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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. The Plants defentley didn't pass the co-op standard, but it was defentley close to it. Hope your plants arive healthy!
  2. I would agree and yet disagree with @Colu. I would agree with him in the part where congo tetras are bit to big for a 29 gallon. But disagree with the part of 2 angels ina 29 gallon. I would say one angel in a 29 gallon and every angel after that is a additional 5 gallons (2 angels in a 35 gallon, 3 angels in a 40 gallon, etc)
  3. My Plants Came!!! They are currently in my quarintine tank because of the salt in hugos tank. Heres what I got: Hygrophillia Red Melon Sword (or red flame, idk) Anubius Bareteri var Nanna Salvania I also got some "dry fertilizer". It was a very interesting product as I have only seen liquad fertilizers so I decided to give the dry stuff a try! All you need to do is mix in water, sounds easy. Hugos not doing any better, but also not any worse so thats good 🙂
  4. LFS - Local Fish Store CPD - Celestrial Pearl Danio
  5. I think that they are super helpful when a someone who didn't know about the nitrogen cycle added fish in, they can addd the botteld bacteria and have a succesfull experiance.
  6. Here is a video that was released today by Bentley Pascoe. Bentley tells us about the history of angelfish. He also said stated that "when angelfish were first discoverd, they were priced at the same price of a CAR"!
  7. Well on a brighter note my plant order is coming tomorow. Only problem is that I am still treating hugo with enogh salt to kill plants, so I will be putting them in my QT tank until Hugo is all better.
  8. Every Day I learn something new from this forum, and I'm sure you'll learn pleanty of new things also. I really like watching KGTropicals on youtube, they have lots of betta care videos. They even sell bettas on there website! Welcome to the Forum! I hope you have lots of fun here!
  9. From what I know is there isn't an aquatic vet where I live. I may try though, all though if it comes with a hefty bill theres a chance I won't be using it.
  10. In my experiance with dogs, is that they can eat almost ANYTHING and be fine. My dog ate a hole chocolate cake once and only had diarehia. I am sure the dog will be fine, especially if it was a tiny amount.
  11. Well... Its been a week of salt treatment, and nothing is improving only getting worse 😞 Hugo hasn't been doing so well, he has been lying around sometimes on his side, never really swimming will once in a while have a spass atack (only way I know how to explain it) I am afraid he may only have a few days left 😞. I have not and WILL not giveup until he has. He is not eating either. I have to take a break with the salt as too much salt all at once can really do some damage. So I did a 50% water change to get rid of the salt, if he is still with us on Monday I willl continue treatment. I have never been able to treat for finrot succesfully. I live in Canada so the only meds availble to me is salt, and thats about it. There was some melafix but thats been dis-contiuned. Theres a lso some API super ick cure, but that won't help for finrot. I have been treating at the 1Tb a gallon ratio (the ratio aquarium coop recemended) Any Ideas are much appreciated. Here are some pictures:
  12. Awesome Scape! I would do... -Betta -Cardinal Tetras -Pygmy Corydoras
  13. I wouldn't do corydoras with shrimp as the corydoras will probably eat them. If your looking for a cleanup fish you could always do pygmy corydoras, snails
  14. Looks like maybe duckweed, uh-oh!!! If you dont want your tank to be covered in duck weed in a month, I would remove it.
  15. You never relize how much danios are pigs until you own them. I have target feed my fish so that my danios won't hog all the food. You could try feeding two different repashys at the same time (two different cubes)
  16. I don't think its swimmers bladder. Is he a new addition? Do the other angels pick on him? I have an angel that gets fairly stressed out a lot of the time for varius reasons, sometimes ite because I added a new plant where as others its because I forgot to do a water change. Most of the time when I have a fish thats acting "strange" I will check the water parameters and then do a waterchange. If I just recently did a waterchange I would add my water conditioner that will help remove any of the metals that maybe stressing the fish out. If he is getting bullied by the other angelfish, there isn't a hole lot that you can do. You might just need to remove him
  17. Once there has been 0 signs of ich for a day or two, do a complete 50% water change, this will help to remove the meds. At this point I would say you are good to put your shrimps and snails back in.
  18. @Maggie @Betsy Feel free to share what you guys got in your packages, mine won't arrive for a little while. I just wont look on this thread.
  19. Well, most fish will do well at the 7.0 PH. GH is more for inverts to see how much calcium is in the water, and your KH looks fine. My water parameters are very much the same. I have kept these fish with those parameters: Guppy Angelfish Betta Plecos Tetras Danios Sword Tails Gourami Corycatfish Snails Shrimp And defentley more fish, I just can't think of all of them! I don't know if there is a chart for this, But the most important part is that you keep your parameters stable, and to not so much chase these parameters, if your fish are doing fine leave them at it. You can always use products to fluncuate your PH to meet certain fishs criteria. But MOST fish will do well at 7.0ph.
  20. Yep, thats exactly what I did! For my nets and buckets I let them dry out, and then for my gravel vac I got boiling water and pured it down the hosing, and then dried it out. What Colu said is right, you could just some chemicals to disenfect them but why spend the money when you dont have to?! You could also just leave everything for 3 days, this will let any ich die off as it has no host.
  21. I don't mind the gravel vaccing and then the emptying the bucket into the bathtub. But its when I have fill up a bucket , poor it into my aquarium then relize I didn't fill it with enough water, go all the way backup stairs fill it back up, spill all the water.
  22. I think your worrying a bit to much. I have a few nano tank and only do weekly waterchanges. It depends with what your stocking plans are. With the tank being 15-20 gallons you dont need to worry about water parameters fluncuating. Cory has lots of nano tank stocking video: Heres one:
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