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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Wow😍!!! Love me some pink flamingo crypts, only problem is their like $70CAD where I live, i think I saw them on the coop website for like $20! 🤞crossing my fingers they turn around for the good! Good Luck with your crypt as well as your new walstand tank, so exciting!
  2. The best thing about the airline tubing is the quantity. With 25ft, you wont need to buy more for a while.
  3. I have a red twist sword and a lilly bulb in my community tank. Both have excellent reds and very easy to have thrive and grow.
  4. Sounds exciting @quirkylemon103! Can't wait to see all your tanks come together.
  5. I saw on youtube of a guy making duckweed into shrimp food... interesting!
  6. My phone camera hasn't been cutting it lately, especially when photographing my fish/ aquariums. I have started think about getting a camera for my fish tanks. As of lately I have shown interest in photography. So I was wondering for all you photographer out there... What are your tips and tricks when photographing fish that never stop moving, or just small fish? What kind of gear do you use? a macro lens on your phone? or a camera, what kind of camera?
  7. They also have more variety then most big box stores I beleive its just the koi bettas that mostly change colors. So if you get a regular blue halfmoon, chances are they won't change colors. @Maggie has a koi plakat who has changed colors from a redish, whiteish to compltely blue!
  8. I'm assuming that this is somewhat normal as I have the same thing on my roots, not as bad. But its been like this for a few months, and I haven't seen any negative side effects. I haven't raised fry with these salvania so I wouldn't know if its harmful to them but I would assume not. I beleive its just debris from the water that the roots catch.
  9. I bought my current Betta named Hugo from a big box store (petsmart to be exact). And lets just say, I'm never buying one from a big box store again. Hugo went through some major finrot problems once I brough him home and was defentley very close to death. Thankfully he miraculously recoverd. The only reason why I would buy from a big box store is if my intentions was to rescue one. Like how Lisa from KG Tropicals resuces Bubbles, a blind and almost dead betta. (video down below explaining it more). And the betta I would buy would have to be almost near death aswell. So it all depends on your intentions... Do you want a healthy betta that will be your favorite fish for many years to come? Then I would purchase from a local hobbyist, LFS, Aquabid, etc. I have a couple websites in mind that has GOURGOUES bettas. Because I cant paste their link below, send me a PM. Or do you want to save a betta? maybe a adopt a special-needs betta thats blind, making sure that you give it the best life. But then you also risk the betta coming down with an illness.
  10. The plants were supposed to arrive tuesday but then kept on getting delayed because my street is under construction, so they dropped it off at the local post office today and I went to pick them up! I won't lie I was little nervous getting them home. All the plants except one arrived alive and healthy. The Amazon Frogbit that I orderd turned into brown mush, the seller is re-shipping me some. Hopefully that doesnt get delayed😆. The tank was crystal clear on Tuesday, and is now bag to foggy due to the fact that I stired up the substrate planting the plants. It should clear up within the next hour. Its hard to see all the plants due to the foggyness, but heres a full tank shot: Back Left Corner we have a Yellow Sun Sword, infront of it is the baby that came from the hygrophillia compact in Hugos Tank. Infront of the sponge filter are two cryptacorne wendetiis, I'm going to cut off the leaves the second I see melting. And then in the far right corner by the heater we a Java Fern and the beside it a Anubias nanna Gold Coin. I'll upload another picture when the tank is clear. I also got a bucephalandra wavy green for Hugos Tank. Of course Hugo had to but into the picture too! "hey you see me, wheres my food!" A little Hugo Update: He's gos lots of new growth with his fins, but it almost looks like its getting worse. uh-oh! I'll be keeping an eye on him. The Upside down catfish are wayyy more active now that Mr. Pleco is gone. (They remind me of minni versions of @H.K.Luterman's pooka!)
  11. I'm assuming your just cycling your tanks based on the water parameters. But, yes the plants will be fine. They've been in those very pots since they were at the farms, a few more days wont hurt. Is that a sword I see in the back? If your going to be keeping these plants in the pots for a while longer you may want to consider inserting a root tab in the rock wool.
  12. The discount would be a really cool option... it would be even cooler if the discount code could be used instore as well. Once you guys start shipping internationally, would there be a way to only ship internationally to the international members? This may make it easier, and cheaper for you guys... (not a buisness man so not sure if that will effect the cost). This could be an option for the $1.99 a month members up into the $100 a month option. Members Merch. Have this available on teespring too so that international members can have this be availble. But merch that is only availble to the members, so that when we see someone with the merch we know their a nerm. But only nerms will know that they are a nerm because its exclusive to only nerms, does that make sense?
