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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Thanks @CorydorasEthan I currently only have one angel, the other two had passed. the single angelfish is a fairly peacful fish, he is the boss of the tank. i figured that because the danios and rummynose are reletivley the same size and since the danios havent been eaten yet it would be fine.
  2. I want to re-stock my community tank. It is currently stocked with... Upsidedown Catfish x2 Britlenose Pleco Angelfish Zebra Danios x6 Cardinal Tetras x5 The fish that will go are the... Bristlenose Pleco Cardinal Tetra and possibly the upside down catfish Meaning that only the angelfish and danios remain I know I want a fleet of corydoras and a nice school of rummynose tetra Now for my question... I only have one angelfish in this tank, I used to have three. But the two died. One of parasites, the other was killed by the other angels. So... Should I get another angelfish or another fish like a Electric Blue Acara, or a baby Blood Parrot. The tank size is 40 Gallons and is run by two spongefilters. It is planted and has salvania growing like CRAZY! Edit: The picture shows two angels, this picture was taken before the second one passed.
  3. My Betta does the same. I've had him since Feburary, he's just too busy begging for food that he doesnt relize I dropped food in. I found that a feeding ring helped and after a week or so he knew that the food would drop there, still though it takes him a while to see that I dropped food in. Tankmates helped because when he saw the neon tetras start eating he would head straight to the feeding ring. To help him relize that theres food I stick my finger in the water. He thinks my finger is food and starts swimming near. I then remove my finger and he sees the pellets.
  4. Angelfish babies are the cutest! Not sure why, maybe its because of their shape when their young. its like a Diamond shape, they still haven't grown into their dorsal fin/ anal fins.
  5. Always a joy to see you post pictures of your fish! Keep sharing! Your betta is so pretty!
  6. Wowzers! Those grade 5'ers really know how to breed fish! First the student coming to feed the fish in the fish room and BAM new fry! And now THIS! What are their secrets?
  7. I have a 40 breeder with the Nicrew 24/7 Automated Light. They are around $70 CAD. I personally didnt like the timer it came on so I turned the timer off and hooked it up to a TECKIN Wifi Light Timer. I have the birghtness of the light turned down a bit too as many of my plants dont need high light. Heres the aquariums that its on:
  8. Luckily amano shrimp are bigger then the regular neocardina shrimp like Cherry Shrimp. If you really want that flashy fish I would do the Apistogramma Cacatuoides, they really do have an amazing flashy red color to them. You may wanna consider doing some rams. If you choose the German Blue Rams make sure their water is hot (at least 80F). You could also go way with the bolovian ram as they can do with the more "normal tempertures" (Like mid 70sF)
  9. @ererer I was just thinking that too. Soon I want to get some java fern on the wood so I'll probably go with the rock idea instead. I've been trying to teach my fish the "food finger tap" so everytime I feed them I tap on the glass, its slowly working. My angelfish and danios are pigs so they enjoy that. Heres a video: The Sword is doing amazing and is growing some tiny baby leaves, and the Salvania has really been growing a lot lately too:\ I should also adress of what happend to our second angelfish. Our second angelfish died of what I beleive to be some kind of internal parasites, he esculated to the worse very quickly. He was fine one day, the next day he didn't eat and was swimming wierd and the next day he was dead. You can see more of what happend here: I remember when I first got him how much of glutton he was. He would eat so much his stomach would make it hard for him to swim🤣😪. It sucks even more that the two angels in the tank were showing some breeding signs, it would've been nice to see some eggs. I named him Little Timothy because of how small he was when I got him, S.I.P Timothy. I'm in the search of another angelfish, I want a black marble. They are just so GOURGOUES! The crypts are growing back, but VERY SLOWLY. I didnt think Crypt melt was that bad! When I go to my LFS (hopefully within the next week or two) I'll be trading in my bristlenose pleco, and cardinal tetras. I then plan on getting another angelfish, corydoras, rummynose tetra. And now a full tank shot:
  10. Man thats some great growth! I bought crypts a month or two ago and they are still growing back from crypt melt!
  11. @Tyler LaZerte If you choose to not go the heater route I would keep a thermometer in the tank to make sure its not too low. You may even want to buy a super budget freindly heater just in case you need it.
  12. I wouldnt do 5 or 6 juvinilles in a 29 gallon. Probably at most 2 Juvinilles in a 29 gallon, give it a year maybe less and you wil be looking at a upgrade. If you do the 5 or 6 Juviniles chances are theres going to be 2 angels that will pair off and want to breed. once they have paired off, they will most likely kill every other angel in the tank. Your angel is shy because its a new addition, soon he'll come out more and become more personable with you. Just give it time.
  13. The top picture looks like he is hiding from them!😆
  14. It seems that cory will be in the new fish room/ studio for next live stream which will happend on Sunday!
  15. @BCGirlMy Betta has 5 neon tetras as freinds in a 5 gallon, so a 9 gallon should be no problem. Of course stocking varys on the tank setup, but yours should be fine.
