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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Did you just get these plants? Can we see pictures of the plants? What kind of plants do you have? The Plants could be struggiling from a nutrient defencie not a light defencie. Even though you are doing the reccemneded dosing, depending on your setup you may need to increase/ decrease the dosing. If you have plants like, Java Fern, Moss, Anubius, Hornwort, other low light plants. It would seem very unlikely that the lighting is the issue. If you just got these plants, they could just be melting back in which case leave them as is (maybe cut off the leaves) and they will grow back.
  2. He's gourgoues! One of the things I love most about bettas can be their price! $2.99, thats a STEAL.
  3. I feel very fourtante that my lfs quarintines their fish, I've never had a sick fish from them. I almost feel like I dont need to QT from them, but I usually do. Just maybe not so long. I still quarintine all my fish (well, at least try to). You have to keep in mind that the health of their livestock varies from place to place. I've been to PetSmarts where their fish look healthier then most of the fish stores in my area, They even kept their bettas just like the co-op (same racks) and I beleive quarintines. Where as I've been to other stores where its fish death everywhere. If you have the space/ money to get a QT tank, its better to be safer then sorry. @Maggie linked a great video for a cheap, easy and space effective way to QT fish. The great thing about petsmart too (well at least the ones in my area) have a two week waranity on all livestock.
  4. Can you make the picture bigger and zoom in on the places where you think finrot is starting? From the picture you took it does not look like earl signs of finrot. Heres what mine looked when it had early signs of finrot:
  5. @Brandy no need to apologise Perhaps we should tag @Cory or @Dean’s Fishroom
  6. To be fair @Brandy we would all love if Cory or Dean answerd one of our questions, thats the goal isn't it?! lol. And ORD
  7. When I first got my bristlenose pleco I didn't see him for like the first month. The I saw him maybe, once a week. He used to never eat any of the algae wafers, and would never come out during feeding. After a good 6 months, he eats with all the other fish, I see him a few times a day, and wont scurry away so fast when he does see me. I wouldn't be worried. Give him time to settle in, give him LOTS of time. and Yes defentley try what @Trish mentioned, FEED THEM VEGGIES. They LOVE those.
  8. The Fluval Plant 3.0 Nanos are SUPER expensive though! But if your willing to drop that kind of cash, go for it!!! you wont regret it. Another option would be the Aqueon Planted Clip on Light its only like $60 on amazon.ca.
  9. Two things... Can you see his foot when he is parked in that one spot? Have you smelt him? How did it smell? if it smelt rotten its dead. If not, its totally fine just return him to his original position.
  10. Will these be the only shrimp in the tank? Or do you plan on doing another neocaridina shrimp species?
  11. As much as I love bettas, I wouldn't do a better like what @CorydorasEthan mentioned, the pristilla tetras do seem to be somewhat fin nippy. If your looking for a fish that is easy to feed, I would do the honey gourami. And I would do 2 or 3, because they can be abit shy. The sparkiling gourami do tend to like smaller food like crushed up flake and bbs or daphnia, etc. I had a female pearl gourami that non stop chased my sword tails. It came to the point where my swordtails hid behind the hob filter, he eventually stopped eating. I gave the gourami away.
  12. Heres a bunch information on blood worms allergy:
  13. Heres Hugo before his finrot problems: The picture hasn't shown it but he will sometime have like a flouracent blue on his fins.
  14. @Hobbit has a great thread on breeding honey gourami, hopefully this helps: The fry are almost sellable (i beleive, hobbit correct me if I'm wrong). He could also probably help the identifying of which is which.
  15. Are the worms attatched to the fish like this?: Or are they free swimming kinda like this: if the worms are on the glass and are free swimming, I dont think API General Cure will help. Infact all you have to is to stop feeding smaller foods like, bbs, daphnia, crushed flake, etc. Infact I would just stop feeding. Heres a video the Co-Op did on this:
  16. Lets just say this... In my 40 breeder I have... -Angels x2 -Cardinal Tetras x6 -Danios x6 -Bristlenose Pleco -Upside Down Catfish x2 And I've had 0 problems. So knowing that this tank doesn't have any plants, is working fine, the fact that you have live plants means that no, your tank is not overstocked. Infact I have gone multiple weeks without doing any matnience, and every fish is doing just fine. I'll be doing a waterchange tommorow though.
  17. I've never owned a convit cichlid. But I know in saltwater you can have snails with big monsterfish without getting eating, you could try that.
  18. Keep them in a bucket of water. They will be fine in this enviourment for a few days. No need to worry about lighting, but if you want and you have an extra light lying around you could use that too. The most important part is the bucket of water, they just need to be kept moist.
  19. My LFS has a one week QT, thats one of the reasons why I love supporting them. But i got these from a petsmart because the lfs didnt have any instock.
  20. Well that didn't last long... 3 of the neon tetras are dead. I went to go check on them, and one was dead and the other two were struggiling. I imediatly checked my water parameters, all in check. I use the tetra strips, so they dont test for amonia, I thought that might have been the problem. So I did a immediate waterchange, The two that were struggling, I think have died. But the other two are completley fine. Because Petsmart does a 2 week warirnty, I will probably go back and get my money back, then purchase some more at my lfs when they have more in stock. Edit: There all dead 😞. I am going to get my refund then I will make the trip to the LFS.
  21. Hugo officially has some freinds. Well future freinds, they have to go through quarintine for the next 3-4 weeks. I set up the QT tank yesterday and went shopping today. I went to the LFS today but they didn't have any of the neon tetras I was looking for, so I went to the local petsmart. They LOTS there. I saw a neon tetra in the tank that looks like had the mouth fungus the neon tetras are brutal for. So I bought some API Pimafix just in case it shows up in any of my neons. I bought 5 Neon Tetras. On April 23ish I will let the neons swim with Hugo. I am hoping with in the 3-4 weeks Hugos fins will have been healed up, if not then the neons will have a extended QT until Hugos fins are better. I can see some new growth on Hugos finns too, HORRAY!!! I couldn't get a clear shot of Hugo, he couldn't stop moving. I guess he was excited for his freinds to come out of QT. I couldn't get a clear shot of the neons:
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