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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Bettas are some of my favorite fish! They have lots of personality and are a great beginner fish, especially the short fin bettas.
  2. Wow those are some AMAZING PEICES! Sometimes I wonder about collecting driftwood to sell them to my LFS. Peices like those are gonna be quite expensive. You could make a pretty penny off some collecting I assume.
  3. Will all your future events only be in the US? Or do you plan on going up to Canada, or world wide?
  4. Great unboxing @Hobbit! Those towels really do come in handy! Mines is always being used when I work on the aquariums.
  5. Which fertilizer is better for your plants depends on the plants. Some plants perfer nutrient intake through their roots in the substrate. And other pefer nutrient intake from the water colum. Plants that perfer nutrient intake through their roots would do best with root tabs (amazon swords, crypts, most bulb plants) Plants that perfer nutrient intake through the water colum would do best with liquad fertilizer like easy green (floating plants, rhizome plants, hornwort) When buying a plant and your not sure what they perfer. Search it up, or ask about it on the forum! Crypts are a heavy root feeder so I would suggets root tabs for these guys. My crypts melted back, so I placed in a few easy root tabs and they have been growing new sprouts! Easy root tabs are by far one of my favorite aquarium products!
  6. If your following someone it means you'll be notified every time they post new content. To answer your other question: Some members have been here since the start of the forum (July 2020). Some of these members were very active and posting several times a day, devoting several hours a day to the forum. And as a result through out the year of the forum being running gained followers. However sometimes life gets in the way, and so they become "less active". So all though it appears they may not be the most active, at one point they were. I dont think theres any one reason that some people have less followers then others. I like to follow people that post interesting content, or post very valuable information. I also think its important that we don't make followers into a "competition". As just by posting a comment to a thread, or creating a thread makes you a thoughtful contributor.
  7. @Zachary Cook I have seen mixed reivews about that plant. Most saying "it needs co2 to carpets" but some say it doesn't. In my experiance it does need co2 to carpet. I had monte carlo in one of my tanks for a couple months and no carpeting. However it was very green, and it did even pearl. All though it was happy and healthy it never carpeted.
  8. I dont think its necessary to quarintine plants unless your collecting them from a nearby stream/ public waterbody. I personally don't and have never experianced anything negative from doing so. I beleive its a very small chance parasites, or other diseases will come in with your plant. Quarantining your fish is a different story, as there is a good chance there will be parasites or other diseases depending on the source of your fish. However if your nervous of some invassive snails coming in through your tanks I would suggest doing a plant dip. Heres a video from @Irene about performing a plant dip: I personally like snails so I dont perform dips, but thats just me. If your still wanting to quarintine the plants I would plant the plants in your aquarium, let the aquarium cycle for a few weeks then add the fish. I should also add that when adding your first batch of fish into an aquarium you can let them quarintine in there for 4 weeks to await any parasites before adding in new fish. When adding in new fish to a tank that already has fish, I would suggest that you keep the new fish in an empty tank for 2-4 weeks by them selves or with other fish you bought them with. Some people like to speed up the process and use the aquarium co-op med trio, which only takes a week. However I do the 2-4 weeks by themselves.
  9. I have had great luck with dwarf sagiteria without any co2. I have it in one of my dirted tanks and its growing wonderfully.
  10. Had to do some moving around today. I woke up and checked on my newly added rummy nose tetra. I only counted 6 tetras (I bought 10). At first i thought there are probably some hiding, after all i did just add them the evening before. But then around noon I fed the tank. Figured the other 4 would come out and eat. Nope. still just 6 rummynose. At this moment I started looking for them. But still no luck. So I started thinking perhaps either the upside down catfish or the angelfish decided to snack on them last night. After all there not fully grown. So to take percautions I moved all the rummy nose tetra to hugos tank. I figured hugo wouldn't mind some company. He used to have other neon tetra freinds, so I figured he would enjoy the rummynose. Turns out he didn't. He started chasing them all around. So I caught hugo and put him in the new shrimp bowl (doesnt have any shrimp yet, soon though). So to sum it all up: Rummynose in Hugos Tank Hugo in the shrimp bowl I think hugo is enjoying his little vacation!
  11. In case your a member of the aquarium co-op youtube channel, they have recentley uploaded their peru fish unboxing video. If your a member of the youtube channel heres the link: Defentley some real cool fish in this unboxing!