  13. The best way a forum member can help you is if your provide the following: How deep is the tank? (I think the flex 15 is 16" deep, can you confirm) Your fertilizer schedule: What kind of liquad fertilizer? Do you use root tabs? how often do you dose? Your water parameters? Do you have Co2 Injection?
  14. What Normal People are Afraid of: What NERMS are afraid of: a fully stocked fish room with no more room to put any more tanks
  15. Local Fish Stores that sell turtles (lots do) will usually be more then happy to take your turtle and re-sell it. You can also try smaller pet stores (not petstores like petsmart, petco, petland, etc.)
  16. The seachem flourish bottle has... Total Nitrogen (N) 0.07% Available Phosphate (P2O5) 0.01% Calcium (Ca) 0.14% Magnesium (Mg) 0.11% Iron (Fe) 0.32% https://www.seachem.com/flourish.php Meaning that if you want to use this fertilizer you'll need to get all the bottles in the flourish line. In total its about $50-70 Heres what I mean by all the different bottles: https://www.seachem.com/planted.php#specific Heres a video that describes it a little more:
  17. Yeah so then dont worry about getting another fertilizer. They will be fine for a few days.
  18. The bad thing about flourish is that you need to buy like all of the different bottles, its lilke $70 totals. How long till you get your easy green? A few days, a week? You'll probably be fine. The tropica fertilizer works well for me and i've heard good reviews about the NA Thrive ferts.
  19. What are your water parameters? It could be your water parameters, or the source your getting them from. If they keep on dying when you buy from them, stop buying from them. Find another LFS or shop at a petstore, you may have better luck.
  20. Green Water. Its not bad for the fish but it is bad for the sight. Heres how I fixed my green water: 1) find the problem. I'm assuming its your light so we will go with that, all though it could be how much ferts your dosing. Regardless if your dosing the reccemended volum on the back of the ferilizer. 2) turn the lights off, and put a towel over the tank. This will kill the green water. Leave the towel on until your tank is clear. For me it took 7 days, you can take occsionsal peeps to see how everyones doing. But for the most part keep it on. I heard somewhere that putting a towel over the holes in the lid doesnt allow oxygen exchange. So try to leave at least one hole open. I dont knoe of this 100% true, but better safe then sorry. 3) now that your tank is clear go through the following to preventing this from happening again: 1) is your light on timer? No, i would suggest to get a wifi light timer. I use the Teckin Wifi Light Timers but the Co-op sells the Kassa timers. 2) dim your lights. Some lights come with a dimmer, most dont. I use printers paper and place that on the lid. @Fish Folk uses the cupboard liners that grocery stores use. To learn more about the cupboard liners click here Here are some videos I found helpful. They also describe how to fix it if its caused by your fertilizer: Heres a picture of what my green water looked like: I couldnt find any full tank shots. But as you can see in the background, its very green.
  21. This meme is a refernce to the latest co-op video DEAN: The most important thing to do when your having company over is cleaning your glass Me about to have company over: MY WIFE: Me:
  22. Haven't posted in this thread for a while. But because of how productive my day was I thought I would share. I had a plant order for my new 10 gallon that was supposed to arrive yesterday. But it was delayed due to the fact that my street is under construction. I've been talking with both the shipper and the seller, and we have decided that it would be best if I went and picked it up at post office. So the plan is to go tommorow and pick up the plants. So today my #1 Priority was to do the final touches the new tank to get it ready for planting. The tank was already filled, but was very cloudy at first. All though after adding activating carbon to a HOB it cleared up fast. I filled it up to the rim, added a heater, moved the spongefilter to the left corner and added a baby plant from my Bettas tank (Hygrophillia Siamensis, its been making babies left and right). Its a little cloudy now because i disturbed the substrate, but hopefully that should clear up soon. Also I decided to do a waterchange on my 40B Community Tank. I have no idea the last time I did a waterchange. 3 weeks? I knew @Streetwise wouldn't be pleased with my waterchange, but I did it anyways🤣. I also adjusted the lightning on the tank as I saw some BBA starting. Cory was right! Spending an hour with your fish tanks, you see all these things you never would have spotted. I also wanted to clarify something. With the Dwarf Lilly bulbs should the roots be in the substrate? And now a full rack picture:
  23. Heres what I would do: Because its a ADA tank, make a high tech but gourgoues scape. With lots of lush plants and co2 injection. Then get a pair of kribensis or apistogramma, and breed them.
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