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  1. Picked up 4 Scissortail Rasboras (Rasbora trilineata). Just curious what ya'll are feeding them regularly and what treats, if any, do you use for enrichment?
  2. Well I’ve never been one to journal but I’m nearing the 6 month mark on my first aquarium. Brief breakdown of my long journey and intro into the hobby: setting up an aquarium has been a dream of mine for the past 10 years since stumbling upon a YouTube video by uarujoey at the time. I was hooked! My parents had a 55 that was a community tank ( honestly hated it, never felt a connection to it ever!) that they did eventually get rid of after I started high school but never did I know the scale fish keeping was done. After going into the rabbit hole that was fish keeping YouTube back in 2010 my parents wouldn’t let me have a tank. I waited 4 years until I graduated high school when my parents let me have dart frogs! I kept dart frogs for about 4 years during college and bred about 6 different species of ranitomeya before I sold them off when I moved out of my parents. A 2 year stretch of not have any exotic pets while I finished college leads us to 6ish months ago when I finally decided to set up my desktop aquarium. I had just built a large desk setup that held my pc and 3 monitors and I had a 25x13 space on the end of the desk I knew what needed to be done. I ordered a 60p (17gal aquarium) online and decided I wanted to keep South American dwarf cichlids. I found a local fish store that had some apistos and I knew this was for me. I set up the tank in March let it sit for a month until cycled and added 12 cardinal tetras! Then about 3 months later I got my apistogramma blue steel, sold as borelli 😅, and have since got them breeding. It took about 3 months of them maturing and I am raising the first fry in this desktop aquarium! This has been by far the most fulfilling hobby I’ve ever been apart of and I can’t wait to continue this journey with all of you! make sure to follow my journey on my Instagram desktop_aquatics for dailyish pictures and I’ll continue to post journal entries on this forum post! here’s my tank and species inside!
  3. As a huge fan of Wonder Woman, it was no surprise to anyone that knows me that eventually I would have a themed tank. Petco has the aqueon cube on sale, so a purchase was made today! The plan so far is to have chili rasbora for the red, blue velvet shrimp for the blue, and yellow substrate. I also have plans to make a planter out of an invisible jet statue. Very excited about this project!
  4. My tetras are a bit nippy towards each other and towards my rather docile betta fish. I've heard that rasboras are quieter and less aggressive. Is this true?
  5. Hello! So I have some Rasboras in quarantine right now (for a little over a week), and just as my Neocaridina shrimp arrived to be quarantined with them, I noticed a few Ich cysts on 2 of the rasboras. They've already had one dose of Paracleanse, and their second dose is due tonight. I need to add Ich-X into the mix to treat the Ich now, but I worry about the shrimp being overwhelmed having just acclimated to the tank and then loading meds in, especially as I got a bonus lil shrimplet! Would you recommend waiting until tomorrow to dose the medicine, giving the shrimp some time to acclimate, or will the meds not affect them enough and I can go ahead and do it tonight? Thanks!
  6. Hi friends!! I got a little herd of 10 lambchop rasboras in the mail on Tuesday. My husband floated the bag and then plopped them in the tank almost as soon as they arrived on my doorstep. I lost one on Thursday (it was looking suspect on Wednesday...pale, not eating, not schooling...no other visible signs of illness). I lost one on Friday (it was looking similarly suspect...so, I moved it to a quarantine tank and started to treat with Maracyn...it died ~ 15 minutes after the move). I've got a funny looking one today (Saturday)...he's sticking with the group sometimes, and sometimes I lose him, only to find him by the filter by himself later. He did eat the krill flakes with the crew this morning and will randomly pick back up with the school. I did a 20% water change today after checking the water parameters because the nitrite tube wasn't perfectly blue (it was close...but not perfect) and seeing the funny acting rasbora. Prior to that, I did a 25% water change on Wednesday after the death of the first rasbora. I added 15 mL of BB (Fluval's BioCycle) on Friday after I pulled the second sick rasbora and 10 mL of BB today after the water change because my tank is so new and I was worried it could be an issue with the cycle. My water parameters before my water change today were: Tank size = 20 gallon long - started on March 13th (1 month, 4 days ago) pH = 7.4 (steady) Nitrates = 10 ppm Hardness = 9 dGH (steady) Nitrite = less than 0.25 ppm (this prompted the water change) Ammonia = 0 ppm Alkalinity = 4 dKH (steady) Water Temperature = 78 degrees Fahrenheit (steady) I will happily accept any and all advice!! I am a newbie and I know it! 😜 I didn't quarantine because the source is a trusted source and they were the first non-invertebrate additions to my new tank (well...them and my new corydoras...the corys are doing great! I love those little water puppies!).
