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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. The youtube memberships are used through youtube, not the co-op. You could probably try a google play gift card.
  2. Look forward to seeing what your doing with your outdoor tubs! Was curious if you do anything for a overflow system?
  3. I was wondering, how fast does Java Moss grow when floating? Under the right conditions can it be consiered a weed?
  4. One thing I love about this forum is that you could be keeping a goldfish in a bowl and still not get yelled at . At worst someone might say "Your fish may not be that happy" 🤣 Defentely start one, it would be interesting!
  5. I would stop treating and try to get the meds out of your tank. My Betta currently has some finrot and was looking, and acting like you just described. The Ich X won't help with the finrot and it doesnt look like septicemia it just looks like finrot. My Betta had that red in his fins too. I am not much help when it comes to treating for finrot, as I have not done it succesfully. Your best bet is to do a waterchange, stop treatment for a few days, and don't feed. A bunch of forum members helped me with my bettas finrot in this thread: Also turn off the tank lights, don't make any sudden changes in the tank besides the water change to remove the meds.
  6. LET THE EXPERIMENTS BEGING!!! Now that I've re-scaped my betta tank I can start dosing. One Dose = 0.5ml - 1/2 pump Plants used: -Anubius Barteri var Nanna -Red Melon Sword -Hygrophillia -Salvania
  7. @Lifeisgood Thats Genuis!!! Well of to the fish store I go to look for some anubius @OceanTruth Its Salvania (giant duckweed), I wanted amazon frogbit but they were all out, so I opted for the salvania @Hobbit After doing further research some people on different forums said that they have dips with H2O2 but that there could be so many unkown side effects because its very experimental. We'll see, I don't think the fins are getting any worse, I think the salt killed the bacteria and now I just have to wait for the fins to grow back themselves. We'll see. @H.K.Luterman I did it once before the video, and he went CRAZY. After I knew I had to get my phone to share it. Who needs a betta mirror when you have a laser pointer!?
  8. Heres a bunch: Its specifically for fluval 3.0s, but these can work for nicrews too!
  9. Did FlyingFishKeeper just spoil the product release!?!?!?!?!
  10. Hahaha @Betsy I assume Spritz goes without food on the weekends, you could probably add that to the list🤣 The Rescape is DONE (well kinda, we just have to wait for the plants to grow in) I put the red melon sword and hyrgrophillia to the left corner, and then glued the Anubius Barteri var Nanna to the betta log. I can't wait for the sword to become big an monsterus, it will really fill in the tank. Heres the final scape: The Betta Hamock keeps falling, ugh! I glued the anubius to the betta log. It had CRAZY roots, so I couldn't take all the rock wool off, but thats fine. I did a timelapse of me glueing the anubius to the wood: Theres still pleanty of room for Hugo to rest in the log, infact he may enjoy it more because of the roots: Floating Plants are now a MUST have for me for betta tanks, I didn't relize how much they decrease the flow of the tank. I put a aquarium co-op logo on the side of the tank to make it Aquarium Co-Op approved! You can see that as soon as Hugo saw me on the other side of the tank he came swimming over! 😆
  11. @Hobbit I actually forgot about the hydrogen peroxide, I found some bottles on amazon.ca for like $10, figured I might give it a try. I don't so much wanna do the swab (I don't really like touching my fish, so I may try a dip. But in the end if the dip doesn't work, I am totally doing the swab) @Lifeisgood Yeah, his fins haven't been getting any worse, but also not any better. So I hope your right. I went to the petstore today to look for some melafix, or litterly any other antibiotic, and as I was expecting they didn't have any. I did make the mistake and looked at the bettas. I felt bad for them being in the cups and all. Some didn't look the best, but OH MY THE COLORS! I almost took one home, but then I would be cheating on Hugo. At least for @Betsy she wont need to be worried about spritz being jealous about her future betta in the birthday tank😆 Once Hugos finrot is gone, I want to add some neon tetras. For now though I will wait, I don't want him to be stressed out.
