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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Any hockey fans out there! Whats your stanley cup playoff bracket looking like? What team are you cheering for? Heres mine: I have the Avalanche winning the stanley cup. FYI to all the americans, the stanley cup in Canada is like the Super Bowl in America. Its a big deal, everyone watches it. I'm cheering for the oilers!
  2. Thats completley normal! They just aren't used to you yet! Give it a week or so and they should be up at the glass begging you for food. You can also try spending more time at the tank, putting your hands on the glass ever so gently to let them know that your their freind.
  3. Make sure the top (like the green disc, see picture below) is on completly! Make sure that it clicks in. I've had that same problem with co-op sponge filter and that always seemed to help.
  4. ME: "guess what cory, I just got one of deans dark night rams!" CORY: "Pfft... Thats nothing! Have you seen my chair! ALSO CORY: "Have you seen my glasses and my headphones too?"
  5. No I dont think so. Especially if you have high light plants in that tank, the high light plants wont care about the room lights. Low light plants might but I dont think to the point where theres a problem. My community tank is in the basement, the lights turn on at noon and turn off a 10pm. the basement lights are always on (7am and onwards) and I have never witnessed a problem. Most of the plants in their are low light (amazon swords, anubias, crypts, etc.)
  6. No. a U.V Light running 24hrs is not necessary. When dealing with green water the number one thing you have to do is to fix the problem, otherwise it will just come back. This can be challenging. For the most part green water is caused by excess lighting, whats your lighting like? Another cause of green water is excess nutrients in the water, in this case your fertilizer. I would suggest to not dose as much, see how little you can do without seeing your plants not thriving. When I had green water it was caused due to much lighting. I simply decreased the amount of time that it was on for as well as the brightness of the light. Not all lights come with a "dimming" feature, but you could always do printers paper ontop of the lid (thats what I do), some people also like getting tape and doing that. To decrease the amount of time it was on for, I simply got a WIFI light timer and used that. I use the Teckin ones (from amazon.ca) but the Co-Op has the Kassa ones in stock too.
  7. Your snails fine! Snails are okay out of water as long as they stay "moist". Sometimes shippers wont ship snails in water but instead inside a plastic cup with a damp papertowel.
  8. Its important to note that most substrates that are meant for aquariums are okay for plants. The number one thing you should consider when buying a substrate is if you like it or not. If the substrate is not nutrient riched you may wanna look into inserting root tabs to help the growth of stem plants. nutrient riched substrates probably the "best" for plants, in terms of whats inside of them. Because they are meant for plants they hold the necessary nutrients for plants to thrive. Unforatunetly these substrates are also very dusty so beware that your going need to really rinse these substrates. Remember if you dont like the substrate dont buy it. Regardless if its a "nutrient riched substrate". You can also add root tabs to any substrate to make them "nutrient rich". Its also important to note that the nutrient rich substrate are also the more expensive substrates.
  9. I had a simillar experiance with my nirtie snail yesterday too! Dobby was ontop of Hugos feeding ring, maybe he thought I drop some food in for him? It was probably because dobby like the biofilm on it, but none the less still funny. Honestly I would just keep an eye on your snail, making sure he doesnt escape. You could also just plop him right back in. As of why, maybe Aurora said a bad word? jk
  10. What size is your tank? 70 degrees seems to be a bit too cool for neon tetras and the plecos, not sure about the corys or danios. I would reccemend to get a heater if you intend to keep those fish. A nice budget freindly heater would be the "Tetra Pre-set heaters" There like $15-30 CAD at your local walmart. If you decide to run with a heater I would suggest the fish like a Betta, Apistogramma, Platys, Mollys. If you still want to keep the aquarium without a heater I would suggest either Rosy Barbs, or Whitecloud Minnows. Of course all the fish I've suggested will depend on your tank size.
  11. Whats your favorite type of fish related shipment do you perfer? Plants, Live Fish, or Drygoods???
  12. I love seeing the progress of this tank, so interesting... Thanks for the updates daniel!
  13. The "new fish for the week of..." thread would be a good idea. This way Co-Op locals have a chance to see whats in stock.