  7. I have 2 Harlequin rasboras that have each turned up with a tiny white speck on their lower lips. Water is changed weekly (25%). Gravel is vacuumed bi-weekly, at which time the spong filter also gets cleaned. Ammonia is 0, pH is steady from week-to-week at 7.2, nitrate (20 gallon planted tank) is steady at 20 ppm, temperature 77 degrees. The other 5 rasboras and their tank mates (5 ember tetras, and 3 albino corys) all look fine. Any idea what this might be?
  8. We've had these rasbora's for about 6 months. This afternoon we just noticed this on one of them. Is this cotton mouth? sorry for the blurry photos, these guys are difficult to get a fix on. A couple questions: - I read that the bacteria that causes cotton mouth is present in all aquarium. If this is the case what is the point in separating it? - I have Melafix and Imagitarium bacterial infection remedy, I can dose the whole tank with all the fish or the fish separated out into its own tank. Would either of these medication be a good idea to use? Tank setup: 20 gal long, planted, inert substrate, medium light, no CO2 parameters - tested yesterday: 0 ammonia and nitrite, 10 - 30 nitrate (depending on fertilization and water changes), 7 PH, 6dgh and 2dkh. temp: 78f
  9. Howdy, I have a 5.5 moderately planted tank with 8 neocardina shrimp, 6 exclamation point rasboras, 6 strawberry rasboras , and a variety of snails. The back and sides are planted, and the middle and front is fairly open. The tank is about two months old. I started off with just the shrimp and the exclamation points, but the fish seemed really shy and spent most of thier time huddled in the back of the tank. I thought maybe 6 was too few, so I wanted to get them some more friends to reduce their stress. When I went to the LFS, they didn't have any exclamation points in, but they had a bunch of very cute and very active strawberries. The shop employee said that the strawberries would shoal with the exclamation points, and they would get along just fine, so I brought them home and added them to the tank. In general, the strawberries have been much more active than the exclamation points, but I have seen them mixed together and swimming around. The last few days, I have seen a few of the bigger strawberries chasing and nipping some of the smaller exclamation points, and one was even nipping at some bladder snails. Is there anything I can do to ameliorate this? Everything I read talks about how strawberries are peaceful community fish, great with shrimp, not aggressive, etc. Do I just have a particularly rowdy group?
