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  1. Number one for me. It keeps heat in and water from evaporating really well. It's not a con to me, but some might find having to wipe it down all the time; but not me. Just normal maintenance like all other tank stuff.
  2. Another vote for a 20g long; if you can swing it. So much better. I was in the same boat as you. I started a 10g when the pandemic hit. And I finally upgraded to a 20g long...and it's rather shattering...lol. I honestly didn't think it would be as big of a deal as it has been. But, so many more options for not only fish and plants - but a more enjoyable viewing experience.
  3. Because you need patience to be successful in this hobby; do you think this would give new hobbyists the wrong impression of it? I understand your point; I do. It would make people feel happier from the start. But, I worry that would give people false hope
  4. Yeah; that's diatom algae. Normal stuff; nothing to worry about.
  5. What about using the tank as one big brine shrimp hatchery? Buy the Co-Op brine shrimp eggs and salt - and go that route?
  6. Absolutely. I hatch it for a 20g long tank. I freeze the rest of the BBS that I don't use, and put them in these. It gives me many more meals to feed in the future. https://www.amazon.com/Silicone-Chilling-Cocktail-Stackable-Containers/dp/B08DFQ2QR2/ref=sr_1_26?crid=24OG1A0ZF47U2&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.pEa06jbbwQLpBnXjivsSN18nteojVVXWqe8OcFRFeAbE33QGaABg0cONyHv0M63D5EfFQtlWXyOtdTd6AkxwOUrj56hluLS79GQVk5VTWOHxz7H3P5l99X2h9slLdVWmw0GO8tV71unqxOKLI3eacJwYMebGsVEl_ZpyXAwtUrh1XGDDFglC6Y0_j2chpj_w1JZl9A09YQhfOW4jVDkaCtjlDTtiR1ZvyVg7neRdCf-9utPevgCLyvzvlVuRBD6vNYq21mqej0glq0TPVXkIv2kzkj8Hz-PRxOc0V8b1hJM.6_FOfvQZO3htjZkg6HOk1kYI4hDIToQvb4-kHESIc_s&dib_tag=se&keywords=rubber%2Bice%2Bcube%2Btray&qid=1721522187&sprefix=rubber%2Bice%2Bcube%2Btray%2Caps%2C113&sr=8-26&th=1
  7. Yeah; I would quarantine them, and use Cory's advice here. You never know what a fish could have, coming from someone else.
  8. I had a couple of not so good batches at the end of a Co-Op brine shrimp can once. Never had any issues after that. Just like any company, there's bound to be once in a while situations like you're experiencing. I would chalk it up to just a one off, imo.
  9. Welcome aboard, Jordan! I'm excited to hear about your journey. I'm sure you'll find it quite different here than other forums - in a good way. There's so much insight from a lot of knowledgeable folks here.
  10. I would suggest to dose root tabs, in addition to what you're doing with easy green. I dose easy root tabs 1x / month as well as EG 2x weekly. 30-40% definitely isn't too much with the ACO light. You're good there.
  11. Welcome! What kinds of things do you 3D print for aquariums?
  12. I would suggest some more plant mass - starting with fast growing stem plants - those will help you get a good start on it.
  13. Welcome! Nice looking tank. I like the large rock in a smaller tank....definitely gives it some depth 🙂
  14. Welcome! I agree with @Yoshi - those Blue Velvet Shrimp are amazing! Any tips you can provide on keeping shrimp? I haven't had much luck.
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