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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. I had nice dragon stone structure that he loved to explore, only problem was that it started tearing up his fins, poor guy. Which is why I wanted the betta log, something for him to go in and out of.
  2. I am rescaping my betta tank and I wanted to know what everyones MUST have betta items. I have the hamock for my betta and I am thinking of buying a betta log, probably the floating one. What else?
  3. Which log does your betta like better, the floating one or the sinking one?
  4. @Yanni is probably right, I don't think it died it probably melted back. This can be common when you move it from tank to tank or when you are first buying it from a store. If this happends again (it probably will) just leave your java fern alone and it will grow back normally.
  5. Most Bettas will do fine with peacful, non fin nipping fish. It is very common for people to pu tetras with bettas because they can make a nice school. If your looking for something colorful here are a few options... -Betta, Cardinal/ Neon Tetras, Orange Lazer Corydoras -Gourami x3 (make sure its one male and two females), Silver Tip Tetras -Killifish, Rummynose Tetra, Julii Corydora -German Blue Rams (keep them warm, 82F) Cardinal Tetras The Killifish are SUPER colorful just make sure you have no holes in your lids, they are jumpers. Bettas will do fine with any peacful non fin nipping fish. Just make sure your betta can tolerate tank mates, not all bettas will. Gouramis are fairly aggressive and so I would make sure that when stocking the tank you make sure the Gouramis are the main center peice fish.
  6. The fish store owner must have thought it was so cute that a 9 year old wanted to help scrub algae.
  7. I have an AIO tank for my betta, the flow was defentley too much for him so I wrapped some panty hose that was cut to size and ziptied it to the outake. Some German Blue Rams and some Cardinal Tetras both really enjoy warmer temps (82F) and would look GREAT together. Welcome to the Freshwater side!
  8. I think it will be a wonderful tank! Depending on how tall your tank is you could also consider some swords. My Betta tank is having a massive re-scape and I to want it to be low light, so the plants that you mentioned were great ideas.
  9. Its completley normal for fish and angelfish to eat the eggs the first time they start breeding. It may take them a few times before they are able to raise up there fry, and learn to be good parents.
  10. I had the same problem when starting in the hobby, I was also 3 months in when my entrie tank bursted. Lets just say 10 gallons doesn't look like a lot until its on your floor. To prevent this from happening again I purchased my new tank from a reliable seller, I did not get my aquarium from walmart again but this time from my lfs. I made sure the seams were good and everything. Unfortauntley there isn't a hole lot you can do from preventing this, make sure its on a strong a sturdy flat surface. There are some alarms that you can get that will either beep REALLY loud or send you notifactions on your phone. This way if a leak happend again you can fix it right away, therefore less water on the grounf. I haven't used one so I can't recemend any in particular. If you search up water leak alarm on amazon, you'll find what I'm talking about. Heres a link: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=water+leak+alarm&ref=nb_sb_noss
  11. Its in Aquarium Memes: There is a "fish school" kit. I am not sure how applicable it may be to your conivcts, but I have seen this been done on goldfish and bettas. https://www.amazon.ca/R2-Fish-School-Complete-Training/dp/B00168A6DQ With this kit it will give you all the necesarry tools to play basketball, soccer, and maybee football with your fish.
  12. This could be an easy fix to cover it up. Something like thick cardboard, ducktape that to the hole or You could get flat carbonate sheet, or get some tiny amount of mesh netting and fasten it over the lid.
  13. You can try this.... 1) Send the picture to your self through email 2) log onto your computer 3) go onto your email, and down load the image 4) now copy and paste the image onto to your message If that doesn't make sense, then sure try to explain it with more detail.
  14. What a beutifal boy! He defentley lived a happy life with you. I am so sorry that you had to loose your buddy, S.I.P.
  15. Thanks Maggie! I will defentley run my fingers along any decor to make sure its fine for Hugo! Does Cosmo like the Floating or Sinking log better?
  16. I was scrolling through this thread, and OH MY! Cosmos blue had defentley become more vibrant, he is defentley a pretty boy!
  17. Well... Do you want the good news or the bad news? Good News First: Hugo has been LOVIN' his new rock strucuture, everytime I approach the tank I go "wheres hugo" and then he comes emerging from the rocks and says "do you have food?" Now the bad news... The rocks were ripping up hugos fins, so I had to remove them. I have strated treating with salt to encourage the fins to grow back, poor little guy. So for his new upcoming rescape I will be getting him a "betta log" It will give him more structure and more places to hide just like the rocks did for him. His tank is really bear right now, I may put another rock in but just cover it in a panty hose or something so it can give him places to swim through and it won't destroy his fins.
  18. Maybe not so much a center peice fish, but defentley an odball would be the Hatchetfish. Super neat and cool looking, they like to be in groups, need a lid, and will only eat floating foods.
  19. I thought it was the other way around, neone tetras 1" and green neons at 1.2". Yes it will depend on the betta, after owning this betta for a month a two now I'm sure he will tolerate some tank mates, worst case scenario I have to put the future tank mates to my community tank.
  20. In every tank theres always that one fish that won't let me take a picture of any other fish, in this case its spritz. In my case its my angelfish in my 40 breeder. Atenttion seekers😝
  21. Not yet @Betsy, I assume mine won't come for another few days because I live in Canada, shipping must be slow. Did you receive an email?
  22. The regular neon tetras are smaller then the greens, so I will probably go with the regular.
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