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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. Hugos really been enjoying his new freinds, i dont think he likes the fact that the neon tetras get food, he wishes it was all for him. At first it was challenging to get the neon tetras to eat without hugo hogging it. I've started using flakes that i push down to sink for the tetras and then i stick with the floating pellets for hugo. Hugo doesnt like food out of his feeding ring or sinking food, so that helps. The plants have been growing amazingly! The hygrophillia compact is about to split into two and the sword has some baby leaves. The hygrophillia siamensis is melting back. Hugo loves to sleep under the leaves as well as by the filter intake. I wonder why he likes the filter intake, maybe he just likes the sucking feeling, idk😆. I know hes not getting sucked in because he can easily swim away from it and theres like 0 flow in the tank. He also LOVES sleeping underneath the wood. He just loves to sleep! The neon tetras have started their "loose schooling" which is good it means they are comfotable in their tank. I wanna get a snail for this tank, back when i did have a mystery snail he would stare at it for hours. Im thinking a nirite snail.
  2. I have a few concerns with your stocking plans I feel like the electric blue acaras may find the neon tetras as snacks. If you want a simillar looking fish I would go with Cardinal Tetras. I also may wanna dwindle the number of the acaras to one in a 29 gallon. And 2 Birstlenose Plecos in a 29 seems like too much to me, I would also just do one pleco. Other then that everything looks great!
  3. So hears a thought... now im not sure, so could someone confirm? With your water being cloudy its probably a bacteria bloom. Its often occurs during the nitrogen cycle when the bacteria is finding a place to colonize. All though you did cycle the tank before adding fish. Now heres my thought... Maybe you have inadequite filtration, not enough surface area for the bacteria to colonize on. Of course this would also depend on your stocking and plant choices, more fish = more biolode = more filtration. Whats your filtration like? Or maybe the cloudy water was caused by the meds. I hated crypts first too🤣 now they are one of my favorite plants!
  4. I currently have swords in sand in my communtiy tank. Just make sure to purchase some easy root tabs for the swords.
  5. I have a few ideas for you! I created a scape on Scape it with some dragon stone a well as with a nice peice of wood and plants the co-op has is stock. It has some... Anubias Nanna Pettite (Plant next to the hard scape) Bacopa Caroliniana (Background Plant) Hydrocotyle Tripartita (Plant to the far left) This next Idea does not include the dragon stone but is my current scape of my betta tank: Cool looking drift wood (no idea what kind) Hygrophillia Compact (Co-Op does not have in stock but could be replaced easily) Anubias Species wedged into the drift wood Red Flame Sword Heres my old scape of my betta tank that included Dragon Stone. All it had for plants was Monte Carlo. If you want the Monte Carlo to carpet you will need co2. But I had monte carlo in this tank for a couple months and it even pearled. It never melted back and always remained its bright green color. It was very happy without co2, no carpeting. It did grow though just not in the carpet format!
  6. If you have tried all those fertilizers and they became choppy it probably because your not storing it properly, How are you storing it? Or are you talking about that crusty gunk that forms on the tips of the pump heads. I dont think there is any way to prevent it. But to get rid of it dip tip into the tank water and it should dissolve quite fast.
  7. We should probably create a thread for all the competitions the monday of nerm week (not till July). And then one big thread with links to all of the competitions that very day.
  8. I used to use ziplocs a lot but now I have started keeping the bags that the fish come in and I use those to catch the fish and bring them back/ transport them. Why not reuse as much as possible, espcially plastic. I've also found that its easier to trap oxygen in fish bags then ziplocs. I have paper over my betta tank to difuse the light, and I'm not the biggest fan of it anymore. It gets wet during every waterchange, I have to take it off when I want to feed and then forget about it. Come back 4 hours later ALGAE everywhere! I'll have to try the cupboard liners a try, thanks for the suggestiton!
  9. Stunning Tanks @CorydorasEthan Have you ever thought about putting a betta in the tank after the gourami goes some place else? Could be a neat feature fish. Could eat some of your fry though. I also don't see any corydoras in the last tank, are they hidding? Doesn't seem like you not to have at least one species of corycats in each one of your tanks😆
  10. @Jungle Fan Has a stunning amazonian themed aquarium (75 gallons, I think...) And could probably help you with the plants selection. For center peice fish I would probably do a Panduro Apistogramma and maybe 3 Bolivian Rams instead of 4-6. I may even be tempted to also do some cardinal tetras.
  11. Heres a playlist for all the members only videos. You just have to click on the channel and then scroll down till you see it. It shows up as one video but if you click the playlist button (top left corner) it will show you all of them.
  12. The word on the street is that it could be using for being able to sell/ trade fish on the forum, we'll see...
  13. Nope I wouldnt be worried! I can see what your talking about but it doesnt look like much...
  14. I'm tagging @CorydorasEthan we both had this same question...
  15. Cosmo looks like a completley different betta from previous posts on this thread. He's soooo blue now💙. This is one of the reasons why I like Koi Bettas so much, their transformations are just so stunning...
  16. Is the betta still eating? Because you've had the betta for 8 months it could be old age. You dont know how old she was when you got her.
  17. Love the scape! What type of plant is that floating in the upper right of the bottom tank? Its not hornwort is it?
  18. This is all part of the nitrogen cycle! Just leave it be, as the amonia will soon become nitrites and then to nitrates. The tank will be cycled when there is 0 amonia and nitrites and around 10-20ppm of nitrates.
  19. Agree with @Fish Folk If you dont have the funds for a 10 gallon heres a video made by @Irene. In this video she uses it as a quarintine tank but you could also use it for a breeding setup.
  20. Within the next month or so I want to start my first breeding tank! With me being a total NEWB to breeding fish I want to start off with something easy like Platys. Soon I want start doing egg laying fish like Apistogramma, Corycats, Killifish. But with me planning this tank I want to see everyone elses tank to get some inspiration. I will be using a 10 gallon aquarium.
  21. So the only ones I can think off would be the... Snowball Pleco (last picture) Dalmation Molly (first picture) (it could have also been the dalmation platy in the video that you saw as I beleive he brefily talked about one in a recent video, could have been another creater though)
  22. I heard from someone on this forum that fish are fine going from cold-hot, but not vise versa. Just like you can easily jump in a hot tub, but you couldnt jump as easily into a ice bath. I suspect its not temp shock as the water was probably cold because of shipping and not overly hot.
  23. Even though I'm not a member so I cant put questions/ hang out in the live chat its so educational!
  24. I dont think therers any corolation between post bubble nest and the behaivor. I've owned a total of 3 bettas. One of them would make a bubbles nest quite often, maybe once a week or once every other week where as the other one would make one rarely. The one I currently own has only made one bubble nest in the 3-4 month period that I've had him. I personally have never seen there behavior change that drastically when their bubble nest is going away. I suspect that theres something else happening. I might suggest to do a waterchange, that always seems to help when my fish are acting strange. Maybe someone who has bred bettas like @Daniel could give you a better response.
  25. Almost all rhizome plants seem to really like Potasssium. To fix this I would pickup the seachem flourish potassium. Its widely availble and should be seen at your lfs or a petstore. But if its not, heres a link: https://www.amazon.com/Seachem-116046305-Flourish-Potassium-500ml/dp/B0002APILO
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