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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. At least Aurora isn't eating 3/3. Try placing several of the pellets in the tank. Yes your betta will be eating more, but with there being several pellets spreaded along the tank aurora cant be all places at once.
  2. All though my fish dont enjoy the practice I fast my fish on Thursdays and then spoil them with frozen blood worms on Friday. Often I forget to not feed them or to feed them blood worms so its really just a random day of the week. Sometimes if I see big bellys on my fish after feeding I will skip the next feeding to ensure that they are able to digest all that waste.
  3. My plant order arrived as well as the heater I orderd for the community tank. Unfortantley no fluval 3.0 yet, but it comes tommorrow! I also went to the LFS a few days ago and picked up a few items... a penny size angelfish (litterly the size of a penny, to cute to not buy) I wasnt planning on buying an angelfish, but impulse buys happen... He's growing out in the nano breeder, hopefully in like a month I can move him into the community tank. I'm still trying to locate some platys for the nano breeder so until then and probably when I do have platys in the tank Penny the angelfish will be growing out in there. (shoutout to @FlyingFishKeeper for helping me choose the name in this thread.) He's so small I almost need a macro lens😍 I got him to eat today. I need to learn not to feed him too much, he is floating around the tank like a floating balloon🤣But I guess he'll grow faster this way! I also got some plants! Once again kind of an impulse buy. My local online plant dealer had some madagascar lace plant in stock. I told my self if I ever had the option to buy it, I would. And thats exactly what I did! I bought some madagascar lace plant and some pogostemon octopus. The Pogostemon for the nano breeder and the lace plant for the community tank. The Lace plant was like my dream plant so I'm stoked that I finally have it. Cory mentioned in the lives stream today that they like nutrient riched substrates, so i placed in a few root tabs. The fluval 3.0 nano is coming tommorow! So I'll update this thread when it arrives with the settings that I'm using!
  4. Over the last month or so I have been reading through tons, and tons of journals And also creating some of my own. Its been great! I've been learning about different parts of the hobby. Before the forum I never really knew much or even cared about walstad tanks, but now I want one! One thing that I have been noticing is the amount of experiance everyone has with different things. Like @Streetwise loves his walstad tanks, and @H.K.Luterman has got some amazing fish art, @Fish Folk always has a fish laying eggs in their fish room all the time, and @WhitecloudDynasty has some stunning white clouds. My point is that no matter the question theres always going to be an answer. Not just any answer but an answer from somebody who has extensive experiance with that issue. This really is the best place for fish keepers! (if you haven't created a journal for your tanks, what are you waiting for? Get on it! Were dying to see what you have living underwater!)
  5. Well those are some really nice scapes! What are you thinking for stocking? I think a plakat betta in one and some shrimp in the other. The first photo, the plants on the very top (the white and green one) are they real? if so thats soo pretty!
  6. Cory: "I treat my employees with respect" Also Cory: *Makes new employee jump into freezing cold pond because they got 100 members on the live stream*
  7. Cosmo has become so blue since your last update! Glad to see that both you and Cosmo are doing great👍
  8. I added the cardinal tetras and penny has been more active. He even ate this morning! Yesterday i saw him try to eat the water dripping from the otherside of glass😅 didnt get a picture though. You may wanna fast forward in the video. He ate behind the crypt in the first half of the video.
  9. I have some amazon frogbit. Not a lot, but its growing every day. I did have a mysetery snail in there who ate a lot of it, but I've him back into my 40 breeder. Its covering a corner of the tank and starting to branch out the other corner.
  10. I was biking with a freind and I was wearing my murphy hat. There was a guy on the opposite side of the street who pointed at my hat and gave me a thumbs up and said "I like your hat!". Best day everrr! Now I wear it all the time.
  11. I had the same version but it was 1.5 gallons. I do have some complaints about the tank though... The light was very cheap and could not grow plants. I did drop it in the water a few times and it still worked It was a pain to maintain. Part of the reason it was 1.5 gallons. But the other part was there was no live plants due to the light. The filter is wayy to overkill. And its just as bad as the light. The one nice thing is that you can adjust the flow, it was still blowing around each fish. I would reccemend to go with something bigger. A great tank to have is the Marine Land Portrait Tanks, they are super sleak and nice looking, have a very small foot print due to the fact of how tall it is. This tank will just BARELY fit in that space. But it should still fit. I also like to go to big box stores like petsmart, petland, petco and just browse there nano selection. I have been thinking about putting a tank right next to my betta tank which is the simmillar dimensions then yours. I have found that these petstores have a lot of fun nano tanks.
