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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. I did a salt bath for hugo, lets just say I partially regret my actions. He is now in his tank, spassing again and lying around. I REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! I know that I won't be treating him with salt again, part of me wants to try some API Melafix but I am pretty sure that won't work based on the cirqumstances, I just have to locate some melafix. As hard as it is for me to say it, this may be it for hugo. LITTERLEY ANY ADVICE OR TIPS WILL BE SOOOOOO MUCH APPRECIATED!
  2. Up until this point I was wondering "what will I do for my seinor year prank". Well now I know, thanks betsy🤣
  3. @OceanTruth I am all out of reactions for today, but thanks! I thought he turned the corner for the better too!
  4. I recently got the co-ops usb nano air pump, but not much air is coming out. I have seen images where there is LOTS MORE air, and was wondering how you do that. I have a checkvalve on it but that doesn't work. I will show you how much air is coming out: And this is what I'm talking about when I say that other are able to get more flow out of it: I have also tried adjusting the airstone, nothing seems to work. Does it need to be elevated?
  5. My first tank was a 10 gallon with: -Angelfish -Pearl Gourami -Swordtail -Threadfin Rainbow -German Blue Ram The angelfish I still have and is in my 40 gallon, the Pearl Gourami I gave away (it was too aggressive) and everything else died. The gourami killed the rainbow. And the GBR died because the water was kept at 76F, And the swordtail died of popeye.
  6. What a differnce 7 hours can make. 7 hours ago Hugo was happily swimming, eating, etc. 7 hours later and he is lying on his side, not eating, not swimming. I honestly don't know what to do. I have dosed salt three times since this last happened, and have only seen a difference once. I really don't know what to do, but I don't think salt is the way to go. Even with daily waterchanges and and daily dosing, it seems that Hugo is not responding to the constant amount of salt 😞. I was thinking of doing a salt bath, this way he is only exposed to the salt for a short period of time. If that doesn't work I may go with the H2O2 method.
  7. I accidentley bought the "high tech" kind therefore there would be more nitrogen and stuff. I will just be dosing less.
  8. I lived in Niagra Falls for a few years which is only an hour away! We then moved to the cold Winnipeg! Welcome to the Forum!
  9. When I went to order some of my plants from a source I have never orderd from I saw that they had some "Dry Fertilizer" up until today I have only used liquad stuff. Well, I decided to give it a try and thought I would create a thread for it as I document how well my dry fertilizer is. Is it better then the all in one liquad stuff like easy green? Heres what the package looks like: I accidently clicked the "high tech" option instead of the "low tech" option so hopefully it will be alright. As you can see it does not say how much to dose, it only says "the following dose will add _______ to your water". I could see how one (espically a beginner) may find this confusing. After filling a old 500ml hand sanititzer bottle (it has been throughly rinsed) with condtined water I add the powder. I must say that when adding the powder I made a HUGE mess. I reccemend fillind the bottle up with water then add the powder, I overflowed the bottle lots when trying to get it all in. I then shook it until you could not see the powderd substance. It says to shake every couple hours and wait for 24hrs. I shall update this thread then. I will be taking the hand sanitizer label off and putting a homemade label on it.
  10. MY CARE PACKAGAE ARRIVED!!! Thanks @Maggie and @Betsy for waiting! And of course thanks to the co-op team for putting these care pacakges together! A lot of these products I would never be able to get because I live in Canada so THANKYOU! I wear hats all day long so the Murphy Hat will be awesome! I put the angelfish sticker on my community tank, and the murphy and co-op logo sticker on my laptop. Not sure what I will do with the rest of the stickers. I put the spongefilter in one of my tanks to get "seasoned".
  11. I was going to go this year but I am going to wait for another year when everything is a little more normal. I want the REAL aquashella experiance, not the COVID aquashella experiance. It also doesn't help that when flying back to Canada I have to quarintine for 2 weeks at a government facility costing me about 2k cad.
  12. Correct at @Colu In fact it almost killed my betta. When freshwater fish are exposed to salt for longing period of time (7+ days) it can really do damage on their liver and other organs. So when the salt had no effect I continuesly dosed, until the 10 day mark where I was forced to stop because all he would do was lie on the ground, not eating, not swimming, etc. I then did 2 50 % water changes to get rid of all of the salt, waited a day and contunied with treatment with the ratio 1T salt per gallon. Here is what one day of treatment looked like: (the top is the before, the bottom is the after)
  13. I did a little changing to hugos tank to make it more easier to dose. I simply drained it 50% so that I could dose 50% less. I also had to take the heater out of the internal filter and into the tank so that the water would still be apporpiately warm.
  14. I have a betta going through finrot right now. I have been using salt, I only found that using 1T salt per galllon ratio actually worked for me along with daily 50% waterchanges. I found that anything below that ratio didn't work for me. Some forum members were wondering if a dip in a H202 would fix it. In my opinion it depends where you get your betta from if they will be prone to finrot. Every time I get them from a petstore and they are kept in cups, they usually have a problem with there fins. Where as if you get them from a breeder or from a fish store that keeps them properly there not as prone to finrot.
  15. @Betsy in your very first post in this thread ⬆️ you mentoned that you had big dreams of doing some corydoras, is this the plan for the new tank?
  16. I've never heard of anyone using those for tannis, but it would defentley make sense as people use leafes for tannins and they are very simmilar. Happy Early Birthday Betsy! Your husband defentley doesn't know what he got him self into when he said "I'll buy you a second tank". Next birthday it will be "I was gonna buy you another tank but... our living room is already full to the max with them, so..." Defentley start a thread for your new tank.
  17. I love this thread fish folk! Thanks for creating it! Here's my favorite, its my 40 gallon community tank with my 2 angels (my favorite fish) as well as some zebra danios, cardinal tetras, upside down catfish, britlenose pleco. 5 Stars for the person who can locate one of the upside down catfish:
  18. I love that idea!!! If the salt treatment at 1T a gallon ratio isn't working I will DEFENTLEY try that. I may try it anyways because it such an interseting idea. Thanks @Hobbit and @Lifeisgood for the ideas!
  19. Hugos doing ALOT better!!! He has started swimming again, eating again, and has new growth on his fins! Here is a picture of what he was like yesterday and then what he was like today. (Top one is yesterday, bottom one is today)
  20. I haven't posted in this thread much, but heres what I'm thinking: For this tank because I don't have a nutrient riched substrate I want plants such as anubius, Java Fern, etc. I still have the crypts in there but for whatever reason they are not growing back regardless of the amount of root tabs I feed them. I want to get some java fern and glue them to my drift wood. I am not sure about anubias. I have also never kept rhizome plants like, Bucephalandra or bolbitus. I have decided not to go with my original plan which was a bunch of amazon swords, crypts, rotala indica
  21. Oh yeah its defentley enough light. Speaking from experiance I have grown swords with those little led lights that the starter kits come with. All of your plants are reletivley low light plants, and a finnex stingray will be more then enough light.
  22. If your looking for a feature fish I would go with something like German Blue Rams or Bolivian Rams, just make sure if you do want the german blue rams that you keep them hot (80F at least).
  23. Thanks, I really appreciate it. If I have to I will try the swab, but the stress coat is defentley somethibg to look into.
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