  12. After returning from a 2 week trip my tanks look messy, and also amazing. My rescues betta tank is full of this weird floating green algae, gross. I'm doing a waterchange despite it being a walstad tank, there isn't enough plants in the aquarium. The hornwort is not taking off like I expected, but rapidly turning for the worst. I am not a big fan of the light at all. I may just invest in a fluval 3.0 for this thing, and sell the old light. The new walstad bowl is defentley ready for some shrimp! I'm gonna order some soon. But the tannins make it very hard to see, how can I control this so that I can have some tannins but not to the extreme? A light would probably help. I'm gonna start getting new plants for this thing. Ordering the shrimp from a canadian breeder within the next day or two. Will update when they arrive. The community tank has only experianced great growth in plants! Ever since adding the easy root tabs all the plants have been taking off, and its wonderful to see. The 10 guppy tank has some wonderful growth as well. Doing a waterchange today. The crypts have new sprouts from its recent melt back. Penny has grown a bit but he's not big enough for the community tank. I had to remove some of the hornwort in hugos tank. Some of it was getting all slimy, and brown looking. I suspect the reason behind this is the light that is right above the hornwort. Looks a lot empty now. I'm gonna move Dobby to the shrimp bowl, just gotta find him. I also went to the LFS today to purchase 10 rummy nose tetra. I was able to use up my 20$ gift card, and then had to pay only $10.
  13. @sudofish I think and hope by the 5 pets per household rule they mean more like dogs, cats, birds, etc. Not so much fish.
  14. I should say that a councilmen said that they dont beleive this law will not effect us.
  15. Yep, unooratntley this is true 😞. As someone who lives in winnipeg this scares me. My local fish club facebook group is OUTRAGED and has sent many angry emails to our ridings repersentitive. I'm mostly scared for my LFS who is mainly saltwater fish. With banning all wildcaught fish, most saltwater species will be eliminated. Hopefully with covid and now this they can make it through it. Its not just fish they are placing new rules on too. Parrots, Turtles, any salamander (including axolotls), most shrimp, maybe snails, etc. Will all be banned. To learn more about this law visit here: https://ehq-production-canada.s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/6458f0d88f986f45321d674fa91f4fc605207bed/original/1629389549/0b76b90dc3adc95cb5421db689f3540c_WEB-PR-AS-RPO_Bylaw_Review-Presentation-20210716-v2.pdf?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIBJCUKKD4ZO4WUUA%2F20210901%2Fca-central-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20210901T234924Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=8276e9f390405c21cf6f33020cb2fabae24c1b932eed0e230df047e10c5bbf9e We should know soon if this law will come into place. The law is suppose to either pass or get declined within the next few weeks. I have already emailed the city, my ridings rep, etc.
  16. If your wanting to breed bettas I would say yes go for it. However there are lots of complications you have to keep in mind with breeding bettas, like how will you keep the fry? You'll have to house them sepertley as they mature which can take up a lot of room. If your interested in breeding bettas, and your a member of the aquarium co-op channel (only $5 a month) I would suggest to watch this presentation about breeding bettas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsbQ0hMc-Z0&list=UUMONJuJfXCKNWu4-VifYixs8A&index=3 Personally I wouldn't get a female, I read that if a betta makes a bubbles nest it means their happy. Breeding bettas brings in so many expenses you may not be ready for. Plus you'll have to find homes for all the baby fish, which can be very difficult. Depending on the spawn I've heard anywhere between 10 - 100 baby bettas.
  17. It appears we both have a very simillar journey on how we got into the hobby. I too had a betta when I was around 7 (named him swimmy.) Several years after he died I remembered how much fun fish were to keep, and got an aquarium.
  18. all meetings are on the third saturday of every month at 11am PDT.
  19. After a meetings livestream has finished the presentation will appear in this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMONJuJfXCKNWu4-VifYixs8A I beleive you should get a notifacation from youtube when they go live. You can then click on the notifcation to join the stream. To learn how to check your youtube notifacations simply click on the bell on the top right corner of the youtube screen. To do a supersticker do the following: During the livestream click on the $ logo: Then click on the "super sticker button":
  20. @Hobbit I usually sprinkle in fish food into tanks to speed up the nitrogen cycle. It usually takes roughly around a week to cycle. Once its cycled i will either let the food turn into mulm, or siphon it out. Works like a charm!
  21. @CorydorasEthan You've bred pygmy corydora right? Any tips for @Just a Pygmy Corydora? If you didnt breed pygmy corys, have you bred simillar corydora species?
  22. @Jimycle you simply copy and paste the link to your desired youtube video into your post. It will then automatically turn into the thumbnail to the video, at which you just have to click to play it. Heres an example: a youtube link would be something like (this is not a real link): www.youtube.com/thisisnotareallink after pasting that youtublink into your video it'll turn automatcially into this:
  23. You can't forget about hearing the endless storys @Daniel has about the good ol' days
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