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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Aged aqaurium water in my opinion is close to pointless. Go out to your lfs or pet store and get a water conditioner, it will make the water safe instantly for fish. Water conditioners are like 10$. I wouldn't worry to much about gh unless your keeping invertibrates who need that calcium in the water for there molts and shells.
  2. I wouldn't suggest neocaridnia shrimp or caridina shrimp. My angelfish have picked off cardinal tetras so I am sure they would love to snack on some shrimp. Some bamboo shrimp or amano shrimp I'm sure would be fine with them, just make the shrimp are pretty much full grown.
  3. It just looks like algae, nothing to worry about. This kind of algae you can rub it off with your fingers.
  4. I would dose more during each weekly dosing. So maybe try 9 pumps see if that works. If it doesn't dose 10 pumps, and so on.
  5. I planted the monte carlo in my 5 gallon to see if it would carpet without co2. Its been a few months and nothing yet. Now time to try something esle. I need help on choosing what kind of plants to put in here. It houses one betta named Hugo. Floating plants are illegal where I live.
  6. How about something like Platys? a little different from what you already have but still affordable, easy to breed, and don't need a massive tank (10 gallon)
  7. Whats your secret? I need to know My angelfish make it impossible to take pictures of any other fish until I have taken a picture of them. They will keep on stealing the show, and swimming infront of the other fish.
  8. Gnomes, like those little elves you put in your garden or a plerm (PLant, nERM)
  9. I nominate @Daniel to interview randy
  10. Lets say someone knocked on your door and says "a new law came out where you can only keep one aquarium at a time" what aquarium that your currently own would you choose to keep? Mine would probably be my community tank with my angels and tetras.
  11. That is my hope and thought. It would really take the sting out of loosing the angel if they did breed.
  12. Alrighty, where to start... I woke up to one of my angelfish dead . His name was Bruce Wayne and was a black viel tale, loved him. I suspect the other two angels bullied him to death. But on the bright side the other two angels are showing signs of breeding! So Thats fun! Today was frozen foods friday, and me being my lazy self I didn't want to cute a cube of frozen blood worms in half so I fed an entire cube, and now my danios are fat. Or maybe they are pregnet? wouldn't that be something danios and angelfish breeding in the same tank. jk I dont think they are pregnet.
  13. I am soooo jealous. Where I live in Canada the Marbled Hatchetfish are SUPER rare. All the stores said its been YEARS since there last order of marbled hatchetfish. And it doesn't help many online retailers ship to canada. Anyways, always love these threads even though I am across the border.
  14. No, monte carlo is not a plant that you can propergate on a peice of decor. They need to be planted. With Monte Carlo your going to want to make sure you have a strong light. IF not they will die. A sign of them needing more light is them growing towards the light instead of growing across the substrate. My monte carlo doesn't have any co2 and isn't carpeting, only pearling. Perhaps it will carpet it soon. But I would plant it, if you dont have co2 i may not carpet and you will have a beautifual plant.
  15. I thought this was going to be one of those "I came in to get food, I cam out with a 300$ recepit" posts.
  16. I have a feeling that dean is from mars, would explain why he is "the master of everything" - Cory Mcelory
  17. And I call myself an algae farmer... The hair algae I get is just that that cobweb stuff, that looks so BAD!!!
  18. After looking at both of these posts, it got me wondering. So I searched it up, here is what a angelfish breeder said about the orange in koi angelfish: Koi Angelfish Color Genetics This is a fish with a very complex color genetic makeup. The only known gene interactions are from Gold Marble and Stripeless alleles. There is great variability in the expression of orange pigment, but the total number of genes involved is not known. The requirements to get good expression are also not completely understood. A non-stressing environment is very important and foods containing carotenoids are also necessary for developing and maintaining color. Angelfish cannot produce orange pigment. They can only get it from their food. So, if your foods do not contain carotenoids, your koi will have no orange. Don't worry too much about the foods, since most commonly available fish foods contain a good amount of these carotenoids. We recommend freeze-dried plankton, freeze-dried brine shrimp, krill meal and a good color flake or pellet. Before reading this article I thought "hmm... that doesn't make sense, I haven't relized my koi angelfish loose any of that yellowish/ orange color. But after reading this article because it states that most commonly available fish foods contain a good amount of these cartenoids (which is what keeps the orangeish color on angelfish) My understanding of Cartenoids is a category of foods that enchanse a red/ orange/ yellowish coloration. In this article is reccemoends different kinds of cartenoids: "We recommend freeze-dried plankton, freeze-dried brine shrimp, krill meal and a good color flake or pellet." To read more: https://angelsplus.com/pages/koi-color-explained
  19. How often do you do waterchanges? If your plants are looking healthy (which they are) don't worry about nitrates. They are probably consuming it. How long has the tank been cycled, or has it been cycled?
  20. All though a fish keepers may be also called an "aquarist" or a "fish hobbyist", etc. What are some more "funny" names that could also mean the same terms from above. I have thought of one: -Bacteria Cultivator
  21. In my opinion Valisenaria looks better as a background plant, but it really doesn't matter so do whatever you like. The Valisenaria is a root feeder, so they will benefit from root tabs.
  22. Yes it is completyley normal for new plants to melt back. In the farms the leaves are growing emerged from the water and the roots are in the water. So when transitioning this plant to aquarium life they will be loosing there leaves to get new ones. Don't worry and be patient soon this dwarf sag will grow lusher then ever. Dosing Easy Green, Iron, and Carbon everyday seems overkill. What are your nitrates? How much do you dose a day? How big is your tank?
  23. To make sure your future betta tank is parasite free, once all the fish have left the tank simply leave it up and running for a week or two. The parasites will die off in a few days without a host. I would say stop treatment once fish stop showing signs of parasites. Treat again for another week a week later to kill off any eggs that hatched from the first parasites. I don't think using hydrogen peroxide or salt is necessarry. I don't think (and forum members mistake me if I'm wrong) the snail will be carrying the FISH parasite because most fish parasites are specific to its host. Just like a human parasite wouldn't go live in a cat. I usaully quarintine my new fish for 4-6 weeks before deaming safe and putting them in my display. All though because it sounds that you have had these fish for some time now, once they have passed there full treatment of parasitic medicine it should be fine. Here is a video cory did on this topic. In this video they reccomend either draining the tank (which isn't exactly an option for you) or just runing it with water with no fish. But he also talks about the options with salt and bleach.
  24. @Fish Folk it was so easy to name every fish when you would start off with that 10 gallon, and every fish looked different. Only two of my fish have names which is my angelfish (little timmy, because when I got him one of his pectoral fins was shorter then the other and it was the smallest angel in the store tank) And then my betta named Hugo.
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