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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Well that sucks! The worst fish deaths are the ones where you don't know whats happening, but they keep on dropping dead. @Colu has some excellent advice, but maybe instead of doing just Maracyn I would add in Paraclense. They could have some sort of parasites which is why there isnt really any significant signs. I recently had an angelfish pass who showed no signs of parasites till he was dying. It seems that your tank is cycled, due to the fact that you had shrimp in the tank for a few weeks before adding the other fish. And the corydoras are completley fine. It would also help if you post pictures of the fish.
  2. Heres my 40 Gallon Community Tank, houses Angelfish Zebra Danios Upside Down Catfish Bristlenose Pleco Cardinal Tetras Plants Red Twist Amazon Sword Anubius Nanna Hygrophillia Siamensis Crypts Wendetii Red (hard to see, stil recoviring from crypt melt)
  3. Heres Hugos Tank, its had a major rescape as well as some stocking changes. Hugo was just playing with his neon tetras, and then he saw me and started attacking the feeding tube.
  4. No... Amano shrimp aren't part of your regular neocaridina shrimp (like cherry shrimp) they get a lot bigger. probably a 5-10 gallon is best for them.
  5. When you temperture acclimate (such a floating the bag) and then you drip acclimate in a bucket, wouldnt the temperture of the water fluncuate. Drip aclimating I think is more common in saltwater because you also have to acclimate to the salinity of the water, and I think SW fish are more sensitive to changes to their water parameters.
  6. @Catfish_Lover_Jane did your betta go eat the daphnia!? I've never fed my betta daphnia, but he seems to really like his frozen blood worms and his fluval bug bites.
  7. @CorydorasEthan Those pictures are STUNNING!!! I too am VERY impatient with cycling so To speed up my cycle I simply just put a source of amonia in there. Usually its food that I put in about once every few days and within a week the tank is usually cycled. Why wait the 4-6 weeks when you can wait 1?
  8. Welcome to the forum! I cant give you any advice about quartining your puffer, because I've never had a puffer nor do I use the med trio. But I just wanted to say how cute that puffer is! You can start a thread in Photos, Videos, & Journals. I know I would and I'm sure MANY members would love to see this guy develop! Fahakas are soooo cute!
  9. I've been doing a lot of updates on this thread, one yesterday, one the day beofore that and now today. Perhaps its just because a lot of things have been happening. Yesterday one of my angelfish died of a parasitic infection so I decided to head up to the LFS and pickup an angelfish I fell in love with a few days ago. I didn't pickup it before because I thought I didn't have enough room. Well I went, but the angelfish had already sold. So Instead I picked up some freinds for Hugo. Some Neon Tetras. And a full tank shot: I was a little nervous introducing the neon tetras with Hugo, but Hugo doesn't even seem to notice them. When I placed there bag by his tank to go get a bucket, I came back to him just sitting and staring at the neons🤣
  10. Which is one of the reasons why I love the Co-Op. They sell small little community fish with the exception of Ghost Knifes, and the rare mbu puffer. Fish like a baby redtail or baby oscars are so cute and adorable, un-educated or simply money greeding fish store owners/ employees will sell them the baby monster fish for their 10 gallon. Knowing fully well what will happend. I have a fish store like that in the area, I try my best not to shop there but sometimes its the option.
  11. I have the fluval spec 5 gallon (to be exact its 5.6 gallons) I use the Tetra Pre-set heaters. I've never had a problem with them and they are in almost all my tanks. They will automaticlly set the temperture of the water to 78F, which is fine for a betta. They are super cheap and you can probably find some at walmart for like $15-$30. Depending on the size of heater.
  12. When you came up with an idea on the suggestions box thread that got implemented
  13. Nope doesnt look like ick at all. Ick will usually attack the fins most, and there wont be just one dot, there will be LOTS. Could be a fungal infection, not sure with that picture. If it gets bigger I would get worried but until then I wouldnt worry too much.
  14. Your scapes are so beutifal. The Plants are very Lush!!!
  15. When you run out of Reactions for the Day:
  16. Could we please get a 😍 reaction, for when we see a pretty fish, fish doing something cute, or even a stunning scape? I get why we dont have like a trillion different reactions, but one more couldn't hurt, right?
  17. Thanks everyone for the help! Unfortantley I came home to him dead😞😪 He was one of the most personable fish I've ever had. What even sucks even more is that the two angles were showing some breeding activity (I think). There was multiple times it looked like they were looking for a place to lay their eggs. The Community Tank looks so empty with just one angel, I'll be getting another one soon I guess...
  18. Beutifal Boy! One of my first fish that I've ever owned had a curling issue. I never thought much of it as it never got worse. Your bettas dorsal fins seem. Heres what my old bettas fins looked like:
  19. The most important thing about PH is that you keep it stable. Bettas are VERY hardy fish and can pretty much handle any kind of bullet thrown at them. I had the same problem with my betta too, heres what I did: I found that he always flared when the tank lights were on but not the room lights. So I keep both lights on at a time. I also coverd up 3 sides of the tank with paper, I've recentley taken the paper off and he doesn't flare anymore, not sure why. Less light also helps, but I see that you dont have a very bright light. You can try to put white printers paper on the LEDs Light. Make sure you post pictures of your betta, we would love to see him.
  20. Okay perfect! I have some leftover salt from Hugos treatment, so I'll use that! I am pretty reluctent to use salt especially after Hugos treatment, its not as easy as it looks.
  21. Nope, only parasitic medication I can find is Fritz Mardel Parashield. Its REALLY expensive, so I only wanna get it If i know itll do the job despite the horrible condition the fish is in. @Catfish_Lover_Jane
  22. @Catfish_Lover_Jane most medications are ilegal in canada, so no I dont.
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