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  1. Hmmm…. I’m quite interested in the reverse respiration idea. I’ve got a few strands of Val with algae on them that I wanted to treat anyway. Thanks for that!
  2. I do have some nice crypts that I can just pull for the week. The tank has only been set up for a month in the new house. I wanted to treat when I had the chance during the move but it was a super long day and I didn’t want to combine the stress of the move with the treatment.
  3. Awesome. 10 boxes of Jungle Fungus tabs and two 5g tubes of Kanaplex (couldn’t find total gallons treated) purchased. I’ll follow your dose and water changes suggested and watch for any reoccurrence. I’m glad to not have to pull all these plants. Looks like the Nerites can stay too?
  4. I greatly appreciate your thorough response. I’ll see what kind of meds I can source. Is nitrofurazone and kanamycin a solid start?
  5. Unfortunately I believe it’s time to medicate my moderately planted/hardscaped 150gal. I was losing one Melon Barb every other week to this pimple/sore looking situation and recently culled all of them when I moved the tank into my new house a month ago. I just noticed yesterday that one of my Diamond Tetras now has it and I want to sort it out before I lose anything important. I was tempted to call this Columnaris but I’m not sure after some research. It starts with a bump on their side, then an angrier bump with scales coming loose around the site, then some redness and broken skin. The fish will be dead within 3 days. I assume I have to pull all these plants if I treat the tank? Nothing is glued down so it’s not the worst thing. I would have to take all the hardscape out to get these fish into a quarantine tank. I’ve got 10+ $100ish plecos in the rocks as well as assorted tetras and Cories. Can someone identify this disease and/or recommend a medication plan for me? Any input is greatly appreciated. Solid water quality, pH 7.2-6.6 with CO2, NO3 typically 20-30, GH/KH 3/6, temp 78.
  6. Do you have a suggestion between Barteri, Gold Coin, Gold Coin, and Nana Petite? How many would you figure on that driftwood?
  7. 72x18x29 150, two 29’s below for breeding projects TBD, two 10’s on the side to medicate all incoming fish, and a cabinet for all the wiring and fish food.
  8. I’ve finally finished my 150gal (29” tall) and I’m ready to take my first dive into plants. The tank has two 36”/27W Fluval lights on it, substrate is pool filter sand, and filtration is two Seachem Tidal 110, two doubled up sponge filters, and a few power heads behind the slate. Help me pick a batch of plants for this and I’ll buy them from Aquariumcoop when we settle on something. Thanks in advance. Stocking list moved over from various other tanks: 15 Eos loach, 3 Sumo, 3 Zodiac, 2 Striata, 2 Histrionica, 24 LF Leopard Danios, 12 African Fasciolatus Barb, 18 Bloodfin Tetra, 5 Albino Kribs, 1 Starlight Pleco.
  9. ^sounds like a solid start. I would ballpark 10 fish on the bottom and 20 up top if that’s the flavor of answer you’re looking for. Also agreed on the upcoming angel problems. I guess time will tell. Feed your fish well, keep up on maintenance, and let a test kit tell you if you’re overdoing it. You can always add another filter.
  10. Well what do you have for filtration? I have 70+ fish in my 46gal.
  11. What about turning off your filter for a while then siphoning the top layer of the sand (assuming that cloudiness will settle with time)?
  12. I second emperor tetras. One of my favorites. Trying to decide if I can afford a big enough batch for my new 150
  13. Just add them and check your ammonia and nitrite if you suspect there is a problem. Worst case you do a couple water changes while your filter material tries to catch up.
  14. I just wanted to make sure one of your snails didn’t kick it. Such a sweet smell those give off. I would wait it out. You can test your water if any fish seem to be acting like there is ammonia in the tank.
  15. Holy crap, I would never think a 60 would run all that. Maybe I’ll start with a 150 and see if it will run the 150, 46, and a quarantine tank. Worst case I dedicate a 150 to the....150 and get a second 150 pump for the other tanks.
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