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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Yeah @Just a Pygmy Corydora you could just do more pygmy corydora. or you could get like 3 sparkiling gourami, they are a super neat fish as well. I would probably comfortable doing like 8 Pygmys in a 5 gallon. Yeah I dont know how well the pea puffer would like the corydora.
  2. My LFS has a 5 gallon bowl that they are selling for $20. It has the perfect dimensions and everything! I am so close on buying it. My plan would be to put it on my desk next to my window, and have it be another dirted walstad aquarium with neocardinal orange pumpkin shrimp. For plants heres what I was thinking... Varius Anubias Hornwort Bacopa Bolbitus Tiger Lotus Bulb Amazon Frogbit Knowing that the anubias, hornwort, and frogbit should all do fine with ambient lighting from the window I am wondering if Bacopa, tuger lotus and Bolbitus would do fine in a low light setting. If it matters I'm looking at bacopa carolina. This bowl also has a internal air filter. From my inspection I thought it looked like I could remove the filter compeltley, using instead the plants to filter the tank. It being a walstad tank that is only a few gallons, I think it'll be fine with no waterflow/ filtration.
  3. @Just a Pygmy Corydora perhaps when your ready you may wanna get another betta. Of course Aurora was a very special fish so it may take a little longer for you to wanna replace him. Another great option would be a pea puffer. Some great personality with them. They are a little expensive to feed as most will only take to frozen/ live foods. But some rasboras or tetras that swim mid level would also be a good idea.
  4. Ooooh yes sparkiling goruami is a nice fish for a 3 gallon, nice suggestion @Patrick_G. Its one of those fish that I super badly want but dont have space for. a nice neocaridina shrimp colony would also be a nice addition. Here are my favorite substrates: 1) Seachem Flourite: https://www.amazon.com/Flourite-Black-Sand-15-4-lbs/dp/B0018CLX3C/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3K1K57VGRX901&dchild=1&keywords=flourite+black+sand&qid=1628198548&sprefix=flourite+black%2Caps%2C290&sr=8-1 2) CaribSea Peace River https://www.amazon.com/Carib-Sea-ACS00832-Aquarium-20-Pound/dp/B0002APMU6/ref=sr_1_8?dchild=1&keywords=caribsea+substrate&qid=1628198611&sr=8-8 I like the carib sea substrate for capping dirted tanks, and I love the natural look to it. However the flourite is my favorite substrate for the tradintional planted tank. I often dont have to use root tabs with this substrate and plants like crypts grow wonderfully! In my dirted tank, I have 1.5" of soil, and about 1" of substrate to cap the soil. I have seen very amazing growth from my saggiteria from doing this.
  5. I have seen posts from dean and randy on instagram of them on the plane. I'm assunimg that meant that they have already left. @Zenzo are you going also? https://www.instagram.com/p/CSNKCx9jEzy/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://www.instagram.com/p/CSNKy-mDtQM/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  6. One time I saw a rainbow fish marked as a "asian arowana". That was quite the expensive rainbow fish...
  7. @quikv6 Could that be why they are allowing links to amazon products? Most aquarium products can be found on amazon. They are other links allowed from websites like Aquahuna, AquaBid. @Cory could probably tell us more on why this rule is what it is.
  8. @KentFishFanUK Can you link the video down below, and possibly include a time stamp? This may make it easier to see in video.
  9. @StreetwiseYeah I do have a lot of windows, especially in our living room. However the window has couches and stuff by it, no place for an aquarium. All though there is one window that I may see myself using in the future. It is right above my communtiy tank. I have though about perhaps making a racking system of muscel racks, one rack woud be high enough to reach the winow. And I dont know if I trust any of my window cells enough to hold an aquairum long term.
  10. Would love to start a window tank! I just dont have space by a window for one.
  11. Its your thread! If you choose to continue keeping fish, i'm sure we would all love updates. However, its totally fine if you choose to stop updating this thread as well.
