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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. I dont think theres anyone on this forum who doesnt like Pooka, just to stickin' cute. But your Tiger Limias are so pretty...
  2. Hey @JamieDC I dont have a Kassa Wifi Timer but I can help you with getting your picture into your post. It appears its in your thumbnail instead. Simply copy and paste your picture into your post. Super simple!
  3. The 10 gallon is BOOMING in plant growth. I doubt it has anything to do with the new fluval 3.0 (because I've only had it for a few days...) But the crytps are getting lots of WONDERFUL reds on them, the Java Fern has new leaves, The Crypt Green Gecko is growng WILD. And Penny is no longer penny size but more nickel size. I have been feeding him lots to get him to grow up so that I can move him to the community tank. I am feeding him frozen blood worms every other day, and flakes the day he doesnt get bloodworms. My fish are very jealous of all the frozen foods he gets. and Hugos fins are SOOOOOO close to being back to his regular halfmoon. Its probably my favorite plant that I currently own Hugo thinks Im gonna feed him so he goes straight to the feeding ring And heres penny:
  4. Yeah thats why I really like the flourite black sand because its an inert substrate from what I understand is that it doesnt come with the nutrients but it holds onto the nutrients really well. And according to some website they "last forever"
  5. For the most part I dont think it matters what sand you use. I have heard of people even using play sand in their aquariums. In my community tank I used sand that was meant for Saltwater aquariums (my lfs is a saltwater store so it was the only one i could find) and it grows plants just fine: I do however perfer the Seachem Black Flourite Sand. I have that substrate in the aquarium below the community tank. Excited to see how this project comes together.
  6. Okay, My local online plant distrubuter has some Alternanthera reineckii Minni and they always seem to have some instock. I've always loved the red it gave off and is defentley a plant I want to try. Soo, I have some questions: Currently all my tanks are low tech and somewhat low light. The only one being maybe on the verge of medium - high light is my 10 gallon. But I want to place the Alternanthera reineckii Minni in my betta tank. I have modified the fluval spec tank to have it dimmed, i found that it just grew algae. Do you think Alternanthera reineckii Minni can do fine in a somewhat low light tank? from what I've read its low light-medium light, thoughts on this? does this plant need co2? I understand it will give off more reds if it does, but for it to grow and be happy do I need co2? Okay now for my other plant questions: Hygrophillia Rosenvaris and Rotala rotundifolia orange juice according to tropica are easy, low light plants that dont require co2, whats your experiance with that? I want these plants to make my current tanks feel more densed. I am thinking the Rotala goes in my betta tank, and the hygrophillia in my 10 gallon. Thoughts?
  7. I've had both Salvania and Amazon Frogbit do quite well for me with minimal efforts. There was a time where I never fertilized the salvania and it was just fine. Without the fertilizer it never really grew, but it stayed happy. once I've added the fertilizer its almost coverd the tank in just a bout a month. I've had the frogbit for a few weeks, its doing really good. And growing very long roots. I found that my mysterysnail loved snacking on the amazonfrogbit, not sure if this is the same with nirites: I've even caught him haning from the frogbit trying to eat it. Heres my amazon frogbit, you can see all the new leaves. Unfortantley the quantity of the frogbit really decreased after the snail started snacking on them:
  8. I am in love with your crypts! especially the wendetii in your first picture!
  9. Most rimless tanks simply dont come with a lid due to the fact that with rimless tank usually they are high tech scapes, and a lid will usually "ruin" the look of the tank. With that being said you could get any rimless tank, and make a diy lid. Here is what you will need to hold your lid in place. And heres a video made by our very own @Zenzo explaining the diy lid:
  10. Hey @Betsy how's spritz doing after his spring break vacation? Whats the plan for the summer? Also question on the Alternanthera Reineckll Minni thats in your birthday tank, how's it doing in a low-tech setup? I want some sooo bad but didn't know if it would do well with no co2, and mediocre lighting.
  11. Hey everyone! in my betta tank I have a wonderful peice of dirftwood. This wonerful pecie of driftwood also has lots of crevises to shimmy different rhizome species into. I have moved all my anubias from different tank and added them to the driftwood. Currently that makes it 4 anubias species on this driftwood. But I want more plants that are not anubias for this peice of wood. I was thinking some bucephalandra green wavy and godzilla, but there so expensive. I'm also planning on getting some java moss but that wont be for the next little while. So what are your suggestions for more plants? Ideally these plants would have some redish to them like the buce.
  12. for a aquarium thats 8 inches tall and has co2, it seems it may work. The best way to tell is to test it. Heres a thread were forum member put their desired fluval 3.0 settings, it may be helpful: Here are my settings, the tank is only 12 inches tall but doesnt run on co2.
