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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Agree with @Odd Duck the onething I've learned about bulb plants is that you need to be patient. My Lilly Bulb was without sprouts for probably 2-3 weeks before I started seeing little leafs starting pop up. Be Patient.
  2. My betta hugo lives with a nirite snail, and did live with a group of neon tetras. The neon tetras did go after his fins so I had to remove them. But the bioload with the snail, hugo and the tetras were just fine in a 5 gallon. I would suggest doing some smaller rasboras with your betta. For example chilli rasboras, or galaxy rasboras. @Catfish_Lover_Jane has pygmy corydoras with her betta and it seems to be working out "okay" for her. The only problem I've seen her express with that pairing was that the betta was eating all of the corydoras food. Shrimp are a great option all though some bettas may eat shrimp. You may wanna do a "shrimp safe test" and buy a single cherry shrimp to see if the betta will eat it, wait a few days and if the shrimp still hasn't been eaten your probably fine.
  3. My Guppy Breeding tank! No babies yet, but there is a pregnant mamma! The aquarium is a 10 gallon aquarium with pogostemon octopus, crypts, javafern, hygrophillia compact and a sword. It has a nano co-op sponge fitler, preset heater and has a fluval 3.0 nano. Pregnant Female:
  4. Have been working a lot this week, so haven't had time to just sit and watch the fish. Which is a real shame because I love feeding the community aquarium and then sitting and watching the minni pookas (my upsidedown catfish) and my fleet of corydoras eating the food. Usually when I get home from work the tank lights are off. I haven't botherd to change my light settings because the time my shifts are at vary from day to day (today was 11am-7pm, so only got like 3 hours with the tank lights on.) All the plants have been doing awesome though, the lilly bulb has one hugge leaf and 4 other smaller leafs (last week it only had 2 leafs). The Madagascar lace plant now has 5 leaves instead of 3 (last week it had just 3) And the crinum is growing non stop! All though i haven't had good luck with the frogbit in the 10 gallon, I think I only have one single frogbit now. I also just orderd some BBS. I'm excited to start feeding everyone some BBS. But the light I got for my rescue betta, is taking foreverrr to arrive. In fact Its gonna arive when I'm away on vacation so I had them hold it for me at the nearby UPS Store. Penny has been growing too, I'm hopping I can move him to the community tank shortly. Also went to the LFS today. I was talking with the owner and they said: "you seem to know your stuff, you should conisder volunteering so that when we do have a position open for you we can hire you!" Looks like I'll be volunteering at my LFS for extra school credits!
  5. Posted some of the photo comps already because I will be out of town for most of the next week. You can find the links to the ones posted in this thread: Start Posting before its too late!
  6. Posted some of the photo comps already! You can find the links to the ones posted in this thread: Start Posting!!!!
  7. I posted some of the photo comps this evening as I will be away for the majority of the week: The Comeback Kid The Prettiest Aquatic Animal You cant do "BETTA" then that The Water Dog And then @FlyingFishKeeper just posted their photo comps: Tubbin' Time Best Breeding Setup Best Invert Tank Best Scape
  8. Hello Fellow Nerms! Today marks the first day of NERM Week 2021!!! Meaning that submissions for our photo contests are live! For more information on how to post your submission as well as vote for other submissions visit here. Deadlines: You must submit your submission for each contest by Wednesday at Noon participants local time. If you post your submission after this your submission is invalid and you will be private messaged. You can only have one submission per contest, if you have multiple the submission with the most reactions will be invalid. Wednesday at Noon participants local time is when voting will start. To vote simply react to the submission you want to win. You can react to as many submissions that you want! Saturday at Noon participants local time is when voting ends and the results will be announced. The Comeback Kid | 2021 NERM Week Fish Photo Comps! The comeback kid will be judged upon the fish who made the biggest comeback. A Fish that was at certain death but you were able to save and is now thriving. Please submit a photo of when the fish was at it lowest point, till what the fish is like currently. The Comeback Kid Rules and Guidelines: The fish you post must be your own fish · The fish that made the comeback could either be a “rescue fish” or a fish that went sick under your care (remember a sick fish doesn’t mean you’re a bad fish keeper) Invalid Posts: If your post does not comply with our rules/ guidelines you will be private messaged for the post to be fixed. If the post has not been fixed by Wednesday at noon, your post becomes invalid. Any members post thats does not comply with our rules/guidelines will receive a private message. Good Luck!!! If you have any questions please private message either @James Black or @FlyingFishKeeper. If you do not know how to private message someone click here.
