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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Excited to see your rescape! I'm very surprised. I thought he would be thrilled to leave school, most are... I guess he liked your chemistry lessons
  2. Right by the drinks! Spritz must be happy! I have never capped flourite sand with fluval stratum so I can't tell you if it would become potentially harmful. But what I can say is that black flourite is my FAVORITE substrate. I have some in my 10 gallon and betta tank and all the plants are really doing well. Have you considerd trashing the fluval stratum and replacing it completley with flourite? You could always try capping the fluval stratum while keeping on eye on the water parameters for the first week. In my experiance bettas are very forgiving in terms of water parameters so if you catch anything bad early on you should be fine.
  3. Nah, I wish! There just too darn expensive for me (there almost $70CAD near me) A local hobbyist is starting to do some tissue culturing with them so maybe he can get the price down, we'll see...
  4. My Betta Tank is looking a bit bare as of lately. It doesn't have a lot of plants as I would like. I have a really nice hygrophillia in the front left corner, its really growing. Also have lots of different anubias on the driftwood. Other then that its really bare. I want to buy some rotala and put it in behind the driftwood to fill in those empty spots but I want something in the front right corner. I dont want anything that'll grow really big. Originally I was thinking a crypt, but I have so many of those in all my other aquariums. So I really am lost. I did want to do Alteranthera Reinecki Minni there but I think it would do better with higher light. All though I could try it out in there and if I see it would want more light move it to my 10 gallon that has higher light. Then I was thinking putting some java fern windelov there. But maybe that'll grow too tall. Any more suggestions?
  5. Tonight when the lights were off i saw hugo doing something, wierd... He was flaring at the filter box, i looked closley and there was dobby the nerite snail he was flaring at. Even attacking. Every night hugo likes to rest up against the intake. I guess he didnt like the fact that he had to share the filter with dobby. Never seen him be so mean... Just thought it was a bit funny so i shot a video... I removed the snail from the filter and stuck him on a glass full of algae. 😂🤣 I knew hugo didnt like sharing his food but thought he could overloook his precious filter box.
  6. I got some guppies for the 10 gallon today! Hoping they start breeding soon! 1 Male and 2 Female Gold Red Tuxedo Guppies! Penny is still living with them, I am hoping he can grow fast so i can get him into the community tank before they start giving birth.
  7. I think me and @FlyingFishKeeper were thinking of making one big post for all the tanks/ fish photo comps with all the links to each photo competition. @Hobbit you could link that big photo comp post into your big NERM week post. That way you dont have to link and find each different competition. i also was thinking of making a "nerm day lfs visit" thread where we can post pictutres of what we got at the lfs on nerm day.
  8. I think we should have one BIG thread with all the nerm day events in it. @Hobbit i think you said you would do this...?
  9. I wouldn't treat for 5 more days after you cant see any more signs. The ich parasite cant live without a host for more then 48hrs. So I would treat for one day after you see no more signs and also do a quick gravel vac. Thats what I have done in the passed and it has worked really well for me.
  10. How do these ranks work? do they go off posts, reuptation points, etc.?
  11. Okay heres what I'm thinking for plants for my walstad tank: pogostemon stellatus octopus (I should have lots of it by end of July) Amazon Frogbit Java Moss (I heard shrimp love this...) Boblitus Crypt Wendetii Variaous Anubias (seriously, whats a low tech setup without anubias?!)
  12. Thanks guys! I just bought the book off Kobo! I'll be reading it and doing more research through out the summer! and then Maybe start setting it up end of July.... or sometime in august. This walstad tank will be my summer project! Now off to reading!
  13. Thanks @Hobbit What kind of gravel do you suggest to cap the soil? I was also thinking of using plants like Crypts and Hygrophillia Roanervis, do you think those would be fine? I'm also of course going to use rhizome plants like Bolbitus, Anubias, Java Fern. I was thinking about getting a small little water pump to create some flow to help prevent the ugly biofilm that always comes ontop on all my tanks when I dont get enough flow.
  14. Yep 🙂 I think it would make more sense. Because then the people living on the other side of the world has a chance to submit their videos/ pictures as well. Plus I dont think its a big deal if someone submits their submission an hour late or so, just as long as its not a day late!
  15. I should also add that we should be using our "own time zones" so if its 12ET on Wednesday the ET people wont be able to enter in their photos. But when its 12ET on wednesday for the CT people it will be 11am, therefore the CT people still have an hour to get their photos into the competition. If that makes sense...
  16. Here is the thread that we discussed the newest badges and ranks. And heres the thread that we discussed the trader feedback
  17. I have become so fascinating with walstad tanks as of lately. I want to set one up in the near future, and all though this wont be for another month or two I have some questions. Its my understanding that you do 1" - 1.5" layer of soil and then you cap that off with another inch of gravel/ sand, is this correct? Is there anything in the some soils that I should avoid? or will any soil do? I also understand that because its heavily planted the nitrogen cycle is not necessary. I can add the fish the same day I add the plants? But I also heard that you should wait two months before adding the fish to let the aquarium balance out. Whats your opinion on this? And of course in walstad tanks because theres no filtration, Diana Walstad reccemends to have some flow in your aquarium. This would probably help with preventing the bio film that lives on the surface of the water when theres no flow. But then also if something were to go wrong with your plants you have that added source of oxygen. Is this right? Anything else I should know? Its going to be a 5 gallon that will probably house some pumpkin shrimp. I'm also considering ordering the book off amazon because my local library doesn't have it. Thanks guys!
  18. I dont live in any of those states, or heck even America. But if your going to San Franscisco you have to go to Ocean Aquariums. That store is wiked cool! They dont do any waterchanges, very heavily planted, and do diy co2 injection. Heres a store tour cory did: Ocean aquariums and Aquarium Co-Op are two places that are on my bucket list to visit.
  19. Hey everyone, As you can see theres a new update on the forum! And I was wondering what some of it means: The hand thats over the profile picture in each post. And then when you hove over it with your mouse it says "Rank: Newbie 1/14" Theres also new badges if you click on your profile. Is this for the new club?
  20. Hey @H.K.Luterman were you able to exchange the aquarium?
  21. Yes @Hobbit I am still down to post the photo contets for nerm week. @FlyingFishKeeper gave you our scehdule! @FlyingFishKeeper Yes, that would be awesome! I was thinking of a simillar idea also!
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