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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. I made a DIY Brine Shrimp Hatchery that only costed me 86cents! Items needed: Pop Bottle (I used a 1 Liter bottle) Airline Tubing Air Valve Tape The only item I didnt have was the pop bottle, which costed me 86cents. (Tip, go to the dollar store and get the pop bottle there) Steps included: Drill a hole in the bottles lid. (Make sure the lid is the same size of the airline tubing) Insert the airline tubing through the hole. (I had to use super glue because I made the hole too big) Cut the Pop bottle into two. Make sure that the top of the pop bottle is taller then the bottom of the pop bottle. The top is what will be holding your baby brine shrimp. Then drill a hole into the bottom of the pop bottle. Make sure that its nearest to the bottom of the bottle as possible. I had to make three different holes because two of them were too high. The bottom most hole is the one I used. The size of the hole does not matter just as long as your airline tubing can fit through. Screw the cap of the bottle that has the airline tubing back onto the bottle. Then place the top of the bottle with the cap into the bottom half of the bottle. Pull the airline tubing through your hole, and attacth an air valve. The airvalve will maintain the baby brine shrimp not escpaing through the tubbing. When its harvest time turn the airvalve open and it will start pooring out. If when cutting the bottle and the cut was not straight, you may need to tape it into place. I have not hatched any brine shrimp yet, but I'm excited to start! I'm going to order some brine shrimp eggs off amazon and I willl update this thread when I get a hatch. The hardest part is finding trustworthy eggs. I live in canada so i cant do the co-op eggs. Any suggestions? The Sanfranciso Bay ones seem to come in such a small conatiner, thoughts?
  2. It all depends... In your quarintine tank was there a sick fish? If there was I would either let the sponge filter out to dry for a few days, or do a bleach dip. Or both! If there wasnt any sick fish I would just let the sponge filter out to dry for a few days before putting it back.
  3. I have never had fry kept with my upside down catfish. But from my experiance they are lazy fish. They are also quite small (3-4 inches) so it would seem very unlikely that they would chase down a fish. Mine are fat and eat and sleep too much. If you feed them sinking pellets at night time or through out the day they will graze on the pellets. I've never seen them chase any fish either, even though I have small cardinal tetras and zebra danios. They also aren't very fast swimmers either. If your tank is well planted I would say go for it! They will make you laugh everytime you see them. And occaisnly they may look dead, but beleive me they arent.
  4. Welcome to the forum @initiallyfish Glad you could join us!!! If you have any questions ask away, I'm sure you'll learn lots!
  5. I've really been enjoying this one hour a day. I encourage everyone to take part in this challenge when ever possible! You learn something new every day about your aquariums. Today I did a little clean up on the Nano Breeder (10 Gallon still cycling, will be used for breeding fish.) It was very dusty and and lots of debris just sitting on the substrate. So I did a very small waterchange to remove all of this debris. This took about 20 minutes. I also bought some "command hooks" I stuck them to the side of the aquarium stand. The plan is to hang my nets as well as my nano USB air pump. This honestly didn't take long, probably 5 minutes. I also went around to all of my tanks inserting root tabs, and fertilizer. I witnessed that my Sword in the Nano Breeder is suffering from what looks to be an iron defency. I gave him an extra root tabs as well as dosed some of the tropica premuim nutrtion. Today I discoverd some WILD growth with my amazon frogbit. I got it on Sunday and its probably almost doubled in quantiy!
  6. You said you used the sanfrisco bay brine shrimp, great! I too have been looking to hatch brine shrimp and am wondering how small the sanfranciso brine shrimp packages are. (I would get the coop eggs, but I live in Canada) From the picture on amazon they appear to be quite small. How long did these eggs last you, or how big was the packaging actually? https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B007PGPLXS/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=AEQKV3KCG0JD4&psc=1
  7. I cant necessarily pin point the nitrogen defency. All though the waterspirte may not be liking a lot of light. Is there away that can you dim the light? For one I would start dosing more easy green until you find that balance of 10-20ppm of nitrates. And see if that helps.
  8. To answer your questions... The only time you need to change water is when you test for either Nitrites and Amonia. Often that means doing weekly waterchanges but it varies from tank to tank. Yes, easy green will add to your Nitrates. Nitrogen is a nutrient that all plants need. It seems very unlikely that you have 0 nitrates if your dosing easy green. do you mean Nitrites? You should aim for 20ppm nitrates and 0ppm of nitrites and amonia. You can post pictures of your plants and others can determine if it is a nitrogen defency. Seems very likely it is if you have 0ppm of nitrates. You can always dose more easy green until you hit that 10-20ppm of nitrates. Heres a plant defency chart. A nitrogen defency looks like the bottom left leaf.