  9. Hello Fellow Nerms! Today marks the first day of NERM Week 2021!!! Meaning that submissions for our photo contests are live! For more information on how to post your submission as well as vote for other submissions visit here. Deadlines: You must submit your submission for each contest by Wednesday at Noon participants local time. If you post your submission after this your submission is invalid and you will be private messaged. You can only have one submission per contest, if you have multiple the submission with the most reactions will be invalid. Wednesday at Noon participants local time is when voting will start. To vote simply react to the submission you want to win. You can react to as many submissions that you want! Saturday at Noon participants local time is when voting ends and the results will be announced. You Cant do BETTA then That | 2021 NERM Week Fish Photo Comps! This will be judged upon the prettiest betta. You Cant do BETTA then That Rules and Guidelines: The Betta you post must be your own Betta. · You can have multiple photos/ videos of your betta. Just make sure its all the same betta! · Only one betta and submission per person. Most importantly stay within the rules and guidlines of the forum Invalid Posts: If your post does not comply with our rules/ guidelines you will be private messaged for the post to be fixed. If the post has not been fixed by Wednesday at noon, your post becomes invalid. Any members post thats does not comply with our rules/guidelines will receive a private message. Good Luck!!! If you have any questions please private message either @James Black or @FlyingFishKeeper. If you do not know how to private message someone click here.
  10. Hello Fellow Nerms! Today marks the first day of NERM Week 2021!!! Meaning that submissions for our photo contests are live! For more information on how to post your submission as well as vote for other submissions visit here. Deadlines: You must submit your submission for each contest by Wednesday at Noon participants local time. If you post your submission after this your submission is invalid and you will be private messaged. You can only have one submission per contest, if you have multiple the submission with the most reactions will be invalid. Wednesday at Noon participants local time is when voting will start. To vote simply react to the submission you want to win. You can react to as many submissions that you want! Saturday at Noon participants local time is when voting ends and the results will be announced. The Water Dog | 2021 NERM Week Fish Photo Comps! The waterdog is a contest for fish with the biggest personality. You can submit your submission via video or picture. The Water Dog Rules and Guidelines: · The fish that you have taken a picture of must be your own! · You must only have one photo/ video of your fish doing something personable! For example don’t post a video of your betta following your finger, and then a video of them jumping through a hoop. Even if its in the same submission · Only one submission per person! Most importantly stay within the rules and guildlines of the forum Invalid Posts: If your post does not comply with our rules/ guidelines you will be private messaged for the post to be fixed. If the post has not been fixed by Wednesday at noon, your post becomes invalid. Any members post thats does not comply with our rules/guidelines will receive a private message. Good Luck!!! If you have any questions please private message either @James Black or @FlyingFishKeeper. If you do not know how to private message someone click here.
  11. Hello Fellow Nerms! Today marks the first day of NERM Week 2021!!! Meaning that submissions for our photo contests are live! For more information on how to post your submission as well as vote for other submissions visit here. Deadlines: You must submit your submission for each contest by Wednesday at Noon participants local time. If you post your submission after this your submission is invalid and you will be private messaged. You can only have one submission per contest, if you have multiple the submission with the most reactions will be invalid. Wednesday at Noon participants local time is when voting will start. To vote simply react to the submission you want to win. You can react to as many submissions that you want! Saturday at Noon participants local time is when voting ends and the results will be announced. Pettiest Aquatic Animal | 2021 NERM Week Fish Photo Comps! The Prettiest Aquatic Animal! in this competition we will be voting on whoever has the most pretty aquatic animal on the forum. The aquatic animal submitted must be freshwater or brackish living species, as almost any saltwater animal would win and this is a freshwater related forum. Pettiest Aquatic Animal Rules and Guidelines: This photo can be a picture of any aquatic animal! By this we mean an animal that spends a good majority of their day underwater. This could be a turtle, axolotl, Aquatic Invertebrates, Fish, Aquatic Frogs, Mudskippers, etc. All animals entered must be a freshwater/ brackish water animal! No saltwater animal, as almost any saltwater fish/ animal would win! This animal must be owned by the contestant posting the image! No getting photos of google! You can post as many pictures of that fish as you would like. You must only have one submission! If you have more then one submission, we will delete the submission with the most reactions. Therefore if you wish to enter in multiple photos of your aquatic animal make it one post with the multiple photos. Most importantly stay within the rules and guidlines of the forum. Invalid Posts: If your post does not comply with our rules/ guidelines you will be private messaged for the post to be fixed. If the post has not been fixed by Wednesday at noon, your post becomes invalid. Any members post thats does not comply with our rules/guidelines will receive a private message. Good Luck!!! If you have any questions please private message either @James Black or @FlyingFishKeeper. If you do not know how to private message someone click here.
  12. With the new co-op club being a member came so much more worth it! But not everybody can afford $5 every month. Which is why i wanted to share this trick to get the membership for semi-free. Its called "google rewards surveys" you simply answer a few surveys every day, each takes 5 seconds at most. They then reward you with google rewards. I have $3.50 in rewards in under a week of doing this. You can then use your rewards for your youtube memberships.
