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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Here I uploaded a picture instead. Sorry I forgot you didn't have acess to youtube.
  2. Here is a video of my betta chasing a laser pointer:
  3. I started breeding guppies a little over a month ago. No babies yet, but I do have a pregnant female. I'm wondering why they are taking so long to give birth. I thought it could be the angelfish that is growing out in the tank could be the reason. I'm hopping I can move that angelfish soon.
  4. That betta is a male btw. I wouldn't suggest adding Panda Corydora in that tank. As it looks a tad to small for that corydora. It looks like 3 - 5 gallons. I would suggest pygmy corydora or snails. My Betta happily lived with neon tetras, none were eaten. I'm surprised to find that yours did.
  5. My Betta really likes Fluval Bug Bites. You can find that at most pet stores/ fish stores. I wouldn't reccemend feeding him a cookie as a treat. Freeze Dried Blood Worms are another great option to feed to your betta as a treat.
  6. You can simply drain the tank down completley, let it dry out. Once its dried out any aquatic parasite or disease will die. You can do the same with your spongefilter, and then place it in your main display tank to get the filter seeded with bacteria. Once you get a new fish take out the sponge filter, fill up the tank and place the fish in. The filter will already have the bacteria on it that you are trying to grow during the cycling process. If you want you can let everything dry out, and then perform a bleach dip with everything just to be certain theres nothing bad on it. But I've never performed a bleach dip, and have just let my stuff to dry out and haven't experianced any side effects from doing so.
  7. I decided to rescape this tank as I hated the substrate, the gravel was too big for plants. So I switched out the substrate orderd some plants and started planting! I decided I wanted to go with a "Jungle look" so I got dwarf sag, and then also got some hornwort from a local aquarist. I also orderd a bolbitus, I'm not sure what tank I'll put the bolbitus in. I have wanted a bolbuitus for a while, so Its exciting that I finally have it. The JC&P Light arrived as well! I have lots of dwarf sag left, so not sure what I'll do with the rest. Perhaps plant some in Hugos Tank. For now they are in a bucket until I fully decide where I want it.
  8. I have orderd several things for my aquariums coming from amazon, and a local hobbyist that sells his plants online. I have just received my new JC&P Light for my rescues betta tank. And along with that light I ordered a specimen container. I need to know what all this "hype" is about regarding specimen containers. I also finally got my hands on hornwort, I bought them off a local hobbyist as well! I have hornwort in every tank right now except the guppy tank, which has some pogostemon ocotpus. Hugo has made two bubble nests since i removed the tetras! He has only made one other bubble nest in the 7 month period that I have had him. So I'm thinking maybe I wont add any rasboras as tank mates. He hates Dobby though, didn't once chase the tetras, but constantly flares and litterly attacks dobby. I might remove dobby and put him in the rescue bettas tank. Today I hatched out BBS for the first time today. The bettas seemed to like it. The Danios, Tetras, Guppies, Corycats LOVED IT. But the angelfish didn't eat it.
  9. I love when bladder snails come in with my plants! free plants! Plus I love glancing at my tank and seeing a baby bladder snail at work! Good Luck with your guppies!
  10. I love my fluval 3.0 nano thats on my guppy tank! But I have a few questions about its programming Can I push a button that lets the light max out temporaily? Like is there a way to make the light go all the way up without messing with the current scehdule. Can I make day specific settings? Like can I have the light turn on at 2pm and turn off at 12 on monday-friday? and then can I have the light turn on at10am and turn off at 8pm on weekends? Heres my scehdule:
  11. Fish like bettas seem to handle loud tapping on the glass. They seem to be quite the curious fish as well, and I'm sure they would enjoy the extra attention. Thats the fish I would personally reccemend Another fish that came to mind would be glofish. All though I'm not the biggest fan of glofish, I know that kids at the preschool age would love that colorful, glowing fish. All though in my experiance they can be a bit skiddish, so not sure they would be the best fit for a preschool classroom.
  12. One thing I learned with doing a salt bath with my betta is the stress it causes. I would suggest to take out all the meds in the tank he in right now, and let him relax for the next day or two, then start medicating again. Just watch for any side effects that may suggest that the stuff in the net was from the betta. I doubt it is, but keep an eye out for it.
  13. @Patrick_G Fish are freinds not food , jk I like feeding my community tank and watching all the bottom dwellers come out and eat. I often will watch them until theres no food left to be eaten. The community tank and the 10 galllon guppy tank is downstairs in our living room, so I often am down there do other things and will watch the fish every now and again. This morning my upside down catfish were very active so it was fun watching them.
  14. WITH 13 VOTES... The Prettiest Aquatic Animal on The CARE FORUM is... POOKA! This is Pookas second photo competition victory, a nerm week record! Congrats to both pooka, and @H.K.Luterman. Be expecting a private message from me with your printable certificate! Thanks everyone for an awesome week!
  15. AND WE HAVE A WINNER... THE FISH WITH THE BIGGEST PERSONALITY ON THE CARE FORUM IS... POOKA!!!! Congrats to @H.K.Luterman, be expecting a pm from me with your printable certificate!
  16. And its offcial! @MickS77 has the prettiest betta on the CARE Forum! Be expecting a pm from me in the next few days with your printable certificate!
  17. Beleive me i've tried to lay down the law with hugo, but in return i get the grumpy betta look.🤣
  18. I think pete came 3rd in the prettiest betta contest, and he was leading the contest for the majority of the week. None the less he is still very pretty. Hugo too loves to weave in and out of the crypt green gecko in his tank as well. Back when he had neon tetras with him, the tetras werent allowed in the crypt, only hugos was ( i dont make the rules, hugo does🙄)
  19. @Fish Folk is probably one of the more knowledgeable nerms on the forum. He's like the forums version of dean😅
  20. wow great find! Just an fyi that according to the guidlines amazon, aquabid, aquahuna, and aquarium coop links are all permitted.
  21. I really enjoyed the breeding two yellow bettas together, and the bad results that came with it. I really want to know why its like that. Hugo is a bit of a faded yellow, . I'm wondering if his two parents were two yellows.
  22. Its worth wayyy more then the $5 a month! I didn't relize how much I love female crowntail bettas, perhaps that'll be my next betta.
  23. AND THE RESULTS ARE IN!!! But we have a tie for the prettiest betta between @NanoNano and @MickS77!!! to break the tie visit this thread vote via the pole for your favorite submission! The pole closes at the end of the day on saturday!
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