  10. So I have a 75 gallon heavier planted tank with cardinal tetras, ember tetras, and some rasboras. Want to add to it and had some suggestions of rainbows and Bolivian rams. Would Bolivian rams and rainbows work with my current fish? I know anything is possible I’m just nervous of getting them and waking up and all my tetras and rasboras gone with the rams and rainbows with full bellies . I guess I’m looking for possible reassurance that this combination is doable 😂
  11. Frogs, Inverts, and Snails African Dwarf Frog Amano Shrimp Cherry Shrimp Orange Shrimp Blue Velvet Shrimp Red Rili Shrimp Green Jade Shrimp Bamboo Shrimp Cappuccino Snail (New for the shop) Assassin Snails Assorted Mystery Snails Nerite Snails (Red Spot and Zebra) Goldfish Assorted Lionheads Bettas Crowntail Halfmoon Show Halfmoon Halfmoon Dumbo Ear Koi Nemo Gouramis and other Anabantoids Powder Blue Dwarf Female Gourami Sparkling Gourami Scarlet Badis Cichlids Pearlscale Gold Marble Angelfish Bolivian Ram German Blue Ram Assorted Discus (Blue Diamond, Cobalt, Pigeon Checkerboard, and White Butterfly) Corydoras Salt and Pepper Cory (Tank Raised) Panda Cory (Tank Raised) False Julii (Tank Raised) Plecos Longfin Blue Eye Bristlenose (Tank Raised) L134 Leopard Frog Pleco Super Red Bristlenose (Locally bred Randy) Common Colombian Otocinclus Giant Otocinclus Loaches Clown Loach Kuhli Loach Tetras Black Phantom Tetra Cardinal Tetra (Wild Brazil) Longfin Serpae Tetra Ember Tetra Neon Tetra Rummy-Nose Tetra (Tank Raised) Silvertip Tetra Dwarf Pencilfish (Wild Brazil) Danio's and other Minnows Celestial Pearl Danio Gold White Cloud Rasboras Neon Green Rasbora Chili Rasbora Exclamation Point Rasbora Rasbora Het Pork Chop Rasbora Livebearers Assorted Female Guppies Assorted Male Guppies (Red Snakeskin, Blue Variegated, Cobra Green, Cobra Red, and Leopard Tuxedo) Red Platy Pineapple Swordtail Rainbows Wapoga Rainbow Furcata Rainbow Neon Dwarf Rainbow Killifish Gold Australe Killi Pair Oddballs African Butterfly Fish (Back in stock!) Endlicheri Bichir Pea Puffers Fish Pictures from top to bottom: Clown Loach, Pearlscale Gold Marble Angelfish, Giant Otocinclus, German Blue Ram, Red Platies, Lionhead Goldfish, Cappuccino Snial.
  12. Inverts and Snails Amano Shrimp Cherry Shrimp Orange Shrimp Red Rili Shrimp Green Jade Blue Velvet Shrimp Bamboo Shrimp Nerite Snails (Red Spot and Zebra) Bettas Veiltail Crowntail Halfmoon Halfmoon Dumbo Ear Round Tail Black Dragon Koi Cichlids Dwarf Victorian Mouthbrooder Apistogramma Agassizii "Double Red" Apistogramma Cacatuoides "Orange Flash" Apistogramma Cacatuoides "Super Red" Jurupari "Peru" (Wild) German Blue Ram Assorted Large Angels (Randys Line) Assorted Small Discus (Red Turquoise and Snow White) Corydoras Bronze Cory Albino Cory Leopard Cory Panda Cory (Tank Raised) Pygmy Cory (Wild) False Julii Cory (Tank Rised) Sterbai Cory Plecos L018 Gold Nugget Common Colombian Otocinclus Loaches Kuhli Loach Clown Loach Tetras Cardinal Tetra Congo Tetra Ember Tetra Glowlight Tetra Green Neon Tetra (Wild Colombia) Lemon Tetra Neon Tetra Rummy Nose Tetra (Tank Raised) Silvertip Tetra Black Spot Hatchetfish Three Lined Pencilfish (Wild Peru) Rasboras Chili Rasbora Exclamation Point Rasbora Strawberry Rasbora Danios and other Minnows Celestial Pearl Danio Zebra Danio White Cloud Other Cyprinids Siamese Algae Eaters (Tank Raised) Roseline Shark Panda Garra (Wild) Gourmais Sunset Honey Gourami Livebearers Assorted Fancy Female Guppies Assorted Fancy Male Guppies (Cobra Gold, Cobra Green, Flamingo, Gold Panda, Snow White, Blue Variegated, and Red Snakeskin) Blue Coral Platy Killifish Egger's Killi Pair Oddballs Zig Zag Eel Pea Puffers Photos top to bottom: Clown Loach, Assorted Large Angels, Cherry Shrimp, Snow White Discus, Egger's Killifish, Green Jade Shrimp, Black Spot Hatchetfish, Jurupari, Apistogramma Cacatuoides Super Red.