  16. Hey @BCGirl 1) Your bettas and your tanks are lovely 2) completley agree with @Isaac M about the non cycled part, luckyly bettas are very hardy fish and can withstand pretty much anything thrown at them. 3) Could we get your exact water parameters in particular your nitrates and nitrites? 4) The tail bighting is extremley common within betta fish, most of the time it means that they are board and want something to do. Once your 100% sure the tank is cycled, I would add some tank mates to keep the bettas company. I currently have Neon Tetras with my betta but you could also do fish like... Varirous kinds of rasboras Cardinal Tetra Corydoras Snails
  17. Before I would start any salt treatment or maracyn treatment I think I would try a salt bath. I had a severe case of finrot with my betta that was unbeatable. At times I had thought about euthonizinge the betta to take him out of his missery. I had tried lots of different treatments (including a salt treatment) but none seemed to do the job, the treatments seemed to only make him worse. So I took a few days break of any treatments and then tried one last method, a salt bath. Following the salt bath I left him in his aquarium with the lights off, no food, and even a towel draped over the tank with 0 medications. After a while I saw that his overall health was doing a lot better and soon followed his fins started growing back. The salt bath is what killed of the bacteria for me, so I would try that. Just make sure that after the salt bath you put him in his tank with the lights of, 0 MEDICATIONS IN THE WATER, especially salt. Leave him for 4-7 days with no food. Heres a video I did of how I did my bettas salt bath:
  18. Heres an aquarium that I scaped for you in Photoshop. It includes the very wood and rocks you wanted to use Hygrophillia in the front, Amazon swords in the center back, Dwarf Sagiteria behind the rocks, Java Fern glued to the back of the wood, and the Buce glued/ tied to the wood as well. As well as a nutrient riched black substrate.
  19. It was SUPER EASY. Inside of the filter two compartments. One is for the filter media and the other is for the heater/ pump head. Attacthed to the pump is some silicone tubing that it attacthed to the nozzle. You can't really see the nozzle in the picture because its coverd up to reduce the HEAVY flow. One downside with these filters. The filter media consists of Biological Filter Media (biomax), Chemical Filtration (Actvivated Carbon), Mechanical Filtration (sponge). I wont lie filter matneince can be a bit of a pain. The filter media is in a mesh bags placed in the sponge. The sponge has a small hook to grab it when pulling it out from the tank to clean. I put the heater in this compartment circled below: I used the tetra pre-set heaters and it was a SQUEEZE. I really jammed it in there. I've heard from other aquarists that they couldnt fit their heater in there. It also takes longer to heat up the water when its in the filter I find. I like but also dont like the dimensions of the fluval spec. If I got a normal 5 gallon aquarium I could fit 2-3 5 gallons on the surface i have the fluval spec on. But with the fluval spec on I can barely fit another 5 gallon. But I do like how big it seems, the 12" length wise is a good dimension when your not looking for other tanks to go beside it. I dont understand how its a 5 gallon and its has so much flow. It seems that most nano fish don't like HEAVY flow and so you'll probably need to make some adjustments. Its also not shrimp safe, it seems that because its only a 5gallon it should be...
  20. A few months ago @Fish Folk made an excellent thread on a 1 minute video of your favorite tank. But how about some pictures! Post pictures of your favorite tank. This could be a tank that you had 20 years ago or a tank you setup yesterday! and Why is it your favorite tank? What kind of fish or plants do you have in it? Heres my favorite tank. After rescaping this tank and adding some neon tetras its been a blast to watch. I like it for a few reasons: The Plants are growing FANTASTICLLY Hugo is such a goof ball... Matnience is EASYY. A waterchange every week or two and THATS IT! Stocked with... Male Halfmoon Betta (I think... idk if its halfmoon) 5 Neon Tetras Planted with... Hygrophillia Compact Varias Anubias Species Red Melon Sword (or some type of sword...) Hygrophillia Siamensis Salvania (Giant Duckweed)
  21. If you JUST moved Bobbi, I would give him/ her some time. Just be patient. I moved an angelfish from a 10 gallon to a 40 gallon a few years back and the first few days he was fairly shy. Before he was the most personable fish I owned. After moving him he was sitting on the substrate staring at the wall. fast forward a few days and he was back to his regular self.
  22. Credit: instagram @outoftheblueaquariums
  23. just an FYI, most custom aquarium companys wont do that small of tanks due to the effort and time, its just not worth it. With that being said I would try your LFS. Where I live I have two LFS doing custom tanks. All though you may be better off creating your own acrylic tank or buying it. There are tons of Videos on youtube about creating acrylic tanks. I had a freind who did this and he said it was quite easy. I would check out the King of Diys channel for tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM9oZkV3tGJuUUhgZaiGZkQ
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