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Found 9 results

  1. I recently got my 1 year membership coin with an order recently and last night I thought that I really love the coin, but as someone that easily loses things like this how am I going to make sure I don't lose them? Well....I made this today. Assuming all the coins are the same dimensions, I've got another OpenScad script almost buttoned up that is going to be more of a generic "challenge coin" model, but will have the parameters for the Aquarium Co-op Membership coins baked in as the template to modify. Here is the rapid prototype of just 1 coin (ignore the cat hair) 😅: Anything else you'd change or add? I put a pop-out hole in the back since the fit is snug so the coins don't fall out. But I was thinking a stand so you could display them on a desk, maybe a wall mount? I'll have the model formally posted sometime this weekend.
  2. Hi all, Sorry if this has already appeared. I signed up for CoOp membership through apple several months ago. Heard Corey talk about canceling it and then renewing through desktop to avoid the apple fee. Does my membership time have to expire (tomorrow btw) before signing up again? Does my membership time reset?
  3. Hello folks, Its been a busy time lately with a new puppy, so less time for my aquarium. I missed some membership only live streams, and did a search here with no answers. So, before I make a decent online order, does anyone know how to link your membership to your account? Thanks, Nanci
  4. I"m a member to Aquarium Coop on YouTube at $5.99 a month. It looks like you must be a member at $6.99 a month to get the new community material. How do I modify my account from $5.99 to $6.99? I can't figure out how to do this other then unsubscribing my current subscription and starting a new one. Is this my only option?
  5. I’m a little sad I missed the surprise members event at the Retail Store this afternoon! @Coryand @Zenzo thanks for doing it, I bet you made the day for some nerms! Another good reason to join the online club. 😀
  6. Hey Nerms, I posted a poll on the community tab of the Aquarium Co-op channel (for members only). The poll is to allow you to vote on an upcoming speaker presentation. If you have not done so already, go check it out. For those of you that are not currently members and are interested in learning more, please see the most recent YouTube livestream (June 6th) that Cory and I did. Thank you! Zenzo (Tazawa Tanks)
  7. Hello- I am trying to check the Youtube membership option using the link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNJuJfXCKNWu4-VifYixs8A/join But on clicking on it nothing happens, it only opens the main Youtube channel page, am I doing something wrong here or is the membership available only in the US? Thanks
  8. Is there a way to become a member without having my information shared with other companies? I would love to become a member but I don't want my information shared or sold.
  9. I've been an aquarium co-op member for over a year at no cost to me. I spoke with Cory and told him what I was doing at AquaShella 2019, but of course there are some hurtles to over come announcing it publicly on the channel, but we're among friends here. Sure, all of us are members already, but you have friends don't you, or just save yourself some cash and spend it on the co-op website. Hit your app store, look for Google Rewards app, and start filling out surveys. Start your membership on YouTube and use your Google Pay as the payment. I typically get around $5/month in surveys and at the beginning of the month Cory dips his flake-caked hands into my Google Pay account and takes out five bucks. I hope you all find this useful. Mods can pin it to win it if it's a great idea and want to keep this in the forefront of new forum members.
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