry about maintaining water quality. The downside of this is I have a spare Fluval Plant 3.0 that's 36 in long, so I'd need to buy a light if I went with one of the 30 in tanks. What would you do? Frankly worrying about leaks is making all of this so stressful. Maybe a rimless 22 long (36x12) is a good compromise between the Aqueon 40B & the high quality rimless 44 gallon tanks, though I don't know if having a tank that's only 12 in deep & 12 in high will limit me in terms of plants/mean I need to trim a ton, which I know I won't do. Any insight is MUCH appreciated! Thanks!
  3. My South American inspired 40 gal! Note the panda cories on the rocks next to the filter (they have claimed it and it is theirs) Some skrimp eating dying water lettuce because only have 1 light that lights half the tank : (
  4. Guest

    Glass Cat advice

    Hello! I'm in the brainstorming stage in regards to stocking a 40 breeder. I'm thinking about glass catfish since it's a fish I've not yet kept but it's intriguing to me. I'd love to hear some opinions from first hand experience with these fish in regards to things like scape, tank mates, behavior, food, and all of that good stuff. What has worked and what hasn't? Also what are the chances I could keep cherry shrimp with them without losing the colony?
  5. Right now I have a fairly small tank that I'm using to make as many mistakes as possible so that (in theory) I don't make those same mistakes with my big tank. I'm still at least a month out from actually seeing it up and I want to take my time so I can get it right. Over the last few weeks I've gone through a few different iterations of what I want to do. This is my 40 breeder that I'm taking my time setting up. I bought the tank and filter (new fluval 407) second hand, the rocks are basalt with quartz that I gathered from my yard (and broke up some with a sledge hammer), and the wood is old weathered drift wood that I boiled and am currently soaking (after taking this picture). I'm going to pile aquasoil under the wood with plants poking out and then sand to the right with the rocks as a barrier. I'm planning on stocking at least 3 honey gourami (1 male & 2 female), 6 otos, guppies (from our existing tank), 6 corys, cherry shrimp, and probably ramshorn snails (because I have them and they will probably find their way in anyway). I plan on adding the substrates and some moss to dry start for a few weeks (maybe some plants too but not sure what would benefit from a dry start). Then I'll add the rest of the plants, flood the tank, seed bacteria from other tank, and add snails. Wait a week or two doing frequent water changes. Then add corys. Wait a week or two then add shrimp and otos. Wait again before adding guppies. Then finally I'll add the gourami. Now my questions: I like pigmy corys but do they actually sift around in the substrate and help clean? Would julii corys be better? Is that filter too big? I thought it was a 207 when I went to buy it from the guy online but it turned out I read it wrong somehow. Could I potentially add another school like ember tetras or just leave room for inevitable guppy fry? What about a bristle nose pleco or two instead of otos? I like the idea of having fish that are fairly easy to breed. Last time I rushed in so I want to try and take my time on this one but is this plan too overly cautious? Any suggestions for plants? The only things I'm firm on are dwarf lilies, water wisteria, and Java ferns.
  6. Hello. I've been wanting to set up a new tank and have fell in love with dwarf cichlids. I've been trying to do some research over the past few days and haven't quite found the answers I'm looking for. I have a tank setup in mind I'm just not sure it would work and would rather get opinions on what others think before committing to it. I was thinking of doing a 40 gallon breeder with 3 German Blue Rams (1M 2F) and 3 Apistogramma Cacatuoides (1M 2F). I would want to also add some shrimp and some snails. Would something like this not work due to species compatibilities or perhaps too many fish? Maybe the opposite and I could add in a small school of tetras or corys? Thanks!
  7. Hello! For weeks I have been reading countless blogs, searching forums, watching more hours of fishtube then I’d like to admit on the topic, etc. trying to decide how to solve a predicament I’ve found myself in. I have a 40 gallon breeder tank with a handful of super chill black mollies, 5 peppered corys, and one turquoise rainbow. I do weekly water changes consistently, run a Aquaclear 70 and a sponge filter as well. Now that I am a much more informed aquarist, I have discovered that the majority of the internet says the smallest tank size for turquoise rainbows is a 55 gallon. I’d like to get more same species rainbows so the one I have can thrive even better (as I inherited only one). It’s very active, younger and healthy - just want it to be in the best environment possible . Do I get a few more turquoise rainbows or try to rehome the one I currently have? Thanks in advance for any advice! I am super appreciative!!
  8. Hi all. Long time follower of aquarium coop, but haven’t had much to share. Over the past few months I have built a 40g breeder with a 20g long sump with a Sicce Syncra Silent 2.0 rated for 568 gph. I think I am getting around 360 gph on my return pump, I have it set up for two self-priming siphons drains, but am currently only running one 3/4” siphon at about 85%. I think. I built the cabinet from lumber but need to finish the trim figure out how to build a door. the tank is cycled, I have been running it for almost 8 weeks. It ran for 3 weeks with no rock or fish, only filter media and some organic matter to spike the ammonia. I drained the main tank and just ran the sump for about ten days while I constructed the drain boxes, rock feature and planters. I filled it all back up, let the everything settle, and waited for nitrates to show up. Once I was testing for nitrates I added Fluval stratum to the designated plant areas. I also added 2 guppies to see if I could sustain life. all has been good for two weeks, I changed 10 gal of water 5 days ago and am getting 0 ammonia, 3-5 ppm nitrates, 7.9 pH, and 77 f temp today. I have a a 24-36” fluval 3.0 plant that is running for 8 hours at about 40%. I think I am ready to start stocking. I initially wanted to have a pair of apisto’s, celestial pearl danios (or harlequin rasboras) and a sterbi Cory or loach group of 7-10. I cannot find apisto’s locally, and have taken a liking to the yo-yo loach over the sterbi Cory. I have added 2 valisnaria, one crypt of unknown specs, and several clumps Anubias nana petite hidden in cracks that are hard to take pictures of. I have one plant that I have no idea what it is, I think it was a hitchhiker, but looks like some sort of rhizome plant of unknown origin. I wanted to introduce myself first and show my project. I have been fish keeping since I was a kid, kept mbuna cichlids in a 90g that was poorly planned and hard to maintain, but had some really neat fish with lots of personality, but they didn’t allow any plants. Most recently I have run a low tech planted 20 long for the last 18 months with guppies and cherry shrimp that donated the starter plants for the upgrade. let me know what you think? Am I trying to do too much? Or is this a realistic project to continue?
  9. I have a 40 breeder cycling and need help with deciding on livestock. I was thinking 4-6 pearl and dwarf Gouramis 10-12 (small to medium sized) tetras, 3-4 Cory cats. What do you guys think of this stocking idea?
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