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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. wow, thanks guys! This forum has been so much fun to hang out on. This forum is a reward in itself let alone a aquarium co-op care package! Will defentley do @Streetwise.
  2. @Streetwise I too struggle with cat hairs in my aquarium. My cat likes to sit on the lid, and stick her tale where the filter hole is. Kinda cute, but its very annoying when I have to remove wet cat hairs.
  3. The betta fish would be my choice. The only thing I don't like about the fluval spec for bettas is the flow. You can always put a intake filter sponge on the outake. Or I just got some panty hose, cut it to size and ziptied it on. it has worked well. I have a betta on my dresser in the same fluval spec and the doors don't seem to bother him. I just make sure not to slam it shut. I wouldn't do any shrimp, the filter would suck them all up. I like the pea puffer idea as well. I would also suugest to have a colony of snails or shrimp for the puffer to constantly hunt. They are shoaling fish but can be kept thriving by them selves. I would just add something for him to hunt as entertainment. Something like mystery snails would a good fit because he cant eat the adudlts (there too big) but the constant amount of babies the puffer will have. Another idea would be to do a Killifish trio. Have 2 females and 1 male. You will probably see some eggs, you can choose to remove those and put those in another 5 gallon or you can seee if the killifish will raise them themselves. My favorite killifish are clowns, orange australe
  4. I dont think it matters just as long as it light. Sand would probably work best, but in the end if the induvidual grain/ pebel is light enough it will get the job done.
  5. Very cool idea Oliver. You can always make your own moss balls instead of buying them. You can cut them apart and roll the two halves into a ball, now you have two moss balls. Irene did a video showing you how to do this: I hope your buisness idea works out! The best of luck!
  6. I have never kept rainbow shiners. But I know @Fish Folk has attempted to breed them, so perhaps he can pipe in with more advice. It seems that 75F is a bit hot for them. Also amonia should be at 0ppm not 1ppm.
  7. you should be fine for a few years then. The first year it will grow somewhat fast and then it will grow very slowly from then on.
  8. I had an angel with a uneven venteral/ pectoral fin. After a while the venteral fins grew to the same lenght, perhaps this will happned with you. None the less beutifal angels and corys.
  9. Hugo came out of quarintine on Sunday! He started using his betta hamock, I just haven't gotten any pictures of him using it. But he is very cute when he sleeps on his hamock. The betta leaf is defentley a MUST for any betta keepers. The Monte Carlo hasn't turned out the way I wanted it to. So I am doing a rescape. I have some plants in my cart that I plan to use. -Amazon Frogbit -Anubius Barteri -Needle Leaf Java Fern -Staurogyne Repens
  10. I wouldn't at all 3 to begin with. The ich x will help with the ich, not the maracyn. If you have salt I would suggest to add salt as you are waiting your ich x. Because you caught it so early, your not in any rush to get meds in the water. I treated ich buy dosing the API Super Ick Cure every day and doing a waterchange on the 3rd, 5th and final day of treatment. I didn't use any salt or adjust the temperture. All though adjusting the temp and using salt would defentley help the recovery process. So in conclusion, only use ich x. If you want you can use salt, but its not mandatory.
  11. Because your ntirates are so low, its probably the light that is inbalanced. You could also try to do a massive waterchange and leave the lights out for a couple days, it really helped with me.
  12. I did a simmilar post about outdoor tubbing not to long ago. But in this thread I want to know exactly what your thinking of. What plants, fish, dry goods, do you use a filter?.
  13. Frozen Blood worms is a stable along with snails. I would also suggest you breed some shrimp in the 5 gallon that you are going to be breeding the snails.
  14. Agree with lefty. There is a thread that different forum members have posted what there lighting schedule looks like. You could copy one of there lighting scehdules and see if that works:
  15. How big is the clown loach that you have? They will grow somewhat fast for the first 6months - 1year, but other then that it will take 2, 3 years to reach its max size. Depending on the size of clownloach a 50 gallon should be fine for a year or two. You should also get him some friends. Here is a video:
  16. nah, leave him in the qt tank. If you already have bought the stuff for a salt treatment you I would go ahead with it, I'm not sure how much it will help though.
  17. I am wondering if the betta is just old. The betta may have been a few years old when you got him. I don't think the salt will help as I don't see any issues that would be cured by salt. But you do you. Also don't treat for more then 7 days in a row, it can be dangerous for fish if you do.
  18. For schooling fish I am a big fan of my Zebra Danios right now. They are little pigs though. Also a nice big school of neon tetras in any kind of planted tank looks pehnonmnal. It really depends on what plants you want. For example something like a Java Fern would pull out nutrients maybe a little less slower then your water sprite, amazon frogbit, red root floaters, hornwort. Generally all the plants I mentioned also grow faster too. Because you don't want any stem plants but you want a tall and big one I would do some anubius, more java fern, etc. Heres a video Prime Time Aquatics did on different kinds of Java Ferns:
  19. It depends what kind of external parasties were talking about. Is It Ich? or is it something like hexamita? If its ich I would suggest either API Super Ick Cure or Ick x. For other external parasites something like Paraclense or API General Cure would work great. Salt also does wonders. I have also beeen wondering about supertect fish health remedy to see if that would work for other external parasites other then ich. Garlic is also very beneficial for fish and parasites, you could soak some fish food in garlic before you feed the food to your fish.
  20. I found that the biggest thing that helped with my hair algae problem was I did a massive water change, removing all of the algae and keeping the lights out for a day or two. The slowly ramp up your lighting scehdule. Start off with 6hrs a day and then every week go up one more hour until you find your balance.
  21. Then where do the fish go to the bathroom?
  22. Brian, in my area too hatchetfish are not so easy to find. According to the stores they haven't beeen able to get any of them from the exporter in south america. For tetras and clown loaches I would suggest aqua huna: https://aquahuna.com/
  23. I don't think its a swimmers bladder. It just looks lazy. What foods are you feeding it? I reccemend the Hikari Betta Bio Gold, Fluval Bug Bites or Freeze Dried/ Frozen Blood worms. All of these foods are high in protein.
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