  13. New fish for the week of 12/14-12/20 Frogs, Inverts, and Snails Amano Shrimp (Large Size) Cherry Shrimp Orange Shrimp Red Rili Shrimp Blue Velvet Shrimp Bamboo Shrimp Assassin Snails Mystery Snails (Blue) Nerite Snails (Red Spot and Zebra) Bettas Veiltail Crowntail Halfmoon Dumbo Ear Halfmoon Cichlids Apistogramma Borellii "Blue" Discus Small (Red White Discus, very nice) Midnight Rams (Bred from Dean) Gold Rams (Bred from Dean) Corydoras Habrosus Cory Panda Cory (Tank Raised) Pygmy Cory (Wild) False Julii Cory (Tank Raised) Albino Cory Sterbai Cory Plecos Common Colombian Otocinclus Zebra Otocinclus (New for shop) L444 Rubberlip Pleco LDA33 Snowall Pleco Longfin Green Dragon Pleco (Locally Bred) Loaches Kuhli Loach Black Kuhli Loach Tetras Bleeding Heart Tetra Cardinal Tetra (Wild Brazil) Diamond Head Neon Tetra Ember Tetra Neon Tetra Candy Cane Tetra Barbs and Other Cyprinids Cherry Barb Odessa Barb Panda Garra (Wild) Rasobras Harlequin Rasbora aka Rasbora Het Neon Green Rasbora Chili Rasbora Danios Celestial Pearl Danio Gouramis Sunset Honey Gourami Sparkling Gourami (Back in stock) Rainbows Threadfin Rainbow Killifish Chocolate Australe Killifish Pair Livebearers Assorted Fancy Female Guppies Assorted Fancy Male Guppies (Cobra Red, Flamingo, Japanese Blue Swordtail, Japanese Red Tail, Leopard Tuxedo, and Red Tuxedo) Brazilian Green Moscow Guppy Trios (Locally Bred) Ricefish Daisy's Blue Ricefish (Back in stock) Oddballs Zig Zag Eel Pea Puffer Picture from top to bottom. Red White Discus, Pea Puffers, Candy Cane Tetra, Deans Midnight Rams, Sparkling Gourami, Deans Gold Rams, and Zebra Otocinclus.
  14. This is one of the best fish shipments I had in a while. A couple of unique fish in this one! Frogs, Inverts, and Snails African Dwarf Frogs Amano Shrimp (Large Size) Cherry Shrimp Orange Shrimp Red Rili Shrimp Blue Velvet Shrimp Bamboo Shrimp Nerite Snails (Red Spot and Zebra) Mystery Snail (Ivory) Bettas Veiltail Crowntail Halfmoon Halfmoon Dumbo Plakat Red Snow Plakat Super Yellow (New Betta Color!) Plakat Super Orange (New Betta Color!) Goruamis Powder Blue Dwarf Female Gourami Sunset Honey Gourami Cichlids Pelvicachromis Subocellatus "Moanda" (Tank Raised, really cool looking females once in breeding mode) Apistogramma Agassizii "Fire Red" Assorted Discus (Red Melon and Red Turquoise) Corydoras and other Catfish Habrosus Cory Hastatus Cory Pygmy Cory Panda Cory (Locally Bred) Marble Hoplo Catfish (Tank Raised) Plecos L183 Blue Seam Pleco L134 Leopard Frog Pleco L128 Blue Phantom Pleco LDA33 Snowball Pleco Common Colombian Otocinclus Loaches Kuhli Loach Chinese Hillstream Loach (New Fish) Tetras Cardinal Tetra (Wild Brazilian) Congo Tetra Ember Tetra Green Neon Tetra (Wild Colombia) Neon Tetra Rummy Nose Tetra (Tank Raised) Silver Tip Tetra Marble Hatchet Fish (Wild) Longfin Serpae Tetra Three Lined Pencilfish (Wild Peru) Barbs and other Cyprinids Copper Nose Barb (Super cool and kind of look like a trout) Siamese Algae Eater Danios and other Minnows Celestial Pearl Danios Danio Erythromicron aka Emerald Dwarf Rasbora Long Fin White Cloud Rasboras Chili Rasbora Exclamation Point