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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Was Catching up on some Live Streams when this add popped up...
  2. You have to wait for it to load. Mine went to the co-op channel as well, but upon waiting appeard this:
  3. @Betsy you mentioned that you wanted a halfmoon koi for this tank, right? Well there are some GOURGOUES ones at keepfishkeeping.com right now, and its 10% off (If I lived in the US I would by another tank and get another betta they are that gourgoues) Some Red Melon Swords would really give a good splash of red in the tank. Treat it just like you do with your crypts, both are heavy root feeders.
  4. Just Feed him LOTS so that he isnt tempted to go after one.
  5. So lemme get this straight... If this isnt a april fools day prank the Co-Op is franchising out to Canada. I don't know from what I have heard on the live streams is that it seems very unlikely it would ever happend. @Cory can you approve this article?
  6. That seems like quite the filtration you got there I'm surprised its the kids playing with the boxes and not the cat🤣 Very exciting! But also probably very expensive when your first getting into saltwater. I was once going to get a saltwater aquarium but after calculating the prices and it = more then $500 CAD (keep in mind I was planing on doing everything the cheapest possible way) I decided to setup two more freshwater tanks instead with the space that the SW tank was going to go. Saltwater is really pretty, and I would love to set one up one day, when I can afford it. I'm tagging @quirkylemon103 they seem to take an interest in saltwater and am sure will enjoy your project! Good Luck! Hope everything goes as planned! Will you be adding Corals eventually? Or will you just stick with a FOWLR tank (fish only with live rock)??
  7. It would be easier to tell when its not stressed and in what looks like to be a breeder box. But from the pictures it looks like a apisotgramma borelli, can somone second this?
  8. Yea your probably good to add in fish right away. Chances are that corydora was just a weak link.
  9. Thats what I do! I only have one QT tank so any fish that I get from the lfs goes in there. You should be fine to add new fish to the QT tank if the previous batch didnt have any illness or anything. If they did I would do a complete waterchange, and switch out your filter.
  10. I wouldnt do the pea puffer nor the dwarf frogs. I feel like both of those would need at least 5 gallons, but ideally 10. Pea Puffers also are a very intellegent fish and need something for them to do so that they dont get bored. this could be other pea puffers or a colony of cherry shrimp or snails for him to constantly hunt. The Killifish idea isn't a bad idea and neither are the cpds or rice fish. I would personally do the killifish idea, but instead I would do clown killifish.
  11. It could... but from what I've seen/ heard its most provinces in Canada.
  12. It seems that most fish stores/ petstores in Canada have been banned from selling any kind of fish or plants for the next while. I beleive it has something to do with the recent moss balls situation. My LFS I beleive is still selling fish but thats because they dont usually sell moss balls. The local petstore that I went to yesterday had signs up saying "not allowed to sell fish due to governments orders". Then recentley aquascape room canada posted on their instagram that they are not allowed to be shipping plants. I was wondering if this has happened to any of you?
  13. Well I returned the neon tetras (because they died) and got a 100% refund. Once my LFS has the neon tetras are back instock at my lfs, I plan to make a trip up there. I did a bit of late night matneince. I didnt do a waterchange or clean the glass (I lost my algae scruber) but I did get all the algae off the plants, fixed the betta hamock and inserated some root tabs for the sword so that It can grow monsterous sooner. So far no die back yet, I think I'm out of the woods! I am trying this new food. its a homemade flake food made by my lfs. Hugo doesnt seem interested, it doesnt seem like he knows its food. I'm gonna try and soak it in garlic, hopefully that helps. Hugos fins having been growing dramaticilly, you can just see the growth on his fins! I cant wait till he has his full halfmoon back! The Petsmart that I went to return the tetras were legally not allowed to sell fish. Not because of how they treat them but because of something else.... I wonderd if it was because of the Moss Balls they were selling. The Zebra Mussels have recentley been detected in my province. Hopefully soon after this situation ends I can get my hands on some moss balls, I've been wanting them for a while now.
  14. The one things no ones tells you when you first start out in the hobby is the amount of extension cords you will need.
  15. @Betsy my crypts took a little under a week to start melting. Crossing my fingers your out of the woods🤞🤞
  16. Is this fish new? Sometimes it will take a little while for a fish to get used to its new human. Just spend some time at the tank, feed him, try not to make any sudden fast moves and it will be become your most personable fish.
  17. @brighamthatcher Those fish and pictures are GORUGOUES!!! I love seeing younger people on the forum (probably because I'm young too, 15 just like you) Theres a number of teenage aquarists on this forum:
  18. @CorydorasEthan its so interesting that the fish that are a staple in every lfs/ petstore in my region, is hardley even sold in your region.
  19. FrozenFins


    I too play with my fish as they think my finger is food. I am sorry to hear about your fish, that SUCKS! It sounds likke you have chlorine in your water. I would test with either the aquarium coop test strips or the tetra test strips to make sure there is no chlorine in your water. I'm assuming you didn't condition the water before you added the water. If you washed the filter and the filter media under this tap water that had chlorine it would've killed your cycle (all though your fish probably wouldnt die so fast if the killing the cycle was the problem.
  20. My betta currently isnt in a community tank. All though when I do add some tank mates I plan to have some sinking food, and some floating food. I will feed the floating food (for the betta) at one side of the tank first, this will get him distracted. Then drop in some sinking food, this will be for the other fish. In my experiance bettas wont really go after sinking foods, some times they will.
  21. Yesterday I went into Petland (canadian version of petco pretty much) and the fish isle was PERFECT. They kept bettas in the same racking system that the co-op uses, they quarintine their fish. They had very healthy fish, they had high quality foods. I was very impressed. Every time I am near a petstore, I make sure to visit (just for fun). But this petstore was PERFECT. I dont even think I saw a fish bowl or anything like that for sale. They also had a huge selection of tanks. Lots of nano tanks, which really got my mind thinking of setting up another nano tank.
  22. Is that filter shrimp safe? if not how do you plan on making it shrimp safe? Wondering because I have been thinking of putting shrimp in with my betta who lives in a simillar tank (fluavl spec)
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