  9. Thanks! The driftwood was actually only $10CAD! It was because the tag fell off so the lfs employee didnt know how much to charge me, so just charged me $10. It was a STEALL!!! It also has a bunch of wonderful crevises that I can wedge rhizome species like anubias and buce into.
  10. I love Cory's 1 hour challenge. I have been trying my best to spend 1 hour with my tanks and so I thought I would create a thread for it. The goal is to share what I did every day as well as any discoveries I made in the process of my 1hr. Sometimes it wont be an hour (because I only have 3 tanks, I dont always have enough stuff to do in an hour). Hopefully this thread will encourage me to continue with my one hour. Soo today I did waterchanges on 2/3 of my tanks (one of them is still cycling), wiped/ clean the glass. It probably took around 45mins. Today I discoverd new growth on my Anubias in my community tank:
  11. Love seeing all of your tanks and scapes. There all so pretty😍. Keep sharing!!
  12. He seems to appear in a lot of your videos, I see a future NERM🤓 There are lots of threads that have been made that may give you some ideas:
  13. The green gecko crypt has to be one of my favorite plants. Either that or the round coin anubias. Both species are in the nano breeder. I'm slowly getting this tank ready for fish. Its already cycled as the sponge filter I'm using was in the community tank for several weeks. I am rearranging some of the plants making sure I like the scape before I add the platys. I also added a mystery snail (he was in my community tank before) to keep the cycle alive. So far no sign of crypt melt from the wendetii reds, its been almost 4 days! I'm feeling good it wont melt as all of the plants I've gotten from this seller have never melted. Maybe because he has the plants in his possesion for a while before he sells them, not sure...? The Fluval 3.0 Nano wont arrive for a little while, its out of stock on amazon. And none of the "good" LFS near me carry them (by good I mean, worth supporting)
  14. A really cool feature to have at a fish store would be what i would call "the dollar a plant bin". Local aquarists can come in drop in there plants, the store would buy from them and then would sell it the same price they bought it for. All though your not making any money you are supporting local hobbysits, and Improving the hobby, which is whats most important.
  15. Boiled some driftwood that was in my community tank because I saw that it was letting out some tannins. This time I boiled it for an hour. when I first got it I only boiled it for 30mins.
  16. My LFS does specialize in saltwater, but still has great selection of freshwater. The staff greet you the second you open the door, and will assist in any way possible. You can tell that they put the fish before the money (one LFS in my city does the opposite) and their prices surprise me every time I come, there just too darn good. My only complaint is that they dont have a whole lot of plants, but with everything else they have its fine. I'll just shop online for plants.
  17. @RyanU I wouldn't use any meds to quarintine, but instead just watch him for 4 weeks making sure he doesnt display any sign of ilness. This is because bettas are fare less likely to have a disease like parasites because all their life they have been by them selves. So yes I would still quarintine, but I wouldnt by any meds just wait it out. After the 4 weeks then you can buy some shrimp. I would also reccemend getting a longer fin betta because they usually have a harder time eating the shrimp.
  18. In your opinion when you walk into a fish store for the first time whats your big no, no that makes this a bad LFS or the big thing that makes it your go to LFS of course every LFS needs a toilet but other then that here are my things i look out for -How they treat their fish, employees, and customers (this is the biggest for me) -How healthy are the fish? Do they come with a warranty? (If petsmart can offer a warranty so can you, sell healthy fish) - Clean Tanks? Clean store? -is there a "hello how are you, what can I help you with" the second i walk in the store or is there no staff anywhere to be seen? -how do they keep their bettas? In cups? Or are they in real aquariums? (I have an LFS that keeps them with all the other fish) - do they QT fish? -Fish selection, drygoods selection, plant selection. PLEASE REFRAIN FROM NAMING SPECIFIC STORES, AS THAT WOULD BE AGAINST THE COMMUNITY GUIDLINES!!!
  19. Used up some store credit today at my LFS and picked up a green gecko crypt, defentley one of my favorites! Also picked up some amazon frogbit tissue culture. Both plants are for the Nano Breeder (thats the new name for the new tank)
  20. Thats a bummer! Right when you think you solved the first problem with your lambchops another one pops up! I dont have any experiance with any cysts, but Best of Luck!
  21. 2 weeks later... Betsy: "tips on hiding packages from your partner?"
  22. Yep, looks like ich. Do you have a spare tank you can put him in to treat? You'll want to remove him asap to prevent the guppies from getting sick. I would then treat with ich x. Aquariuk coop sells it and so does most big box petstores. Remember if you dont have a spare tank you can also use a see through storage rubbermaid. @Irene shows you how she does this here:
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