Rasbora Pork Chop Rasbora Livebearers Assorted Endlers Males (Green Cobra, Lime Green, Flametail, and Black Green Snakeskin) Assorted Fancy Female Guppies Assorted Fancy Male Guppies (Cobra Red, Flamingo, Neon Metallic Blue, Yellow Tail Tuxedo, Tequila Sunrise, and Red Snakeskin) Black Lyretail Molly Showa Tricolor Platy Killifish Florida Flag Fish Oddball Ornate Bichir Burmese Zebra Eel Black Ghost Knife Mud Fish (back again and much bigger, really cool eating behavior) Amazon Puffer
  15. My rasboras aren’t looking too good - can I get help diagnosing if this is ich or velvet? And if velvet, how to treat? First noticed they looked bad Nov. 24, and did a water test. Parameters were as follows: ph 7, 0/0/20, temp 75. The spots look much smaller, more dust than salt-like than what I've seen as Ich on my neon tetras (different tank) in the past, but as the fish are smaller I decided to try it anyway. That same day I started dosing IchX once per 24 hours with a 30% WC. I raised them temp to 80 as well, and blacked out the tank for 72 hours in case it was velvet and that could help. There doesn’t seem to have been a huge improvement in that time period (This evening I will be doing dose #6). No deaths have yet occured, but the rasboras seem to be slowing down and looking more worn out, though they are still chasing each other and the tetras. Only my rasboras seem to be affected. Can anyone help? Tank inhabitants: 18 neon green rasboras, 8 adult ember tetras, 3 baby ember tetras (born in the tank a few weeks ago), 6 sterbai corydoras, 3 gold laser corydoras. Recent tank history: I added a school of 10 rasboras and 3 gold laser cories (that I road tripped to the coop to get!) to the tank about 3 weeks ago. They had been in qt in a densely planted 20 gallon for 3-4 weeks with qt meds and no signs of illness. The tank's temp had previously been set to 80, and I reduced it to 75 when adding the rasboras and laser cories. Since adding them, they have been sparring non-stop and have kept the ember tetras hiding in the plants around the edges of the tank. I went to remove the obviously unhappy tetras and noticed the rasboras are in rough shape and I hadn’t noticed before. For now, the tetras are staying in, but I will remove them and try to reduce the angst in the tank amongst the rasboras if possible, especially if this stress was part of what led to the disease. If this level of chasing is normal, that would be good info to have too. In the past, when I got my first school of 8 rasboras, they started as a much larger number and I lost a lot then too. Are these fish just super crazy delicate and get sick every time another school is added? I love their color, but the sickness is stressful! More Tank info: 40 gallons, sponge filter, heater, live plants, petrified wood rock, play sand and eco complete, driftwood and fake decor hobbit hole. Set up mid summer - the ember tetras have been in it for most of that time, and have been spawning and the babies doing fine throughout all of this. *Tank looks slightly cloudy in pic, this is just the bright light. Thanks for reading to the end, and for any help!
