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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. The Crypts in the nano breeder are grooowing like CRAZZZY!!! They didn't melt back either, only grew a bunch! The Anubias in the community tank is also growing a bunch, a new leaf almost every week (fast for an anubias)!!! Also huge thankyou to @Betsy and @Isaac M for developing the perfect aquarium journal. I tested my water to make my first entry, and 80PPM OF NITRATES!!! Did an imediate waterchange! The fluval 3.0 nano was finally instock on amazon.ca, so I orderd it. expected to come within the next week or two. Also orderd a 100Watt Fluval E Series Heater for the community tank as the heater in there as stopped heating. Its been sitting at 72F. Thankfully its summer, so its not in the 60s. The only fish that has been effected by the heater broken is the angelfish. Sitting in one spot most of the time. Still eating though. Also orderd more plants. I wasnt planning too, but then I saw that they had the madgascar lace plant instcok soooo, I kind of had to buy it. Its sooo pretty. I figured if I was going to buy that I might as well also purchase some Pogostemon Stellata Octopus. The Lace Plant will be going in the community tank and the Pogostemon in the nano breeder. Also caught the snail eating some amazon frogbit:
  2. I did the same thing too with google photos. I figured might as well because its more effecient. I quicker way of putting photos in to your post, is after downloading them on to your device just copy and paste. Thats what I do, seems to work fine.
  3. I got some amazon frogbit, but it didn't spread like that! Mine still growing, its been like 2ish weeks. It has one long root. but that tank is gourgoues! I bet your betta likes it!
  4. From the social media perspective, yes. There aren't a whole lot of Women Fishtubers. There is Joanna (primtime aquaitics) Lisa (KG Tropicals) Taylor (Simply Betta). But the majority of the fishtubers are men. And on instagram I see mostly men with aquarium related instagrams.
  5. Hey @Sandra the fish rookie When you recceive these bags dont float them. Instead you can put the fish in a bucket and start a drip acclimation. Depending on how cold/ warm the bags are you may not need to acclimate them. Sometimes hobbyists will skip the acclimation process when buying fish online because the high amonia in the bag can be toxic to the fish, so you wanna get the fish out ASAP.
  6. I've read that they enjoy colder waters. Do you think they would be fine in like 76-78F?
  7. Looks like a X-Ray Tetra. Hope this helps!
  8. Hey everyone! My local plant supplier has some Madagascar Lace Plant in stock, and its sooo pretty! But it looks like its a hard to plant to take care of, whats your experiance with it? It looks almost like a sword, should I treat it as a sword? does it grow fast, slow? Also share pictures!
  9. So will the writer for the articles be the one posting it in the FMA thread? Or will it be one of the volunteers? Just curious.
  10. @Anita @CorydorasEthan could this blog feauture on the forum be a spot to post our forum members aritcles?
  11. Try to get Aurora to eat them, it would be a nice snack
  12. The new decor will be fine for the plants @Catfish_Lover_Jane I see that your tank cleared up from the green water mess🥳
  13. Classic Betta Problems😆 Hugo Loves food! But he also has neon tetra tankmates, so he needs to share! Heres what I do: I feed the neon tetras flake food and push the flakes down so that they sink. I then feed Hugo FLOATING pellets. He seems to not even notice the flakes. I've found that a feeding ring helps. Hugo wont go after food thats outside of his feeding ring. This will take a few days for Aurora to learn that the feeding ring = food. One thing I would be tempted to try is to feed both your betta and the corydoras sinking foods. My thought behind this is that Aurora wouldn't be able to eat all the food before the pygmy corys get it. Good Luck! Let us know if Aurora decides to share, you may have to tell him "sharing is caring..."
  14. I have 6 neon tetras in my 5 gallon betta tank and they seem to be doing just fine. You could probably boost the numbers of the neon tetras up to like 12ish.
  15. Fins will regrow by them selves. So for now be patient and keep on eye on it making sure it doesnt get worse. If it does get worse we have probably have finrot. Finrot can be treated with meds like Melafix, Maracyn and Salt.
  16. No, dont medicate quite yet. I would do the following... Turn down the flow, if he is hanging around the same corner constantly, the opposite corner of the filter it sounds like he doesnt like how much flow there is. Get Foods like... Hikari Betta Bio Gold Fluval Bug Bites Frozen Blood Worms And soak those foods in garlic, garlic may attract the fish towards the food Give him some time to rest. You said you have only had him for a few days, so just relax. He will start feeding soon. Because its only been a few days, and hes a new addition I would just simply wait on any medications.
  17. Welcome to the Hobby! No I dont think you will loose motivation if you get a home tank. If anything you will enjoy it more! I always find that the more tanks in different areas the better! Not dumb at all! Ask almost anyone in this hobby and they will have a simillar story to you "I thought I was going to only get one tank, but a few weeks passed and I already started looking for another tank". At 3 months in the hobby I had 3 tanks. All were relatviley small, a 10 gallon, and 2 bettas. Yeah this hobby is expensive. Too expensive almost! You can try looking on places like Facebook Market Place, Craigslist, Kijiji, etc. For used aquarium goods. Theres almost always going to be a good deal! I got a 40 breeder in september from Kijiji with a filter, airpump, background, gravel vac, stand, and substrate for only $200CAD, its hold up quite well too. I'm going to tag @Betsy because I know that she has a tank at work and at home, perhaps she can give some better answers.
  18. I dont nearly have as many foods as @Lowells Fish Lab, but I'll get there one day. I like to test as many foods as I can. If that food sound interesting, its coming home! I currently have 8 foods (Northfin Krill Gold, Tetra Tropical Flakes, Northfin Betta Pellets, Hikari Betta Bio Gold, Frozen Bloodworms, Fluval Bug Bites, Flakes made by my LFS, New Life Spectrum Community Pellets) The one in the smaller green container is my Hikari Betta Bio Gold, and the one in the bigger contanier is the New Life Spectrum Pellets. Hugo thought it was food time, broke my heart to tell him no. So I gave him a snack. I'm going to the LFS tomorrow, so this collection will probably be increased...
  19. I just caught my mystery snail chowing down on some amazon frogbit. Wondering if they would do the same thing with duckweed...
  20. I have it in my community tank, it does grow like crazy. But I wouldn't say as fast as duckweed. I dose every week for fertilizer and it always seem to have more growth a day or two after the ferts that have been added. Its super easy to take care of, I have kept it without any fertilizer in the tank. Theres been times where I went 3-4 weeks without needing a waterchange, the salvania just sucks all the nutrients up real fast! The only downside is that when you take your hands out of your tank you have to pluck off all the salvania, kind of annoying.
  21. Your fish when you do a waterchange:
  22. My betta Hugo is a halfmoon betta who was in a 5 gallon with dragon stone for about 2 months. I did not see any signs of ripped fins, all though he did develop some finrot (all though I doubt thats connected with the dragon stone, I bought him from a big box store). The one thing I did was not to put the stone close together, that way if wanted to go behind there was less of a chance of him rubbing up against it.
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