  13. Someone mistake me if I'm wrong but there isn't a members only website. There is however a calendar for all the upcoming members only events on the website. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/pages/events
  14. He's so blue now! Wish you the best on your move.
  15. I have a few... My upside down catfish, they sleep all day as catfish do. I do love seeing them swim around, so ammusing to watch. And then Dobby the Nerite Snail who is in my bettas tank. (they are pretty much just minny pookas) Love the guys pattern, just wish I would see him more. When I do see him lights are usually off.
  16. How to Deal With an Aquarium Catastrophe [Tips & Tutorials] How to fix a leaky aquarium. Credit: Shutterstock. Fair use of copyrighted content under an editorial license. Ask any aquarist what their worst fish-related fear is and it's going to be “when my aquarium explodes/ bursts.” Although this is a very rare occurrence and probably not something to fear, it's important to be ready for it. Here’s how to be prepared if such a thing does happen, and also, how to prevent it. I will be discussing the time my aquarium burst a leak and how I handled it. How to Be Prepared The truth of the matter is that you can never be prepared for this situation. There is a good chance of this happening when you're at work, sporting events, school, etc. When my aquarium started to leak, I was at school. The lunch bell had just rung and I was debating going home for lunch or buying something from the school cafeteria. Little did I know what was going on at home. Luckily, I had decided to go home and make my own lunch. When I got home there was water everywhere! The best way you can be prepared for a situation like this is to have a plan. Your plan will vary from aquarium to aquarium. For me, my plan was to get some buckets, fill it up with water, and put fish in the buckets. Looking back, I made plenty of mistakes. (I kept a HOB filter with a small black coarse sponge and some charcoal) For one, I did not do anything to keep my filter media (where most of your beneficial bacteria lives) wet. I simply left it out to dry. I would suggest to keep the filter media wherever you are keeping your fish. For example if your putting the fish in buckets, add the filter media in the buckets submerged underwater with the fish. How to Prevent a Mess from Happening My leaking 10-gallon aquarium. Credit: James Black Later that evening I went to buy another 10-gallon aquarium at a local fish store (LFS). Several years later I’m still using this aquarium. Here are some suggestions for buying a new tank: The biggest piece of advice when buying a tank is don’t cheap out. The tank that broke was a cheap tank from Walmart, and as a result it lasted 3 months. If you can’t afford a reliable tank now, wait until you can. Read reviews on the tank before you buy one. Once again I didn’t do so. Looking back at reviews, the tank had 2/5 stars and most reviews had the same experience I did. Buy from trusted resources/companies. Buy from companies that you know make good tanks and that you and others have had good experiences with. Buy from an LFS instead of a large chain store. Do not buy second-hand aquariums. I know this is tough and sometimes I even fail because it's just too good of a deal to pass up. But when you can afford to buy a brand-new tank, always do so. Always do research before buying an aquarium. Just like any other big purchase, make sure others have had good experiences with it. Conclusion Always have a plan! Even though you don’t think it will ever happen to you, you never know. Without a plan, you're doomed to face a big mess if your tank ever bursts. Also, stay calm if this catastrophe happens. You won’t get anything productive done if you're panicking. Think about what exactly you’ll do and take measures to prevent such a thing from turning into a disaster. It may help to write down your emergency plan for you to look back on in case this situation ever occurs.
  17. Hoping this crypt works out for you! The pink flamingos are still on my bucket list!
  18. First off welcome to all the new guests on this thread, it would be awesome if all these guests became members of the forum and joined this amazing community! Now questions for Gianne: With all the speculation of what tank size is suitable for a betta, I'm wanting to know your opinion on this? 5 gallons minimum? Where are your reccemendations to buy healthy, pretty bettas from? With you being a betta breeder do you sell your bettas online?
  19. The Photo Contests are open for submissions on Monday Morning! Submissions will start whenever each individual photo contest thread is made. We plan that all threads will be up by Monday at noon. Get your pictures ready! Submissions close Wednesday at noon participants local time! Voting will then start immediately after the submissions close. Voting will end saturday at noon! After we will announce the winners of each contest! Monday Morning I will try and link each contest into this thread as well as the nerm week planning thread. Good Luck!
  20. To upload pictures simply... Download the picture you wish to upload onto your device Then Simply copy and paste it into your post You can also follow these steps:
  21. @quirkylemon103 Just be sure to upload a picture/ video of what you got in your care package to this thread when you receive it. @Lizzie Block may reach out to you for additional information.
  22. Dropped off the neon tetras at the LFS and picked up two more bronze corydora. This makes my group of corys to 6 in my community tank.
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