  14. FrozenFins

    Is this ich

    I think I see what your talking about, and I'm gonna say no. My angelfish will time to time develop those white spots, a few days pass and the spots dissapear. Ich is usually more spead out, and will attack the fins more then anything else. For right now just keep an eye on the angelfish and making sure it doesnt spread. Post on the forum if it does spread. Good Luck!
  15. I went to the LFS today and dropped off the Pleco. When I was there I picked up some flourite black sand for the new tank and a dwarf aquaium lilly for the community tank. I have a plant order coming on Tuesday for the new tank and decided to rinse, and add the flourite sand to the new 10 gallon tank. Apperiantly I didnt rinse it for long enough, so its very cloudy. Its been this cloudy for about 6 hours now. Its gotten a bit better. The Plan for this tank is to breed some fish in it. I want to start off with an easy live bearer like platys and then move up to fish like apistogramma. This tank has been in the planning stage for about a year now, so its SUPEER exciting that its finally happening. Its being run off a nano aquarium co-op sponge filter. I also finally convinced my self and my wallet to purchase the fluval 3.0 nano for this tank. Heres how cloudy the tank is: I have some cheap LED lights for the time being before the fluval 3.0 nano comes. Anyone have any suggestions getting the tank water less cloudy? @Betsy I know you had simillar experiance with another substrate with your birthday tank, any tips? Heres the plants that are comming in the mail on tuesday. the Buce is for Hugos tank, but other then that all the other plants are for the "breeding tank". The hygrophillia compact in hugos tank is growing like CRAZY and has split into three. So one of them will move into this tank as well. Total came to like $105 CAD. The upside down catfish have been WAY MORREE active since the removal of the pleco: Heres the dwarf aquarium lilly I got: Let me know if I planted the lilly right!
  16. I love mr mojo! His bumps just give him a cute character!
  17. Very Pretty! Heres my betta, his name is Hugo:
  18. GENUIS!!! I have to ask, how much was shipping? I too am from Canada and if shipping is afordable would look into something like this. Would you reccemend the same service you used, even though they stole your sticker?
  19. Hugo doesnt do that but my angelfish does🤣 but on the bright side at least i can take a good photo of him.
  20. Cory has challenged us all to take part in the "1 hour challenge". Take 1 hour out of your day to spend time with your fish! You could be feeding, maintaning, and just enjoying your fish for this one hour! Did you spend an hour with your fish today? What'd you do?
  21. I wouldn't feed during this two weeks at all. Maybe have someone come in once on the weekend, but other then that no feeding. With 0 feeding, less amonia/ nitrites will be caused. Also don't worry too much about your bettas, they are one of the hardiest fish EVER. They will be just fine for two weeks. Not exactly sure whats in your 20 gallon but I'm sure that'll be fine too. Fish dont just eat the food provided by their human but also the food that you cant see.
  22. Looks like Cryptacorne Wendetii or Crypt for short. Heres what mine looked like before they started their melting process: Yours are of course more red then mine ever were. Aquarium Co-Op has them in stock too: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/cryptocoryne-wendtii
  23. After watching the livestream i was thinking the same...
  24. It wasn't that there any more "less or more agressive" but that its harder for them to get something like a shrimp because their fins slow them down. Of course it varys on the individual betta.
  25. Maybe not so much a "sub species" but females do tend to be more peacful then males. If you still want a male, species with big tails tend to be more peacful. I beleive that they could still have the same nasty temper as others but that its hard for them to catch a fish or eat a shrimp because of their big flowly fins, it slows them down. Where as Plakat Bettas tend to be more agressive because they have smaller fins. I currently have a halfmoon betta with neon tetras, and he's VERY freindly to them. From what I've heard is that the average betta will do fine in a community setup. Of course it varys from each individual betta. What I like to do to determine if my betta is "tank mates safe" I do the following: Stick my finger in the tank Observe his behaivor Is he flaring at it, or attacking at it? If so probably not the best idea to add tankmates Or does he simply not care about the finger and continues on with his activites? If so he'll most likely be fine with tankmates. Species of Bettas that I would recemend would Halfmoon Dumbo Ear Halfmoon Crown Tail Viel Tale Butterfly Tale Twin Tale Theres litterly so much more different kinds of bettas with flowy fins, but these probably have the longest and "flowiest" fins. Heres my Halfmoon Betta named Hugo:
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