  12. Hey, I'm getting ready to house/ breed some platys in my 10 gallon! I'm also getting ready for the fluval 3.0 nano thats coming on Monday. My original plan was to not have a lid to begin with and possibly later get a glass lid. But I've heard many stories of platys jumping out of tanks. So my question is, would you consider them "jumpers"? I know all fish jump, but would you especially want a lid for these guys? Or do you guys think its fine if it goes lidless for the first few weeks to a monthish? Thanks so much!
  13. With the high tempertures of water the lack of oxygen does seem like it could be the reason why. I would quickly run out to the nearest pet store or fish store and get an air pump, air stone, and airline tubing. This is an airpump that I found on petsmart.com, check to see if its instock near you. I have used it with great sucess, all though it is a little loud. any will do for the airline tubing and airstone. Try to find some parasite remedy near you. Ussually I would reccemend to get the paraclense from aquariumcoop.com, but I dont think you have time to wait to order from them. So try to get paraclense in a big box store, or lfs.
  14. Two things... That betta is one of the most gourgoues bettas I have ever seen Please put a tiny little bed (doll house beds) it would be so cute to see the betta lying on the bed...
  15. The Nitrates are a little high so yes I would do a waterchange before adding fish. Luckily your water isnt too green yet so I would just reduce the intenisty of the lighting and reduce the duration of the lighting to 8-10 hours. With reducing the lighting as well as doing a waterchange the green water should be gone. As far as how much water to change, I would try to get the nitrates as low as 20ppm. So maybe a 50% waterchange.
  16. @FlyingFishKeeper I like the coin theme Idea. I'm leaning towards "Penny". Any other suggestions? @CalmedByFish I love that🤣 I'm very tempted to move some of the cardinal tetras from the community tank to the 10 gallon where the minni angelfish lives. It would only temporary but they would serve as a dither fish for the angelfish. I would move th cardinals back to the 40 breeder whent the platys come. Thoughts?
  17. POV: You go out into public: Random Pedestrian: I see if you cat scratches on your hand, whats your cats name? HK Luteman: uhm no, those are igor marks.
  18. Yep 🙂 I have never convinced myself to spend that amount of money on a light, and have always stuck with the budget lights like Nicrew, Hagen, etc. But this time I decided to purchase a 3.0 nano and see if its worth the money. Sooo excited!
  19. I biked to the LFS today, and its so beautiful out. 36Celsuis or 96Farenheit. I was in look for some platys but they didnt have any in stock. But I got this super small angel instead. I also got a crinum and a fluval mounting kit for the fluval 3.0 nano thats coming. He likes to hide behind the sword, spongefilter and java fern. He had lots of personality at the store, so hopefully he warms up to me soon. Place your name suggestions here. He'll be growing out in my 10 gallon until he is big enough for the 40 breeder. I'm going to fatten him up with a bunch of frozen blood worms.
  20. I went to the LFS today and picked up a angelfish. Now usually I would have skipped pass the tank. But today they had angelfish the size of a dime, there sooo cute! So I picked one up, he will be growing out in my 10 gallon unitl he's big enough for the bigger angel in the community tank. This guy needs a name, he is very cute. Any name suggestions? The picture is a little small, you may have to zoom in to get a better look.
  21. Here are a few sites. They both have the plants as their scientific name. This one is a local plant dealer near me: https://theplantguy.ca/collections/all-plants And this is tropicas website, lots of plants here: https://tropica.com/en/plants/pots/ Both sites have helped me a lot when trying to identify a plant.
  22. Today I found my mystery snail hanging from the amazon frogbit. Cute snail!
  23. hmm... I dont think its a forum member (how awesome would that be if it was!) because i think he mentioned it was a youtuber. Originally i was thinking Zenzo, but he hasn't been talking about a move or anything on his youtube channel. But maybe he'll be like Candi and work out of state. (of course candi has now moved)
  24. Who do you guys think the new community manager is? Also this will be my first live stream being a member #snail status. Super siked!
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