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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Any updates? How's Leonardo doing? has the salt been working?
  2. With a small window, a fish like a live bearer wouldn't be a bad idea. This way you'll still get a sucessful batch of fry at the end of the season. Variatous Platys are coldwater species and I think may be your way to go.
  3. @Fish Folk I to have thought how awesome it would be to have a BAP or HAP with the co-op. Hopefully one day!
  4. I dont think thats necessary. There are some ilnesses that can be transmitted through invertibrate to fish, but not a lot. Like litterly very rare. I've never quarintined invertibrates when introducing them. I know some do. As always its better to be safer then sorry.
  5. Post pictures whenever possible! We love seeing Aurora! Great News! Aurora seems like he is doing just fine with the pygmy corys!
  6. For the Photo Contest I was thinking we could have multiple topics to enter in. Something Like... Prettiest Betta (because it seems that most people have one) Best Scape Best Looking Invertibrate Prettiest Fish (this way no matter what everyone can join in) What do you think?
  7. You got it! Soon within a few weeks your tank should be cycled. When adding new fish don't add all the fish at once but buy a few at time. Too much all at once can kill your cycle. Buy a few at a time, wait 1-2 weeks then go at it again and buy some more.
  8. @Catfish_Lover_Jane I encourage you to start a thread in the Photos, Videos, and Journals Topic about your betta tank. I would, and I'm sure lots of other members would love to see your progess in this tank.
  9. @KaitieG has volunteered to look over/ edit the articles before they are published in the CARE Forum Anniversary Thread. I am super excited to see how this project will turn out.
  10. Just put in a bag or bucket with dechlorinated water. I wouldnt be surprised if the LFS supplys you with this water.
  11. Well... Moss is usually really cheap, and very easy to care for. I've found it at like $3 beofore. It doesnt grow tall though. @FlyingFishKeeper did mention horn wort which will grow tall, and is usually fairly cheap. Its VERY easy to grow. You can propergate it floating or planted in substrate.
  12. Java Fern can always get big, but you can always trim it. I have a red melon sword in my 5 gallon, and its been going fine. (swords are also a tall plant) Some plants that are taller and bushier to fill in the gaps in the tank. Dwarf Sagiteria also wouldn't be a bad idea.
  13. Some Java Fern would really fill in your tank well, thats what I would perosnally do. You could probably find it at $10.
  14. I have a plant order coming in on Tuesday! Can't wait! The majority of the plants will end up in the community tank and then two of them in Hugos Tank! Community Tank: Fancy Twist Sword Anubius Nanna Hygrophilla Siamensis And then I also got some more root tabs! I eventually want to get some Java Fern and propergate it to the Drift Wood, the supplier didn't have any in stock. And then the Anubius Nanna Fatty is going in Hugos tank.
  15. Your aquarium seems fine! one or two guppies wont add a tone of bio load, and neither would a center peice fish like a Bolivian Ram.
  16. No you should be fine. Easy Green will add a lot of nitrates, which you will want at a level of 20ppm. Nitrites and Amonia at 0.
  17. Yes and no. Its the bacteria that eats the amonia and nitrites. Not nitrates. How long did you have yours setup for before adding fish? Did you test for nitrate, nitrite, and amonia? What were the readings? Was there any nitrates detected? Keep your feedings level down for now until you do test for the above. Maybe feed once (very little) every 3 days. (this may sound cruel, but fish can live up to months without food) This will ensure your amonia levels remain at 0. On feeding days do waterchanges.
  18. Did you cycle your tank? Because it seems to me that you didn't. Which is fine by the way and is common mistake amoung new aquarists.
  19. I would LOVE TOO!!! I love the idea of having the Nerms organize this day. After all it is "Nerm" Day. I for one will be going to the LFS in my Murphy hat on that day!
  20. Awesome Idea! We already have a simmilar thing on this forum. But the articles/ files are not written by the nerms but by people who have their PhD in their feild of study. Its kind of a hidden gem because tehre is no button on the homepage to visit this link. its: forum.aquariumcoop.com/files But I love the idea of having the NERMS write the article. It would get me interested in researching something.
  21. This is my favorite tank to feed! I think its because of how much the angels get excited for food, and the fact that this the only time of the day I see the upside down catfish, and the pleco. Heres a video I shot of what happends when I open the lid: As soon as I pushed stop, he thought the danios were food🤣. Don't worry nothing bad happend, the danios are too big anyways! This guy swalowed three pellets at once: And the pleco is still a bit aggressive, not as bad though: As you can see, there is some gravel vaccing that needs to be done. Non fish keepers say "all you can do is feed them" when refering to fish to that I respond "and it sure is fun..."
  22. @Alesha I switched it out:
  23. The word has it that, if you wear your murphy merch you get to feed him. But maybe thats just for this kids...
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