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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Congrats you guys, you three deserved this more then anyone else!
  2. Heres what I would do for the big tank... Anubius glued to the driftwood Cryptacorne Wendetii Red in the front left Amazon Swords in the bacl And some more anubius glued to the rock structure
  3. Now I know how I sound when I talk about fish to a non-nerm. So many words I never heard before, lol.
  4. If you don't rinse the sand the water will be CLOUDY, and a lot more cloudy then any other substrate. Beleive me I know from experiance to rinse the flourite sand.
  5. We only have one more topic in the unasnwerd topics tab. Its a saltwater question so any of you saltwater nerms, you know what to do.
  6. @lefty o who knows, maybe the lfs will catch on and have sales on april 1st?! @quirkylemon103 yep i know, sounds wierd. But its true, search it up
  7. In my opinion they dont look like stress bars. but more of his specfic genetics. I have an angelfish that has colors that will often change through out the days. As he gets older his color has changed less, but still can alter. This was him one hour ago: And this is him one hour later: He usaully is the darker color, but he will often switch from time to time. He was the lighter color for a few months when I first got him.
  8. Neon Tetras for hugos tank! They will be in QT for the next 3-4 weeks, hopefully within that time hugos fins will have healed.
  9. Got my Quarintine Tank Ready for some new fish that I will be picking up tommorow:
  10. Lemme get this straight there is a... National Waffle Day National go to work naked day National Pizza Day Mothers Day But theres no Get New Fish Day This is outragoues!!! Well that ends today.... APRIL 1st is now officially NATIONAL GET NEW FISH DAY!!! Post on all of your social media on APRIL 1ST of your new fish with the hashtag #nationalgetnewfishday Everybody must know of this holiday....
  11. Cut the leaves off the crypts. I got some wendetii red a few months ago (I didnt cut off the leaves) and it just started to grow back now. Defentley get some root tabs too, there gonna need it.
  12. Try using a gravel vac and vacuming it up, it worked for me.
  13. Honestly I would do the pygmy sunfish. The only reason why I'm not keeping/ breeding them is because of their feeding requirements. Hopefully one day I will be able to setup a home for one of them.
  14. The Pearl Weed could have very well been melting back, which is completley normal. Just give it a few weeks and it should bounce back. I will tag @Robert and hopefully he can answer your question.
  15. Well... My Anubius Barteri var Nanna is sufffering from a Phostphate deffencie. This brands fertilizer contains 0.7ppm of phostphates per dosing. So I will probably start to dose a little more. The Sword, and Hygrophillia is looking great though! No melt back yet!
  16. Cryptacorne Wendetii Red, No I left the leaves untouched.
  17. Hey, I planted some cryptacorne wendetii red, its been well over a month (maybe two months) They melted back, and haven't grown back. I have inserted root tabs multiple times, and no change. Here are my water parameters: Nitrates: 20 Nitrites/ Amonia: 0 Ph: 7.5 Do I just need to wait more?
  18. a Betta and a bunch of tetras. Bettas in my opinion are the best begginer fish, and will eat ANYTHING. I personally like the hikari betta bio gold as well as the once a week fluval bug bites. Tetras are also a great beginner fish, and will eat anything.
  19. it looks so much smaller in this picture then it does in the livestreams
  20. I can't tell if Hugos fins are healing, or staying the same. He's been doing well without treatment, so for now no meds will be introduced into the water. I have put in a root tabs next to the sword so that it can start growing faster and bigger! After seeing @Betsy first post about her feeding triangle I decided to make one too. This way there will always be a spot too feed him once the salvania takes over. I used the aquarium co-op black airline tubbing (25ft) and a check valve to attach it. I want to suction cup it to the glass, but I haven't figured out quite how to do it. The floating plants have really minimized the flow to the point where there is this film on top of the water (I hate when this happends) so I will probably turn up the flow to see if that will get rid of the film. I've been feeding Hugo northfin betta pellets and fluval bug bites. I lost my hikari betta bio gold. Anyways, the northfin stuff sinks now so I was wondering if anyone has any other suggestions. I may just have to buy more of the hikari stuff. I usually feed him frozen blood worms on friday, but... not this week. Bloodworms are very fatty and can be hard to digest, so instead I will be feeding him only pellets/ bug bites until he gets better. I LOVE the light that comes with this tank, the blue on it makes the pictures look a lot better. ooh! I also updated my profile picture on this to a picture of Hugo!
  21. I have added fish when there is still some nitrites in the tank before and they did just fine
  22. Congratualtions your tank is cycled! 20ppm of nitrates is a perfect amount of nitrates to start adding fish. I would suggest to do a waterchange to lower the nitrites down to 0, then you can start adding fish.
  23. Hugo does the same with his feeding ring😆. Once he sees me he comes swimming over to his feeding ring and waits patiently.
  24. When I have algae on my substrate I gravel vac. It seems to work the best.
  25. When I was 7 my sister won a betta fish. Because it was simply unfair that only she had a betta fish. My parents bought us all betta fish. Thats what fueld my hobby. Once that betta fish died, that was the end of it (or so I thought....) several years later, I walked into the petstore and found the betta racks! I instantly wanted one, so I came home and started researching. a few weeks later... I pick up a 10 gallon aquarium, I let it cycle and add an anglefish, swordtail, corydora, glofish. I thought that a 10 gallon was too big for a betta, so a month later I got a betta and a fish bowl. Later I upgraded him to a 3 gallon. He then died 😞 and I purchased Hugo my new betta! Its been like 3 years, and I've learned a lot from fishtube, this forum, etc.
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