  13. This is defentley something I'll be looking into if I decide to continue to run with the fluval 3.0s (I have a good feeling I will even though its only been a few hours😁) Thanks! If they ever came out with the 4.0s, one tweak they should make is make the nanos compatable with rimmed tanks.
  14. I have a cousin who lives on the other side of the country who has a 3-D printer. I have considerd texting him the information and then paying for shipping, and other expenses. We'll see though. We may be visiting him in the summer (really depends what covid is like, right now theres a slim chance) and in which case I could ask him to do it for me there. We'll see what happends. I also have a 3D printer at my school in the graphics lab, but the school is shutdown because of coivd.
  15. My Betta Hugo is male halfmoon. He lives in a 5 gallon aquarium with his neon tetras, and dobby the nerite snail. He is very laid back and even likes to swim with them sometimes. As @lefty o stated not all bettas can have tank mates, some will be like my betta and will be best freinds with the tank mates, others will make it their life long mission to kill everyone in the tank. I would say most will tollerate tank mates. My betta was in the aquairium a few months before adding the neon tetras. Here is a video made by girltalks fish that explains bettas in community tanks, and she explains the difficulties she had with her previous/ current betta:
  16. The trimming sicssors are currently in my cart awaiting my next plant order. Its tough to raise the light due to the fact that I cant install it the "default way" because its a rimmed tank. But I'm currently brainstorming of ways I may be able to.
  17. I was looking through some old photos I had. Some of these pictures were of the plants when I first got them. I relized when looking at some of these "wow, this has really grown!" Show off some pictures of that plant the day you got it to present day. Hygrophillia Compact | March 7 2021 Present Day. Its already split into 3 different hygrophillias. Cryptacoryne Wendetii Red | May 21st | Plant right infront of the spongefilter Present Day, its probably doubled in size! It hasn't even been a month.
  18. Guess what came in the mail today? my FLUVAL 3.0 NANO!!! So excited! It was supposed to arrive yesterday, but couldnt because they were paving my street (forgot that was happening). Luckily its not plants or live fish so a delay isn't the end of the world, only a dissapointment. I was lucky it was only delayed one day, on my tracking pin it says it "delayed, please come back later for a estimated date of arrival". I have a rimmed tank and dont have a lid so I got two pecies of wood, laid them across the tank and places the light ontop. It will do temporarily unitl I can get a glass lid. Penny was watching me the whole time when I was installing it "whatya doing hooman... do ya got fooood..." You were right @Streetwise I do love it! I am using @Bentley Pascoe settings for a low tech tank, and tuned down by 50% because its a 10 gallon.
  19. Guppies are really easy to breed in a aquarium like that. Guppies are livebearers meaning that they give brith to live fry, not eggs. So all you need is lots of plants for the fry to hide in. Plants like... Hornwort Water Sprite Pogostemon Octopus Guppy Grass Are great for breeding guppies and giving the fry some cover! You can feed the baby guppies some crushed flake, and they will be fine on that. Heres what my livebearers tank looks like: I have some pogostemon octopus floating in the tank for the fry. And then have 3 different crypts (wendetii red, green gecko crypts) a java fern, hygrophillia compact, java fern and a big yellow sun sword. No livebearers yet in this tank, I have a penny size angelfish growing out in this tank till I can move him in with the bigger angelfish.
  20. Kribensis/ Apistogramma are the fish I want to breed after my platys in the new nano breeder (10 gallon used for breeding fish) @quirkylemon103 thanks for creating this thread, for someone who is not a master breeder like dean or @Fish Folk this thread has been very helpful for when I start breeding these magnificent fish!
  21. Its not at all off! Is this forum your sharing on too reef to reef? Plantedtank forum? The majority of people here are freshwater nerms, so I doubt most would be on reef2reef. I love seeing your tanks coming together! and some very pretty discus you have, if only they would get along with eachother😍. Keep sharing, we love seeing your progress!
  22. Cory has mentioned in this video that he uses marine salt to hatch baby brine shrimp:
  23. When I quarintine I dont quarintine with any meds. I just put the fish in my quarintine tank, and keep them there for 4 weeks. Yes this takes a while, but I wanna be 100% sure they dont have any illness. I would suggest to do the same. Then when my quarintine is done I dry out my sponge filter, once its dried out I put it in my community tank to get some more bacteria on it for my next batch of quarintine.
  24. I find that angelfish thrive best at 78 Farenheit. I would try and lower the temperture of the heater to like 74, that way the excess room heat wont overheat it. And then in the winter move the heater back to 78 Farenheit. I feel that, in April one day it was 30Celsuis (mid 90sFarneheit) next day it was snowing and below freezing tempertures!
  25. Looks great! Love the anubias on the dragon stone. I too have had problems with shipping amazon frogbit, they just turne brown and mushy in the tissue culture cup.
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