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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. What are your water parameters? are you constantly trying to get amonia and nitrites down to 0? If not then yeah you could probably add some more tetras.
  2. I have heard of bettas nipping at corydoras whiskers, that could be the issue. What are your water parameters? This is a tough hobby. Sometimes you need to take a break here and there to enjoy yourself. Or sometimes you need to downsize. But I encourage you to rise above these conflicts.
  3. in my experiance angelfish won't be aggressive with one another for the most part. There will be some chassing here and there, and thats normal. Its when the bullied doesn't want to come out of the corner when its an issue. Often one will be severely bullies when two angelfish are tying to pair. This probably wont happend as you only have 4, its when you get to 6 or 8 that you may start seeing breeding activity. Because its a 90 gallon you have lots of room for more angelfish. I wouldn't worry about adding more. Just make sure the new angelfish are reletivley the same size as the ones you already have.
  4. As much as I love the apistogramma like the orange flash, I really LOVE the wild ones. The panduro, and now the hogsloi!
  5. What is your favorite earliest fish keeping memory? Maybe you only started keeping fish a week ago, or maybe it was 50 years ago, what is your favorite fish keeping memory. I have a few: -Setting up my first aquarium when I was 14 with my Dad. Then going to walmart and getting decor. Then a day or two later we went to the fish store to get fish. And oh, the fish I saw! I was so blown away by everything "you can keep seahorses!" "starfish!" "dory fish"! oh man! Keep in mind this was a saltwater store, with some freshwater. -Also keeping my first betta when I was 7, named him swimmy (for obvious reasons). He was my best friend. I thought he would get lonely so I got pictures of cartoon fish and taped them to the side of the tank. Each picture had its name.
  6. If you ever wonderd who did something on the forum its probably @Daniel. From fixing spelling mistakes, to changing titles, to uploading thumbnails, this guy does it all.
  7. I got impatient and couldn't wait for the plants (we've all been there). It also doesn't help that the java fern I want is sold out, if only I checked out like a hour before hand. So I am waiting for the java fern to be back instock before I make my move. But I couldn't bare to look at the tank anymore, the algae infested ugly looking peice of crap. I dug up all the monte carlo (hugo wasn't a fan of this re-scape) Took out the dragon stone, scrubed the glass, and did like a 75% water change. After all this I decided to take a break because Hugo was getting mad. After he cooled down, I positioned the dragon stone. I wanted it to have more of a structure, and more places for hugo to go in and out of. I simply moved the rocks to the left. This way he has the corner. I thought this would give him more privacy during his sassy teenage years. He has already started exploring it, very cute. I then put a peice of paper over the lid where the light shines through. This will help dim the light a bit. Unfortauntley the peice of paper did not reach the entire length of the light. So theres a dark side and a light side. I plan to get floating plants for this tank, so once the plants have grown in I will take the paper off. Heres is a before and after: I know not the biggest change. Just broght everything to the left. The right corner is very bare but I plan to fill it up with plants. And perhaps some javafern behind the rocks. And of course some pictures of Hugo: This picture was taken seconds before he tried to eat that plant. He quickly spit out though, turns out he doesnt like salad.
  8. You can check out your local fish club. To find where or if you have a local fish club go here: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/apps/store-locator There also some aquarium conventions. The only one I know of is Aqua Shella. I am not sure if they are going to be doing anything this year, but they did say they were planing one in florida. Heres a link to there website: https://www.aquashella.com/
  9. I empty quarintine tanks after every quarintine. I will keep my quarintine filter in one of my pre-cycled tanks to keep the benefiical bacteria on the filter alive. Once you add the filter that has been runing in one of your cycled tanks to your quarintine tank it will be cycled enough for fish. You do not need to disenfet anything. If you drain the tank fully, any parasite or disease will die. If you decide to keep it full of water all you need is a source of amonia in your tank to keep it cycled. This could be you putting fish food everyday or so. If you do this you can just leave it as it is with no fish. Any parasite will die without a host.
  10. I am thinking about using some java moss, hornwort, dwarf aquarium lilly, amazon frogbit. And then filtration I will be using just a sponge filter hooked up to a solar powerd air pump. I am thinking about breeding golden white clouds from aqua huna.
  11. Do any of you guys have a rain overflow system in your tubs? In the praries we get really big rainstorms, I wouldn't want it to overflow.
  12. Yep thats exactly what it is! I zip tied some panty hose cut to size, and figured the flow was still too much. So I went looking and found a pot, used it and its been working. Others have just put intake filter sponges on the outake.
  13. I have really been wanting some killifish lately, defnetley a underated fish. Some scarlet badis would also be cool. I would defentley get another betta, one of my favorite fish. Heres what my spec 5gallon looks like. If you add co2 the montecarlo wil carpet.
  14. I dont have many predators where I live. But I do have my cats, so I just keep the cats inside. You could always drape a net over the tub if you find that your fish have been gone missing.
  15. Salt at 1tsp every 2 gallons may work. But I would first go to a medicine like Maracyn, its plant safe unlike the salt. If the maracyn treatment doesn't work try the salt treatment. You may even want to setup a hospital tank for the little guy.
  16. Heres my dog attempting to do yoga. He loves it when the yoga matt is pulled out. We think he is trying to do downword dog, but its hard to tell. His name is Max, and is 6.5 years old. He enjoys his Peanutbutter, Waks, Food, Snuggels.
  17. Great video! Killifish are defentley an underated fish!
  18. Some schooling fish like Rummynose Tetra or Zebra Danios would look really cool.
  19. @JaredL Yes the newlife spectrum algae max wafer will stick to the glass Heres a video from michaels fish room explaining how to do it:
  20. The angelfish will defentley snack on the little shrimp. Shrimp such as amano shrimp or bamboo shrimp should be fine with an angelfish. I am a little confused by your question, are you wanting to completly re-stock or just add more fish?
  21. All though what @Ben_RF is right. There is the New Life Spectrum Algae MAX wafers that can stick to the glass. This would be great for any fish that likes plant matter. Such as, bristlnose plecos, platys, SAE, etc. https://www.amazon.ca/New-Life-Spectrum-AlgaeMax-Wafers/dp/B077NLTSDX
  22. The best way to learn a language is to go emerse your self in the langauge. It can be a good excuse to go to germany. Just tell your wife "hey honey, I need to learn germany so I can leard to read a fish book in german. be back in a giffy". Its not like the price of your plane ticket will be more then any of your fish store receipts.
  23. So you could put both aqua clears on there and the spongefilter that will be hooked up to the airpump, it will be over filterd but thats fine. The R/O system isn't necessary but can be very useful. Mistake me if I'm wrong nerms, but that willl take over for your water conditioner a Co2 tank, will be an awesome addition to any planted tank. Here is a video explaining all of the items needed for a co2 system as well as how to hook one up: All you will need now is plants and fish! And of course de-nitrifying bacteria. I am not a fan of putting puffers in a community tank, but thats just me. I really love angelfish and some schooling fish. You could also do like 12 rainbowfish and other schooling fish. Pretty much any community fish will do well in a 120gallon. If your interested in fish babies live beares such as guppies, platys, mollies would also be great,
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