  12. Thanks for all the help @Anita After looking for a solid hour or two I really only found one somewhat cheap way of treating this finrot, and I have my doubts of this method. I read that using garlic can be used for bacterial infections, I knew it could treat parasites but not bacterial infections. So because I do have some garlic in the fridge I will be trying some of that and soaking some of his food in it. I will be in the area of a big box petstore today, so I will look for some API Melafix. Anita, the bottle you showed was a bigger bottle, hence why its so expenive. Unforatnely thats the only size that Amazon sells. And I beleive that most big box stores have discontinued melafix. I have also read it doesn't do much for extreme finrot cases. As of right now it seems that unless I wanna blow $50-$100 CAD, I won't be able to find any anti-bacterial infection treatments. Which is really too bad, poor hugo 😞. I have read that sometimes the fish will die, and other times their fins will just be permanently ragged. With the severe case this finrot is, I think there a chance he will die. But none the less I am determined to save this fish. As always you have any experaince with treating finrot with meds that can be found in canada, LET ME KNOW!!! Or if you have any words of encourgement. I don't really know where to go from here, except to leave it and make him the most comfortable that he can be. Hugo can is pretty frantic, kinda like when you bring home a new fish. I have been relunctent to wipe the glass as that scares the crap out of him. But I caught this video of Hugo playing with a lazer pointer 🤣. He's the only fish that reacted to it like that. Hugo has quickly become one of my favorite, if not my favorite fish that I own currently. I just cant wait till his fins are normal again. I was surprised that Hugo wasn't scared of this lazer pointer. I fed him some of his northfin betta pellets soaked in garlic juice today to see if that has any effect on his fins, I doubt it will (but at this point, anything is worth trying. Especially when its free). But he sure did LOVE it! I am almost finished his rescape, I just have to glue the anubius to the betta log. I will post a picture of the final scape when its all done!
  13. Anubius is defentley my favorite type of plant, with its all of its variations its SUPER simple to keep alive and thriving. You can propergate it anywhere, it could be on a peice of hardscape or in the substrate. I was wondering whats your favorite type of anubius? My favorites probably the nana petite, or the anubius barteri.
  14. I would say... If you going to do with either a sparkiling gourami or scarlet badis, keep them in groups. Because your tank is heavily planted I would go with three of either/ or. Personally I would go with the gouramis, they are super neat to watch.
  15. I love corydoras, unforatnetley I don't own any at this very moment. My Favorite Catfish that I currently own would be the upside down catfish: They give me a good laugh when I see them swimming around, but thats not very often. They dug a bed underneath my spongefilter at one point. I do plan on giving these back to make some room for some corydoras.
  16. Hugo has been more active, less lazy and is no longer gulping at the water surface. I added an airstone, put a towel over the aquarium and left it like that for a few days, with the every so often peak. A few days ago I removed the towel because I wanted to see my beatiful boy again. His fins have probably gotten worse, but his overall health is a bit better. I bought him a sinking betta log for him, I will ocaisnally see him there. I usaully have the lights off, but for the purposes of this picture, I turned them on. I won't be treating with salt anymore. So now its time for other medications you all might reccemend, I live in Canada so not everything is availble to me. I will probably be getting some API Stress coat tommorow. The plan is to plant the plants tommorow, CANT WAIT. @Anita its been about a week with no food, should I start feeding again?
  17. Here some plants that I just got a week ago. I bought them and put them in my quarintine tank because the tank its going in was being treated with salt. I hope to get these planted sometime this weekend. Anubius Barteri Var Nanna: Hygrophillia: Red Melon Sword, or Red Flame Sword I'm not sure
  18. A longer finned beta should be fine with cherry shrimp, just because its slower. All though you should add some hiding spots for the shrimp, just in case.
  19. I don't see any ich on the fish. Usually the ich will attack the fins the most, and only some white dots will be on the sides.
  20. Theres another smaller angelfish. The big one kills, and then they feast on it together.
  21. Soo... Every Thursday I fast all my fish. Then on the following Friday I will spoil them with frozen foods. Well... My angels being pigs and never wanting to fast, they didn't. They ate ANOTHER (Thats 6 Cardinal Tetas that they have eatin) Cardinal Tetra. Well, I thought I would show a picture of my fish coming out for frozen blood worms. The Upside Down Catfish were out, but then scurryed away when I stuck a camera in their face. I may be a bit mad at the angelfish but none the less, I'll get over it.
  22. I beleive that the agassizii and the cacatuoides are in two different genus' so therefore they wouldn't breed (I think...)
  23. Whats your favorite Tank Size? I really like 20 gallons/ 29 gallons, I think that they are a perfect size for breedinf community fish. You can breed fish and have a community of other fish (breeding apistos and having cardinal tetras, etc.)
  24. Thanks! Yeah, I guess I kinda knew you didn't need a clean up crew, I just wanted an excuse to buy some panda corys, lol.
  25. Did you know that aquarium co-op make laptops? Get them while you can! https://www.aquariumcoop.com/
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