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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. The three members that deserved them the most! Congrats guys! Be sure to share what you guys got in your package!
  2. Thats classic crypt melt. They are one of the worst plants when melting back. It'll grow back give it time and root tabs, it should be fine without fine without liquad fertlizer. How do your new cats like auroa?
  3. @Beardedbillygoat1975 i was thinking the same with the tetras. But i didnt think that the neon tetras were fin nippers. But perhaps it varies from fish to fish. Do you think I should bring the neon tetras with me tomorrow when I get to the LFS?
  4. Hugo has finrot again☹ I woke up today and saw multiple chunks of fins missing. I tested the water: 0 nitirtes 20 nitrates 0 amonia Im gonna get some api melafix tomorrow and hopefully that'll help. Im not treating with salt again. If melafix doesnt work, i am gonna be very lossed as to what to do.
  5. I do that at a even lower intesity! It maxes out at 35%. Here are my settings: I copied bentley pascoe's settings and tuned it down to match my aquarium. Its for a 10 gallon low tech planted aquarium. Its been working great for me!
  6. You after you tested your water and all the results came back perfect:
  7. First off, welcome back to the hobby! I see your new to the forum, so welcome to the forum also! I wouldn't worry quite yet. I always find when I introduce schooling tetras that theres always one who doesn't school with the others at the beginning. If it starts to eat tommorow, but still not schooling/ shoaling (loose schooling) I wouldn't be concerned. I would only be concerned if it doesn't eat.
  8. You should start a journal on your fish room! It would be great to see regular updates.
  9. Honestly get a few boxes, and they will probably spend more time in the boxes then in the tree. My cats have both. Boxes are their favorite. One will even eat the cardboard. But if you still want a cat tree I agree with @Hobbit buy one. We got ours second hand, Its cheaper that way.
  10. @KentFishFanUK Welcome to the forum. We had another forum member ask a simillar question, hopefully you can find the answer to your question here: To be apart of the online club you need to be a member of the youtube channel. You get access to various fish related talks by experts in their field. A new talk will be released via live stream every third saturday of the month for members only. I beleive they willl be availble for rewatch too. Our first speaker is on July 17th. You can find the list of scehduled speakers here: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/pages/events
  11. Yes i would say they would be fine. All though i would suggest to feed pellets/ flakes for those two weeks. Just seems easier on the petsitter.
  12. Get someone to come in and feed the cats, change the litter, etc. That same person who feeds the cats can feed the fish. To make it easier for the petsitter pre mesure the food. I personally use the plastic shot glasses, mesure each feeding into each cup. one cup = one feeding. I would suggest the catsitter to come in perhaps once every other day. Each time they come, they feed the fish. No need to worry about waterchanges. Hopefully Aurora wont hog the food from the pygmy corycats. But you should be fine either way.
  13. What Device do You use Most on The Forum? I use my laptop the most. I will however ocasionally use my phone.
  14. He made his first bubbles nest today! Hugo isnt much of a bubbles nest maker but i am glad vader is! I love seeing bettas make their bubbles nest.
  15. I really like silver dollars. They are simply a "big" fish. The number one thing to consider when getting oscar tank mates is "will my oscar eat this". If the fish fits in the oscars mouth, its going in the oscars mouth. So here are a few of my favorite oscar tankmates: Severums Silver Dollar Adudlt Clown Loaches (dont get the babies and let the oscar and the baby clown loaches grow up together. The clown loaches are a slow grower meaning that the oscar will reach the size where he can eat the loaches, before the loaches get big enough where he cant) Geophagous Blood Parrot Bichir Heres a video where I would suggest also:
  16. I'm really enjoying the corydoras I got on Tuesday. They seem to poop a lot. They hide underneath my sponge filters, I have found a dramtic increase in poop around the spongefilters. I fed them some frozen blood worms the other day and they loved it! The angelfish has surprisingly not gone after a single one. I was a little nervous that the angelfish may find the corydora as a snack because of how small they are. Buy thankfully I dont think he has even noticed the new corycats. The zebra danios sure notice them. I saw a few danios chassing the corydora!