  16. Hello everyone, I am seeking any advice pertaining to a massive Rasbora die off in my 29Gal tank. My water parameters are: 76.5 degrees F, 0 ppm ammonia, PH: 7.4-7.8, 0 Nitrite, and 10ppm Nitrate. Food once a day: Sera San nature color flakes, live black worms (for the baddis), Some additive foods every other day (pick one): baby brine shrimp, blood worms and frozen brine shrimp I dose my tank with Seachem Florish Excel (1cap/day) and Seachem Florish (1 cap/ week). Symptoms: -white fins (different for each fish some dorsal some one side some tail etc.) -white spots on the sides of body -eyes popping off on the dead fish -isolation, and occasional belly up, then they flip back to normal and continue swimming -flicking against leaves, wood and walls Back story: About 3 weeks ago I was at a boring point with my tank. Went to the store and wanted to change things up a bit, guy at the store suggested 3 pea puffers and 3 scarlet badis... for a community tank (horrible idea in hindsight) I added the fish to my heavily planted tank comprised of (a lot of guppies 20+, 5 juli corys, 3 brocci corys, 15 harlequins, 13 neon tetras, 4 otosinclus cats, 5 amano shrimp, and 2 nitrite snails, and a lot of pest snails) the idea was to have the pea puffers and baddis feed on the pest snails, and help keep the guppies under control. Everything seemed great for the next week. Then I went on a 6 day vacation. Came home to 5 dead Rasboras all with bite wounds, and 1 dead guppy. The Rasboras that remained seemed very stressed, some bite wounds and fin rot, and white patches... I immediately did a 90% water change, returned the pea puffers in exchange for 3 more harlequins (13 total now) then did a 50% water change the following day. Went to work the 3rd day from being home and after work found 2 more dead Rasboras (not the new ones). Did a massive internet search to find that it could be bacteria Columnaris. Went to the local fish store to ask their suggestion; they recommended seachem kanaplex treatment + mixing it into the frozen brine shrimp food. In all 9 fish have died... 8 harlequins and 1 guppy (likely from birth while on vacation). The seachem kanaplex treatment says to stop after 3 treatments...the third treatment was 24hrs ago...so now I don't know wether or not to do a water change or to keep the treatment going...? Last night I finally got some aquarium salt to supplement the treatment but came home to another dead one today. I am down to 5 harlequins and 3 of which have white spots still... Will all my fish die from this? Am I treating properly? Also, will the aquarium salt kill off my plants? Im stressed, my fish are stressed, if someone could help that would be great.
  17. How does one successfully treat velvet? So far, I have tried IchX for a week with no success. (Thinking it was ich, before determining from pics and good local lfs employee that its actually velvet) Lfs has recommended copper safe (I have a cycled bare qt tank to use) set temp at 80F, cut the lights, and I’d add some aquarium salt too. Lfs said to dose the copper up to 1.5 ppm and just leave it. Can anyone who has successfully cured a fish of velvet provide any experience or advice? The fish in question are neon green rasboras and the school size that remains was still a significant investment and just feel sick that I might lose them all. I have a previous post titled “Ich or velvet? Neon green rasboras not doing well” if you want more background on my situation. I can update that thread with what I try and if it works as well. (Still new to forums, so want to be sure I do it right 😅) Thanks in advance for any help!