  12. a Nerm is someone who is secretly a big fish nerd. At work a nerm may act completley normal, but when they get home they nerd out on their fish, they watch cory for 2 hours straight, go on the forum for hours at a time, etc.
  13. Exciting! Yes the price is unbeatable! My LFS sells the 40 count of seachem flourish tabs for like $50, which is more then a dollar per root tab. But eay tabs are like 60 for $20! Thats less then 50 cents a tab! Cant wait till mine comes in a little over a week! Unforatnley I was working all day when cory announced the news so I had to order them in the evening, when the first batch of tabs was already sold out.
  14. Plants that grow fast and suck up lots of nutrients would be the best bet for this. Plants like hornwort would be a great example! If you want to go completle eco-system (no waterchanges, ferts, filter) I would try the walstad method aquarium. Dianna Walstad wrote a fantastic book about it, would reccemend a read! I've actually seen WAYY better plant growth using the walstad method, then I have the "regular" method.
  15. Very effecient! Instead of using a bar to hold all my stuff I use the command test strips, I stick it to the side of the stand. I use it primarily to hold my nets and usb air pump. I like the bar idea a little more as it seems you could store more stuff on it.
  16. My betta does the same! Theres been a few time where I have checked up on him during the evening when he was sleeping. Surely he woke up once he noticed me to say hi. I get nervous when I look in the tank and don't see a betta right away. Often if I dont see him he has himself burried in plants and is trying to get out so that he can say hi! The other day during my waterchange I was trying to pet him, he swam right up to my hand and I was able to somewhat hold him in the water. He had severe finrot at one point, almost died a few times and even during the worst of his treatments he would come and say hi:
  17. Beautiful tank, I love the ambient lighting and the no-tech to it! My plants have been doing wonderfully since using the dianna walstad method as well! Didn't think i would witness such rapid growth that I'm seeing now, looks like you are too!
  18. Just tested the water, it has pleanty of nutrients: 40ppm Nitrates 0.25ppm Amonia and Nitrite If it weren't for it being a walstad tank I would do a waterchange. I'm thinking of switching some hornwort around. The hornwort in all my other tanks are growing wonderfully, very green and lush. Just the one in this tank doesn't seem to be doing very well. The dwarf sag is growing wonderfully though!
  19. I'm all for embracing duck weed! I just cant seem to get enough, my snail likes eating it!
  20. You know you have a duckweed problem when your newly aquaried co-op plants already have duckweed before being their evem added to a tank.
  21. My crypts were like that too @ErinV. its been 6 months after they completley melted back, now its just a few small leaves popping out of the sand.
  22. With the remainder dwarf sag that I used in my rescue bettas tank rescape, I used in hugos tank. The hornwort I got a weekish ago has been multiplying like crazy, already doubled. Its thriving the best in hugos tank, very green.
  23. It hasn't even been a week and the dwarf sag has already started pearling! This is one of my first times that one of my plants were pearling. The Dwarf Sag is doing great but the hornwort, not so much. Its shedding its leaves and looks like it maybe melting, thoughts?
  24. As of today aquarium co-op sent out a notice on their youtube communtiy page that easy root tabs were available to canadians via amazon.ca: https://www.youtube.com/c/Aquariumcoop/community As soon as I heard this exciting news I added the root tabs to my cart, a few hours later I completed the order! Unfortantley I think I was too late ordering as it says it will arrive at the amazon warehouse on August 7th. Cory mentioned there was only 20 availble. So I assume I'm getting the second batch of root tabs, which is fine. But none the less I still ordered it! Mine are supposed to arrive on the 11th of August! Next on my bucket list: easy green! Luckily thats availble on amazon.ca as well. Just waiting till my current liquad fertilizer is empty. I've been using the PlantGuys Slow Releasing Root Tabs for some time now. They were alright, and for the price made it worth buying. The owner of this company is also a local hobbyist to me so I try supporting him whenever I can. Hopping I can get better growth on the new easy root tabs. Who else have bought the easy root tabs off amazon today?
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