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Just a Pygmy Corydora

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  1. I have a 5g community tank. Recently my snail passed away, and I took a trip to Aquarium Coop for some new plants. It’s been around a month since i had them, but I spotted this weird thing that moves, it looks like a snail but it has two shells…what is it? Also, is it an invasive species and should I remove it? Thanks for the help!
  2. Thank you for responding so throughly. It was a big help to me. What is guppysnail’s airline holder method? Should I submerge them in carbonated water like talking rain?
  3. Then why is the plant dying? There appears to be no growth. My other Anubias nana’s leaves started falling off too, and I bought it a year ago.
  4. How do I cure/remove the cloudy water? I have been doing water changes with a siphon every week. I have my LED light for 7 and a half hours. Should I change the light hours? I have a sponge filter, and a heater.
  5. Can you add on to what the clarity of water is? Should I put in more or less light if my water is cloudy?
  6. I did not bury the rhizome, I did put in easy green. Leaves are only falling off, there is no sign of growing.
  7. So in the past week or too, I got an Anubias barteri. I don’t know why but its leaves have been falling off, and some of the leaves are partly transparent or have a hole. What is causing this and how do I fix it?
  8. My Anubias barteri is dying or melting, and my Kuhli loach has this very odd red line. What is the cause of this? I did get my honey gourami and named her Lemon! I hope she lives a long life.
  9. The Kuhli loach is doing worse. I am not sure what disease it has. There are white patches on its body. Is this normal?? I did start treating it with maracyn.
  10. It was from Aquarium Co-op and it’s been a year since I got the loach. What medication should I use? I started using Maracyn.
  11. I am planning on getting a honey gourami once my Kuhli loach gets better. I don’t know what disease it has so I’m just putting in everything.
  12. Ammonia is 0, nirates and nitrites are 0. I suspect it is a fungal infection.
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