  18. Frogs, Shrimp, and Snails African Dwarf Frog Amano Shrimp Cherry Shrimp Red Rili Shrimp Snowball Shrimp Blue Velvet Shrimp Orange Shrimp Nerite Snail (Red Spot and Zebra) Mystery Snail (Black) Bettas (all Betta Splendens are male unless noted) Crowntail Show Halfmoon Halfmoon Dumbo Ear Round Tail Black Dragon Koi Gouramis and other Anabantoides Sunset Honey Gourami Pearl Gourami Black Tiger Dario (Wild, super awesome once these color up) Cichlids Assorted Discus (Blue Diamond and Blue Turquoise) Corydoras and other Catfish Albino Cory Hastatus Cory Sterbai Cory False Julii Panda Cory Dwarf Anchor Catfish (coolest fish for a nano tank) Plecos L183 Blue Seam Pleco Long Fin Green Dragon Pleco Super Red Bristlenose Loaches Kuhli Loach Borneo Sucker Loach Zebra Loach Tetras Black Neon Tetra Cardinal Tetra (Wild Brazil) Ember Tetra Glowlight Tetra Green Neon Tetra (Wild Colombia) Neon Tetra Rummy Nose Tetra (Tank Raised) Rasboras Neon Green Rasbora Chili Rasbora Exclamation Point Rasbora Rasbora Het Minnows White Clouds Barbs and Other Cyprinids Cherry Barb Siamese Algae Eater (Tank Raised) Roseline Shark (Tank Raised) Livebearers Assorted Male Endlers Assorted Fancy Female Guppies Assorted Fancy Male Guppies (Cobra Red, Cobra Gold, Japanese Blue Tail, Red Mosaic, Blue Neon, and Green Lace) Long Fin Panda Guppy Pairs (Locally bred) Fire Cobra Guppy Pairs (Locally bred) Gold Lyretail Molly Red Platy Rainbows Boesemani Rainbow Irian Red Rainbow Oddballs Burmese Zebra Eel Pea Puffer
  19. Amazon puffers back in stock! Frogs, Inverts, and Snails Amano Shrimp Cherry Shrimp Orange Shrimp Blue Velvet Shrimp (Came in really nice, good blue color) Red Rili Shrimp Assassin Snails Nerite Snails (Zebra) Mystery Snails (Ivory) Goldfish Assorted Ranchus (Nice 3.5" sized ones) Bettas (all Betta Splendens are male unless noted) Crowntail Betta Halfmoon Betta Halfmoon Dragon Scale Halfmoon Dumbo Ear Koi Betta (some nice ones in this batch) Nemo Koi Betta Gouramis Powder Blue Dwarf Female Gourami Cichlids Pelvicachromis Kribensis "Taeniatus Bandouri" Apistogramma Macmasteri "Red Neck" Assorted Small Discus (Red Cover, Yellow Melon, and Tiger Turquoise) Corydoras Emerald Green Brochis Albino Corydora Polka Dot Corydora Habrosus Corydora Hastatus Corydora Panda Corydora Leopard Corydora Plecos L129 Colombian Zebra Pleco Common Colombian Otocinclus Loaches Dwarf Chain Loaches Yo-Yo Loach Tetras Cardinal Tetra "Wild" Ember Tetra Green Neon Tetra "Wild Colombia" Rummy Nose Tetra "Tank Raised" Dwarf Pencilfish "Wild" Neon Tetra Rasboras Neon Green Rasbora Chili Rasbora Pork Chop Rasbora Barbs and other Cyprinids Cherry Barb Rosy Barb Rainbow Sharks Panda Garra "Wild" Siamese Algae Eater "Tank Raised" Danios and other Minnows Celestial Pearl Danio White Cloud Long Fin White Cloud Rainbows Boesemani Rainbows Livebearers Endlers Males (Japan Green Lyretail) Assorted Fancy Female Guppy Assorted Fancy Male Guppy (Blue Neon, Leopard Tail, Cobra Gold, Cobra Green, Leopard Tuxedo, and Red Tuxedo) Red Leopard Molly Half Black Gold Lyretail Molly Blue Coral Platy Oddballs Amazon Puffers (Finally back in stock!)
  20. 40 gallon Kribs I like how this tank is maturing.
  21. Hi fellow hobbyists! I was wondering if any of you have experience with Exclamation Point Rasboras? I had a school (11) of them in a 20 gallon long with Endlers and a few neon tetras. They were hiding a lot, and getting outcompeted for food, some of them didn’t have great color which indicated to me some stress...I’ve moved them now into a 10 gallon on their own (except for six habrosus corydoras). Heavily planted. In my office with less traffic. My tanks have moderate hardness (kh and gh 100 ppm) from crushed coral, pH 7-7.5, nitrites 0, nitrates between 20-40 ppm. Attached is a pick of the tank they are in, with the med trio running in it to make sure I haven’t missed anything. They still are very shy, any advice to help them feel more confident and lower stress more? Maybe more of them? Thank You all!!
  22. Will Harelquin, Espei and Hengeli Rasboras all school together if I get ten of each?
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