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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Hey fellow nerms, I am wanting to give my betta some freinds. He is in a 5 gallon aquarium (fluval spec 5) and it WILL be heavily planted (HUGE plant order coming in soon). I know lots of people say that 10 gallon is probably best is if you want betta tank mates, but I have seen it been done in 5 gallons before. I figured that if it doesn't work out then I will just remove the fish and put them in my community tank. So here are my options... -Neon Tetras (6) -Chilli Rasboras (6) I beleive that the chilli rasbora is smaller then the neon tetras, and there is a big hole in my lid that I would have to cover up if I do get neon tetras.
  2. Is is just this fish that has it? how have they been acting, have they been eating? swimming around? what are your water parameters?
  3. I am starting to think its finrot. Woke up today to a chunk of his tail missing, I have re-started his finrot treatment. I guess when I was treating the first time I thought it was all gone, but turn out its not. Thanks everyone!
  4. The biggest thing to note is make sure your water is decholorinated. It doesn't have to be a water from your waterchange, but it can be directly from the tap just as long as you have decholorinated it. I clean my with my weekly waterchanges.
  5. 9.5 liters is like 2.5 gallons. I would say that is a bit small for a corycatfish, I don't know if your bioload will even be able to support another fish. Whats your filtration like? I find that snails do a better job of cleaning then a corydora.
  6. No, the nitrogen in the easy green won't have anything to do with the nitrogen cycle. The nitrogen cycle grows bacteria that will turn the amonia - nitrites - nitrates. In the nitrogen cycle we are not "growing" nitrogen in the water colum, but bacteria in your filter and other surfaces that converts what was mentioned above. If your plants are looking well, looking green and don't seem to have any nutrient defeciancies but are growing well, I would continue with your dosing scehdule, you could increase it to 4 pumps per week if you are still a little concerned.
  7. FLOWERHORNS! Some people may not be the biggest fan of them because of there big head, but there persanility is OVER THE TOP! You could put the bosemani, red dragon or kamfa flowerhorns (probably the most popular flowerhorns) in a 50 gallon easily. Something like the shortbody/ dwarf flowerhorn could probably go in a 40 breeder. I saw one at a local fish store where it would do flips for me and EVERYTHING, if it wasn't for me not having enough space for another tank it would have gone home with me. I have also heard of convict cichlids having lots of personality, no experiance with this fish so there isn't much I can tell you about it.
  8. Rams like it HOT, at least 82 (but ideally 86). Therefore you would be better off with dwarf south american cichlids like angelfish, apistogramma, etc. Even cardinal tetras would work. I wouldn't do female bettas with anything semi aggressive like angelfish or rams, and defentley not with a goruami. @Fish Folk has some GREAT videos there, defentley worth a watch
  9. someone told me that snails will show a lack of calcium in the water before shrimp, not sure how true this is..
  10. I boil all my driftwood for 30-40 minutes to release all the tannins. Happy Fish Keeping!
  11. *one minute later* oh, crap I forgot one thing!
  12. Alright, My betta has been showing sign of what I thought was "fin rot". I pulled him out, treated him and put him back in his display. fast forward a few weeks he is showing signs of it again, but no I'm thinking "is that finrot"? I have dragon stone in the tank, and he has been spending a lot of time by the stone lately, I was wondering if because it was sharp it was messing up with his fins. I have read of bettas needing soft decor for there fins like fake silk plants. Does anyone have any experiance with bettas and dragon stone? I should also mention that the edges of his fins are uneven (why i thought it was finrot) but now looking closer, there is a tiny hole in his fin too, near the middle. Also there is a spec of red by the edge of the fin at one point. I tried to take pictures but none of them really showed what I'm talking about.
  13. Yes do a waterchange. Stop dosing the ich x and continue with the maracyn treatment. I also have a 36 gallon, when treating and dosing stuff for it I pretend it is a 40 gallon, it will make it lots more easier.
  14. Yes, if you would like to see these loaches then 3 would be the minnimum. A 10 gallon is a 20" tank I beleive and would be fine for probably 4. Remember the more kuhli loaches, the more you will see these loaches. They hide lots. It isn't necessary to have 3, all though they would benefit from eachothers company. Happy Fish Keeping!
  15. The med trio (ich x, maracyn, paraclense) are all great meds to have on hand. All though I wouldnt necesarilly treat the whole tank with these meds until I know that they have a disease, and then treat with the appropiate medicine. Therefore I would quarintine for 4-6 weeks not medicating unless fish show signs of an ilness. This method in my opinion is more acurate then the 1-3 week med trio quarintine. Irenes video is a great video to watch showing you the way she built here budget freindly qt tank. Happy Fish Keeping!
  16. The med trio is used for quarinting fish, not medicating fish when seeing a disease. Ich X won't help with this situation. I suspect there could be some fluncuations in your water parameters. The one med in the med trio that would help would be maracyn, I would give that a try. Were you using any aquarium salt?
  17. One of my cats LOVE to watch the fish, its like her tv. Where as the other one doesn't care. When I had green water and covered the tank with a towel, the cat was so mad that she couldn't watch any fish. I had other tanks but the one I covered up was right next to the couch, so it was her favorite spot. She has sat on the lid multiple times, heres a picture: This picture was taken several years ago, it was my first aquarium. I have moved on from fake plastic plants. We had a disscusion of cats and aquariums in this thread:
  18. One thing That helped me a lot when tryna get my drift wood to sink was to make it sink. Push it down every day further and further until it hits the substrate. One day it will semi-float (fully in the water but not touching the substrate) and then the next I push it down and it completyly sank.
  19. I had a spider fall into my aquarium, lets just say I was happy and my fish were happy. I felt kinda bad for the spider, but next time don't crawl into a fish tank. My fish loved it! I'd think the betta would eat it before it can pose a threat to your plants. Parasites are probably not transmisable through aquatic life and bugs, and bettas do eat bugs in the wild. I would say let the betta eat it (assuming this bug isn't too big, have never seen a stink bug)
  20. You can upload a video from your computer, when edditing the video you can add subtitles. I look forward to seeing this meme.
  21. I am glad you are fixing this problem through you local fish store. Beutifal tank by the way! Anyways, to get rid of the amonia yes defently do a waterchange, its the best way to get rid of amonia. @lefty o could be right, it seems very unlikely that only 2 cups killed off your established bacteria. Don't worry about the hair algae, its complety normal in new planted tanks. I would try to siphon it out and figure out how your tank is inbalnanced? excess nutrients or too much light? What are your water parameters? A lot of the time its the light, just simply dim the light. If your light does not have a "dim mode" you can do what I did, get masken tape and put it over the lid, its really helped.
  22. Usually in dropsy the scales will be pointed up kinda like a pinecone or porcupine. Heres a pic of what I'm talking about: I am not a guppy nerd, so I'm not sure if its a male or female, but if its a female it may be pregnet.
  23. What are your water parameters at? in particular your nitrates? The algae could be caused by an excess amount of light, it seems that you don't have a lot of high light plants so I would dim the lights. Here is a thread where forum members share there fluval 3.0 lighting settings, perhaps one of the settings will be the right setting for your tank
  24. They look to be just dying back, nothing to worry about this is completyley normal. The best thing you can do is give it the nutrients it needs. You can also cut off the leaves. To learn more about plants dying back: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/why-is-my-cryptocoryne-plant-melting (all though this article talks about cryptacorne, it relevent to ALL aquatic plants including Java Fern) Your nitrates are a bit low though, you want it at around 20ppm for a planted tank, try dosing more easy green.
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