  17. Aquarium Co-Op is making a online fish club. They hired @Zenzo to help run it. To join you must be a member of the channel ($5 a month). There will be monthly speakers, you can find the speaker scehdule on their website. I beleive there will be more perks for members as well. Like possibly a discount on the website. There will be a online BAP and HAP. I would reccemend to watch this live stream as it goes more in depth:
  18. I really enjoy the fluval 3.0s. They can be expensive but in my opinion are worth it. I have the fluval 3.0 nano on my lowtech 10 gallon. Its planted with lowlight plants (crypts, pogostemon, java fern, frogbit). One of the biggest selling points for me is not only the programing and customization but also the fact that its waterproof. I have dropped my fluval 3.0 in the aquarium sooo many times. One thing to note is that if you want to get the fluval 3.0 nano they only attacth to rimless setups. There are ways around it. For me I simply put two peices of wood across the aquarium, and put the light on the wood: Here are what my light settings look like, they max out at 35%: Heres a thread where forum members posted their fluval 3.0 settings & experiance with the light:
  19. I'm tagging @Daniel, he has a funny "jumping vallisneria story" I have two cats also! One named Fluff, and the other named Clyde. Clyde doesn't care about the fish whatsoever. But Fluff on the other hand will spend hours watching the fish. I have even caught her taking naps on the lid. For the most part I try to get lids for all my aquariums. Theres only one aquarium that does not have a lid and thats my 10 gallon: My Cat does not really care for this aquarium any more. She really like watching it when I first set it up, but after 2months or so she simply will walk right by it. A good thing with your betta tank @Catfish_Lover_Jane is that your pygmy corys stay at the bottom of the aquarium therefore its harder for your cats to reach in and grab one. Aurora is probably fine also as bettas tend to swim everywhere, but love resting on things like your substrate. As your cats stay with you for longer you'll get to learn their personality. You'll learn that perhaps one cat loves the fish, and the other not so much. Or maybe they both don't care about the fish. When I was cycling my betta tank, one of my cats came ever day looking for the fish. Once I got Hugo, she loved spying on Hugo. Now will have her moments where she stares at the fish and "plays" with them. But often will just walk away, I find that you can never trust a cat completley. They are very mischievous.
  20. @Isaac M I have really been enjoying watching this thread and seeing your aquariums, they are so lovely! I love how heavily planted they are. Keep it up!
  21. Just orderd the new light off amazon. I decided to try out the JC&P Lights after the great reviews from bentley pascoe. Along with the light I also bought my first bit of brine shrimp eggs. Going to be hatching some out to see how much my fish like them. I haven't ordered any plants yet. I expect I'll be ordering some within the next week. Unfortantley the seller wont ship these plants until July 28th. Preparing to go away for a week or two in July. Going to be buying an autofeeder for the 10 gallon, and I think all the other fish should be fine. I live in Canada so no easyfeeder, but do you guys have any reccemendations? I was thinking maybe this one. I'm going to look further into the reviews and such before I buy one.
  22. I would suggest to wait it out. It sounds like the platy is slowly warming up to you, give it time. You can also try adding more plants/ hiding places, this will make him feel more secure and he may decide to come out more as a result.
  23. Got a bucket ready for some mosquito larvae! Put in a bunch of old grass clippings.
  24. Went to the LFS today and picked up some bronze corydora for the communtiy tank. All they had was 4 though, but they have more comming in their next order on thursday so im going sometime on the weekend to get more. When at the LFS I founf FISH MEDS!!!! I live in Canada and so most are ilegal, and the ones that arent are extremley hard to find as well as expensive. Didnt pick any up but they did have a good price on them. 10-30$ depending on the size of bottle.
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