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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. the faster the life cycle, the sooner they die. The sooner they die, the less they spread.
  2. You can do the oppoiste of dropping the temperture! Raise the temperture! Warm waters will help speed up the life cycle of the ich parasite. I would also do every other day waterchanges until the meds come. Good Luck! Keep us posted!
  3. I wanted to create a journal of my "outdoor adventures" this summer. I plan on going camping lots, hiking, as well as exploring all the nearby water bodys near me. You can tell that by the title I live in Manitoba. The flatest place in Canada! So today I went to a pond, its about a 5 minute walk from my house. I wanted to see what kind of plants lived there. There honestly wasn't much. I did find some Macrophytic Algae as well as a bit of duckweed. I'm hoping to head to out to a river thats about 10 minutes from my house, I've biked past their and spotted what I thought might be some Vallisneria.
  4. I live in Canada so I can't, but If I lived in the US I would order it. I plan on going away this summer for a few weeks at a time so a auto feeder would come in handy. Its very afforadable too!
  5. Your signature is your signature. You can do whatever you want with it. I beleive the point of the thread was to encourage people to include their linked journals, or what kind of tanks you keep in their signature. You could always put your joke beneath your journals: 20 long hopefully jungle | My tanks/tubs | Welcome threadPLACE YOUR JOKE HERE
  6. It was announced in the community tab last week as well as last weeks live stream!
  7. I went for a walk today, and decided to stop and take a look at the nearby duck ponds. Was wondering what kind of aquatic plants it had. I'm interested in maybe collecting some. Now that its hot out I might bike out to another stream nearby my house to see what lives there. I walked past it yesterday and I saw some lillypads sprouting.
  8. What happends in my head when I'm about to make another impulse buy at my LFS:
  9. Awesome @Fish Folk!!! Don't be surprised if those leaves fall off, mine did. It was a solid 2-3 weeks before it started sprouting more leafs. Just be patient with these plants.
  10. @Betsy and @Isaac M develped a wonderful aquarium log on google sheets. Theres one for your planted tank, and then one for a basic tank I use it all the time!
  11. I have my first pregnant fish! Excited to see all the fry that drop from the mamma!
  12. Found this on instagram and thought it was hilarious🤣 This is why I cant have a outdoor tub...
  13. Thats what I was thinking too when I was planting it. But I think I like the "bushy" look.
  14. Your betta does that too! My Betta does that also, thats where he sleeps for the night. I thought it was just him! You've got looker😍 @Angelfishlover
  15. Read a lot of Diana Walstads book, soo interesting. Also moved my green gecko crypt from my 10 gallon to my betta tank. And oh my the growth!
  16. In my experiance ich x is all your going to need to treat for ich. I've used API Super Ick Cure and within 5 days of treatment the ick was completley erdicated. Didn't use salt nor did I raise the temperture of the water. Keep us posted! Crossing my fingers its not ich🤞
  17. Was wondering what those blood fin tetras were! Wow great betta! Do you like the female bettas over the male bettas? I was reading through some of your older posts in this thread and I saw that the betta before this was also a female.
  18. Looks like maybe Phillipine Blue Marble Angelfish. @Randy can you confirm this?
  19. Welcome to the forum @RogueAquarium !!! Hope your pea puffer gets well soon!
  20. You picked some great plants! I love crypt wendetiis! You can either remove them from the pots or keep them in the pots. I personally and would reccemend to take them out of the pots to plant them directly into the substrate. To do this pull the plant thats wrapped in the rockwool out of the pot (if roots are preventing you from taking it out, cut out the pot). Then carefully unwrap the rockwool from the roots. Try not to break any roots. Heres a tip to remove pecies of the rock wool that maybe hard to get: To get them into the substrate you can just shove the roots into the substrate. Sometimes plants will have a rhizome, you would want to make sure that the rhizome is above the substrate (none of the plants you bought have a rhizome. Plants like Anubias, and Java Fern have rhizomes) You can use both the easy green and the root tabs! Different plants will appreciate the root tabs over the liquad fertilizer and vise versa. In all my aquariums I use root tabs AND liquad fertilizer. Crypts and Vallisanaria will enjoy root tabs over the easy green. You could still use both.
  21. Thats a very nice setup and your plants look great! I see that you have a bristlenose pleco in the aquarium. Theres a good chance the pleco will start snacking on the amazon sword, I know mine did. To prevent this just feed the pleco lots! I would suggest to get some Easy Root Tabs from Aquarium Co-Op for the amazon sword. That will help it really grow! Amazon Swords are very heavy root feeders!
  22. Angelfish was one of the first fish I ever got! So it will always have a special place in my heart. Personally I would do the Red Koi angelfish and really try to get the red out of them. Altums are my favorite angelfish, but I probably wouldn't breed them just keep them. They are super facisnating though, just got to get a big enough tank. I also really like the phillipine blue angelfish. I had one not to long ago, but it died 😞 it was showing breeding signs with one of my other angels too 😞
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